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  1. BegalBitez

    Open The Jet Black Tournament (Survival RP Discussion)

    Lol I agree, I think a time skip is ok, it's gonna be a bit annoying if we have to drag out the day, and plus during the competition we will interact more, in battles and while waiting for battles
  2. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Jet Black Tournament

    Late like always, Sasha was flying through the sky on Swoobat as fast as possible. The tournament started tomorrow and he had to make the deadline to register. Being invited was finally a chance to prove he has the ability to be a champion, a dream he had for a long time, fulfilling his father's...
  3. BegalBitez

    Open The Jet Black Tournament (Survival RP Discussion)

    Oh, I thought we had multiple, welp, ill chose lucario then Either way, based on story he wasn't 14 when he faced Steven bc it would have been a year or 3 after he started bc of the time to beat the gyms in both Unova and Hoenn
  4. BegalBitez

    Open The Jet Black Tournament (Survival RP Discussion)

    I could go further in detail, but I'm on my phone so it's hard to keep flicking through pages to remember my character
  5. BegalBitez

    Open The Jet Black Tournament (Survival RP Discussion)

    Name: Sasha Yamoto Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance: Has a black hoodie he is almost always with, an Ampharos T-shirt and dark gray sweat pants. Has camo socks and tan boots. Hair is dirty blonde with a slight spike all around. Brief History/Invite Reason: Sasha started traveling the Unova...
  6. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join Pokémon Mystery Dungeon! Team Haisha! (RP)

    (This is slightly back in time from current posts) Sheepish walked into the door. A storm of sound came crashing toward him. There were so many people. And he knew none of them. He looked around and started getting nervous again. He had to get this over with so he could go somewhere peaceful. He...
  7. BegalBitez

    Private/Closed Pokémon Mystery Dungeon! Team Haisha! (Discussion)

    Ok. I'll post later today with this information. and read everything too. Thanks.
  8. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Ive been waiting for Merciless medic. unless he posted :/
  9. BegalBitez

    Private/Closed Pokémon Mystery Dungeon! Team Haisha! (Discussion)

    Honestly im kinda lost, so i need a brief summary for where i'm up, plus i've been busy with the fam. We in a tough spot so...
  10. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join Pokémon Mystery Dungeon! Team Haisha! (RP)

    Sheepish stopped pacing for a bit, and then started again. "I know I want to join the team but I just can't do it. They are new people, I can't just walk in, what will they do to me, how will they treat me, will I be enough for the team, or will i get replaced? I have to stop thinking so hard...
  11. BegalBitez

    Private/Closed Pokémon Mystery Dungeon! Team Haisha! (Discussion)

    Can u put the discord invite back in again, I messed it and its invalid now.
  12. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join Pokemon Academy (disscusion)

    Still wondering if I'm in. I haven't heard anything yet so I haven't check in for a while.
  13. BegalBitez

    Private/Closed Pokémon Mystery Dungeon! Team Haisha! (Discussion)

    Species: Ampharos Name: Sheepish Age: 15 Gender: Male Defining features: Slightly paler than a normal Ampharos Personality: Shy in some ways, can be overly cautious when unsure of victory. He is comfortable mainly with people he knows well and tries to avoid those who are new to him. He also...
  14. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join Pokemon Academy (disscusion)

    I would like to join too, idk if u saw mine, if it needs changes just tell me plz
  15. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Chase saw the jolt and combined a hydropump with an ice beam to create a wall of ice, insulating him from the discharge. But he forgot about the water on his feet. A quick shock coursed through his body, hurting him a little. He had to go on offense, that joleon is going to be the hardest...
  16. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Andrew, saw the fact he was late, 2 days to be exact, and that was for the Trainers, and only for his position was it acceptable for him to be that late at the most. But instead of being there weeks ago getting ready, he slacked off the 2 day trip focusing more on his adventuring of possibly...
  17. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Sorry, i had to go to Church zoom, so im gonna finish it up
  18. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Hey @Foxex, could i posibly make a new character. I will probably make it another participant, but maybe (if you say its ok), it would be a Battlemaster. I'll start making it when you give the word.
  19. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join Pokemon Academy (disscusion)

    Also, just for knowledge. The braviary from @BigHoodieBoy236 isn't possible. Rufflet evos at lvl 54, and that braviary is only 25, LESS than half of its supposed lvl. Idk if this is nessesary to point out, i just wanted to let you know.