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  1. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament

    ((Okay, it's good now.))
  2. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament

    ((Adding on to the previous post. One sec.))
  3. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament

    Kaleb was about to reply to Ava when he heard a familiar voice. His expression lit up when he introduced who he was. He stood up to meet him. "Evan? As in my little brother Evan?" Felicia certainly must've recognized him as well back from when they were in the Ferrum region, 'cause Kaleb had...
  4. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament Application

    Oh, it's already up. Sorry, I never put a link to it here. I'll go do that now.
  5. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament Application

    Nah. I would know; @Evo the Ralts is actually my little bro.
  6. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament Application

    @Evo the Ralts Access granted! @HydreigonBorn37 Alright, you're in. @Tundra ANOTHER Gallade! Oh well, go ahead! Comment whenever you're ready!
  7. Kaleb Advent

    Mainstream PRP Character Bios

    @Evo the Ralts Yeah, I can go with that.
  8. Kaleb Advent

    Mainstream RP Bios

    Name: Kaleb Aryn Advent Gender: Male Birth Place: Issaquah, Washington Age: 17 Height: 5'10 Weight: ??? Hair: Dark, chocolate brown. Eyes: In a roleplay with magic, his right eye is a fiery red, while his left eye is an azure blue. In a normal roleplay, his eyes are just brown. Clothing...
  9. Kaleb Advent

    Pokeball Requests Here!

    Hey, I actually have two suggestions. First: Split Ball. Hence the name, it will be able to split into two, allowing for the capture of two Pokemon at once. Great for wild doubles, horde battles, and calls for help. It'll have a black line right down the middle (where it splits), and the ball...
  10. Kaleb Advent

    I guess I'm not dead. Yay.

    I guess I'm not dead. Yay.
  11. Kaleb Advent

    Pokémon Duel Mobile Game Released

    I can't download this right now, 'cause I'm on mobile data, but are there Gen 7 Pokemon in it?
  12. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament Application

    @Adaline Access granted! I'll add your name to the list.
  13. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament

    He nodded his head. "Yeah, I am. And, uh, thanks." He always got a bit flustered when someone complimented him or his team. "Yeah, some people need to learn that Pokemon are more than just... things to do their bidding." Seeing people treat their Pokemon poorly tended to make him mad, too...
  14. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament

    "No problem." Seeing her smile, he returned it with one of his own. "Name's Kaleb. Nice to meet you." He took a drink of his Soda Pop. He took a look at her Pokemon, realizing she might have applied for the WCT. "I like your team," he complimented. "Are you entering the tournament too?" Shortly...
  15. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament

    Kaleb looked up at the girl, as did a few of his Pokemon (most notably Felicia and Lucas). He had just finished a bite of his Malasada, so he was free to talk. "Hmm? Oh, those. I suppose you could say that, 'cause I made them myself. If you're Pokemon would like some, I have plenty to spare...
  16. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament

    Come one, come all! The WCT is finally on its way! This tournament is only for the best of the best, the champions among Champions, the strongest in the world! If you want to compete, then come to Unova for a Pokémon* battle you won't forget! *Legendaries are not allowed in the WCT. Sorry, but...
  17. Kaleb Advent

    Ask to Join World Champion Tournament Application

    Application for the WCT goes here! Post your profile stuff here alongside your Pokémon. The actual roleplay is here! Name: Gender: Hometown: (Optional) Age: Height: Weight: (Optional) Hair: Eyes: Clothing: (Optional) Personality: Skills: (Optional) Pokémon: Name: Species: Gender: Ability...
  18. Kaleb Advent

    Finals will be the death of me

    Finals will be the death of me