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  1. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Sasha saw the girl who asked him, he recognised her as the one with that eevee that growled at him while he asked her is she was ok. But, she asked him to battle, and he couldn't waste the oppertunity. "I'll battle you, meet me in the battlefield in...about 15 min? That good with you? "
  2. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Same there hasn't been anything on the radar for notifs
  3. BegalBitez

    Open The Eight Gyms League Roleplay

    "Well, most people that come up to me always want to battle. Plus, since I was the champion of Unova, a lot of people want to test thier skills." Sasha replied. "Also another question, Isn't your Umbreon....well....different then most? Doesn't seem like a normal one."
  4. BegalBitez

    Open The Eight Gyms League Roleplay

    Sasha noticed the girl walking over and he started to brace himself for a battle. Thats what al ot of people did when they walked up to him, so he assumed that's what it was for. And Umbreon trailed behind her and it seemed...a bit different then normal. She asked him if he was lost, which he...
  5. BegalBitez

    Open The Eight Gyms League Discussion

    @LunarSilvally have you posted me in yet. Just gotta ask cuz I still havnt noticed.(Idk how the island works so that why)
  6. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Sasha woke up the next day slightly dissapointed no one battled him the day before. Maybe Shade will be up for a battle? Sasha thought. He walked over to the Café to get some breakfast.
  7. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join Pokémon Worlds Academy (Reboot)

    Sasha spent the rest of the day in his room. Both his Swoobat and himself were exhausted from the trips too, and back from home again. He layed on his bed looking up to the celing, he took the top bunk becasue well...who doesn't like top bunk. He heard a knock on the door, got up and opened it...
  8. BegalBitez

    Open Lucaridojo- Sign ups and position filling

    @~Xero~ this rp i set in unova, your characters look ok, you did a very good take on the combat trainer @Super Lazy Man your character is all good, you gave enough description for me, sorry for being so nitpicky but I want good content details should be updated
  9. BegalBitez

    Open Lucaridojo- Sign ups and position filling

    @~Xero~ So combat is available right now, @Super Lazy Man has requested bind, but if he declines/if his character isn't fixed(sorry but i need it updated) combat is the option out of the two
  10. BegalBitez

    Grinding pokemon games

    Grinding pokemon games
  11. BegalBitez

    Open Lucaridojo- Sign ups and position filling

    @~Xero~ if you look up top any position that doesn't have a name next to it is open, plus there is always a slot for a trainer
  12. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join Pokémon Worlds Academy (Reboot)

    When it was finally his turn, Sasha walked up to the clerk and turned in his question sheet. It was a bit challenging, and he actually learned something for once. But it was still obnoxtiously easy over all. He recieved his papers, a map and a key for his dorm. "Room 84 on Giratina Hall, that's...
  13. BegalBitez

    Open The Eight Gyms League Discussion

    just and fyi so that no one is dinged for this, you can describe how I arrive to the town cuz idk how you guys would respond and since you guys know the town better than me, it would be easier for someone else to describe it then for me to get something wrong and it just messing up everything.
  14. BegalBitez

    Open The Eight Gyms League Roleplay

    Sasha was an older trainer but he still needed the occasional 8 gym challenge to liven up his life. He already had a set strong team, but training seemed all but over. He had heard about all of the regions and what had happened to them, but as an interest he decided to visit the secret island...
  15. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    @Merciless Medic I'm fine with that, Shade can confront me in the stands of the battlefields.
  16. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join Pokémon Worlds Academy (Reboot)

    Sasha walked inside and was instantly flooded with noise. Almost everyone was talking and there was a massive line infront of the registering desk. The clerk looked flustered for all of the people she had to see. Sasha didn't know where to start so he jumped in line and waited as the line slowly...
  17. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    just to ask, are there any battle masters I can battle?
  18. BegalBitez

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    That eevee kinda seemed mean, maybe its just overprotective Sasha was thinking as he walked into the battle hallway. Another few hours gone, and he decided he would battle his first match. But who to pick from. Sasha walked up to the clerk and asked who was available to battle. She told him to...
  19. BegalBitez

    Pokemon worlds academy reboot discussion

    Also another thing i guess i forgot to mention is the backup team Sasha has. I'll fix that.