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  1. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join Pokemon Academy (disscusion)

    I was wondering if i could join Heres my character:
  2. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Chase saw the big wave and knew how to easily counter act this. Bringing forth power from the ground, he summoned a wall of stones (rock tomb) blocking the wave like a dam, he then squeased through a crack at the bottom, jumped out of the shadow and brang forth power to make the Vaporeon...
  3. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    I added items to my pokemon, they will be put on them next battle I do, so dont worry about it
  4. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Oh no @Foxex explain that cursed image that is your icon.
  5. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Sasha saw how the ice weakness wouldn't cut it. He needed to fight with a greater resistance, but keeping the same strat. He thought of his friends on his belt. Who would help me the most? It struck him, the only one that could possibly defeat half of the team. "Ninjask, baton pass!" Sasha...
  6. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    It was more a question of moveset then actual move, but as i said, imma let it go. I cant worry about small things like this.
  7. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Sasha saw Flash break though the surface as the Vapreon jumped into the water and disappeared, then shooting blasts of water and ice. Flash's speed allowed him to dodge left and right, blocking some attacks with some X-scissors. Flash then focused some power into his hands, and started pulling...
  8. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Sorry about this, but in my last post, I didn't clarify that Flash was using the Bug Buzz as a sonar to go UNDERNEATH the Vaporeon. Plus with the speed he has, he probably would have broke the ice, since the pebbles give his claws a better toughness. I'll let it go, since it was my bad. Though...
  9. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Flash, heard a smashing sound up above and then saw the water start to move at the bottom of the pit. Who ever is up there is trying to get me out. I'll suprise them by popping up from behind /under. Using the speed and digging he had. He took every little pebble he could find and used the mud...
  10. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Flash, dug, dug and dug more, the hole was massive, and the water made the bottom wet but not flooded. He wondered why the ground wasn't collapsing under the weight of the dirt. He flew up diggiing away up, until he hit ICE?!?!?! That wasn't good. He kept digging around and still more ice. He...
  11. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Flash, was still digging his pit, his progress being about 10 by 7 feet, going 5 fett deep at the moment. He did run into a few more tunnel ways along his path, but all in all it was looking great in progress. He heard a noise, echo though the tunnels above him, that sounded like...water? That...
  12. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    @Merciless Medic when are you gonna post on the rp, I think you're the backbone response of 2-3 people
  13. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Flash saw the wave of electricity around the jolteon and knew he had to be more careful. Seeing the way the jolteon protected its-self made Flash want to do the samething. He dug under and started collecting dirt, and rolling it around him. He then took some more dirt and started using the holes...
  14. BegalBitez

    Think you can beat me?! My pokemon will show you why you can't!

    Think you can beat me?! My pokemon will show you why you can't!
  15. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Flash noticed that the jolteon was out of the tunnel, so he emmerged to see it standing on the ground trying to detect him. He had to use the code: cover slash 1 repeated. He dug down, his speed reaching its maximum limit. He turned sharply, up towards the jolteon getting an aerial ace ready to...
  16. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    The dirt around him shielded him for the discharges the jolteon struck out, but it still pushed him back. He needed another angle, something that would stop him from being detected. An idea popped into his mind. He continued with his stratigy, but putting distance between him and the jolteon for...
  17. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Flash flew up into the air and then dove towards the ground where the ditch was. Using dig he cut through the dirt, his speed increasing every second, he flew through the tunnel where he saw the jolteon letting out an electrical blast. He shot though the dirt, digging to curve around and hit the...
  18. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Flash saw the electrical energy, and decided to take care of this easily. He dug a small pothole, shoving the dirt dug up towards the Jolteon. He then used areial ace as a speed boost to get up and above the jolteon to strike it from above.
  19. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Bulk felt the earth underneath him feel...well...bendier. He saw a crack form beneith him and knew he had no time to jump out exept now. He jumped into the air, pushing the earth into the pitfall he saw below him. He must have smashed the ground too much, but this must have been a trap by that...
  20. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Bulk saw the missiles coming in. He decided quickly to use the holes to his advantage in stopping damage and possibly attacking. He set his gurdur on the ground next to him, and then focused on his fists as they became cold. He then reached out and grabbed the missiles, turning them to ice and...