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  1. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Please do, super excited to have ya!
  2. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Role Play Thread

    Kai and Maia, Heads of the Medashi Family; Unranked//Unranked. Giant's Mirror in the Northern Wild Area, Galar. July 25th. "O-oh! Right, the situation!" Maia changed her tone hastily, a tad embarrassed by her lack of empathy for the researchers safety and wellbeing. Though, who could blame her...
  3. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Great introduction! Are the thugs in the museum Rockets, or just regular thugs? The new Team Rocket isn't operating officially anywhere but Kanto at the moment but it would make sense for there to be straggling supporters out there. It would be interesting if they were, but a good way to...
  4. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    The thread is now up and active here: https://forums.pokecharms.com/threads/interstellar-a-pokemon-story.30280/ (Open - Interstellar - A Pokémon Story) I hope to see everyone post soon!
  5. H47E

    Ask to Join Interstellar - A Pokémon Story

    Hazel - Jubilife City, Sinnoh. February 17th. Hazel marched through the busy streets of the small city of Jubilife, beaming with joy as he was freshly stocked up on pokeballs - sold to him by a local street vendor. They cost him a bit more than they would at the pokemart, but the upcharge was...
  6. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    @IDKWhatUserNameToDo @Cmeriwether Sorry for the wait on my post, life got the best of me for a bit there. I'll be more active in the coming days/weeks!
  7. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    @Captain Cardboard @Draco Nightshade @Max Million All three are approved! I will likely make the roleplay thread and starter post in the next few days so keep an eye out. The starter post will be mostly foreshadowing and setup, ACT 1 of the storyline will truly kick off once everyone has...
  8. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Role Play Thread

    Kai and Maia, Heads of the Medashi Family; Unranked//Unranked. Giant's Mirror in the Northern Wild Area, Galar. July 25th. "I knew it!" Maia gleamed, bouncing on her heels as she smiled up at the coordinator before her. "I've seen you compete before, didn't you win the Hearthome City New Years...
  9. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    The period of time is stated in the introduction post; 8 decades after Sw/Sh events. The "villains" will be revealed at a later date, before the RP begins, and will be easily accessible from the introduction post at the beginning of the thread along with other inportant NPC's. I'm still working...
  10. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    The four "teams" that are playing the villains in this story aren't four separate teams, but rather a single team made up of four parts. The leaders of said groups all came to an agreement as to what the endgoal should be based on the similarity of their predecessor's goals, and quite frankly...
  11. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Fire stone sounds fine but the Chipped Pot is a bit more rare, no? It might add more to do storyline wise as well to leave the Sinistea unevolved to begin and then evolve them by finding said pot throughout the story. A bit unusual for someone with little to no practical experience to start...
  12. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Role Play Thread

    Kai and Maia, Heads of the Medashi Family; Unranked//Unranked. Giant's Mirror, Northern Wild Area, Galar. July 25th. Footfalls crunched against loose soil and gravel as the Medashi siblings darted in the direction of the distant figures, the smaller of the two leading the charge by quite a few...
  13. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    They were killed during a breeding accident, already a part of the backstory that's established however Maia and Kai would strongly oppose such an operation and will certainly be interacting with them in the future if it's welcomed. She is a future coordinator! She's a big fan of the sport and...
  14. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    To put it simply their goals of reshaping the world clash with not only one another, but the other teams. The Rockets goal is to be on top financially, Galactic wants to reshape the world in their own image of what it should be, as does Team Flare, and finally Plasma simply wishes to have power...
  15. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Role Play Thread

    Kai and Maia, Heads of the Medashi Family; Unranked//Unranked. Lost in the Northern Wild Area, Galar. July 25th. Over the crest of a low, grassy hill Kai and Maia sat, sharing a bottle of water as they caught their breath. The pair had only been traveling for about 20 minutes, but hauling their...
  16. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    1) I'd like to keep it to canon regions, but being a Gym Leader or E4 is open to discussion for basically any of the existing regions. Fair warning though, taking on a title like that for your character means you're basically a massive shiny target for the villains of the story. There will...
  17. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    He likely has a few connections in the breeding world already, I'd say it wouldn't be farfetched for them to know of each other already and possibly have the ability to contact each other fairly easily. Albeit, I wouldn't assume they're friends or anything given the standoffish nature of Kai...
  18. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    Sure, anything you've got in mind? There is a lot of room for tie ins with their parental history.
  19. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Approved. Can't wait to see him in action!
  20. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Anything is on the table. First stage evolutions or mons that don't evolve are best, but other picks can be discussed.