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  1. Stark

    Where do you live?

    Around Oxford, UK. Same as its been for around 15 years now.
  2. Stark

    Summer Plans

    I imagine more surgery at a guess, nothing else is planned.
  3. Stark

    Pokémon diagnostics script

    Displaying as much information as possible would be useful, with an option to cut back the information shown to only the essentials. That way we have the best of both worlds - no lack of information, and a clean setup.
  4. Stark

    New Trailer For 16th Movie Shows Off Mewtwo's New Form

    Currently unsure as to whether I like NewTwo or not. We shall see when we find more information, I think!
  5. Stark

    A New Challenger Has Appeared!

    About time too~
  6. Stark

    Things released in your lifetime you enjoyed post popularity

    Re: Things released in your lifetime you enjoyed post popula I picked up the StarCraft series around 11-12 years late. I'd say no regrets, but I was 11-12 years too late! D:
  7. Stark

    Who's getting Gates To Infinity?

    All I've heard about it is that its a terrible step back from its predecessors, and that you have to pay extra for some DLC. I'll get it if I don't have to pay in some form, but I think its a no brainer.
  8. Stark

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  9. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    Moan more, son. Its just a game.
  10. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    And we win. GG Corey, sup. 4 Electric - 31HP HEAL Ice - 0HP HURT
  11. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    Great job Ferne! 3 Electric - 29HP HEAL Ice - 2HP HURT
  12. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    2 Electric - 27HP HEAL Ice - 4HP HURT
  13. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    1 Electric - 25HP HEAL Ice - 6HP HURT
  14. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    5 Electric - 25HP HEAL Ice - 6HP HURT
  15. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    4 Electric - 24HP HEAL Ice - 7HP HURT
  16. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    3 Electric - 17HP HEAL Ice - 14HP HURT
  17. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    2 Electric - 19HP HEAL Ice - 12HP HURT
  18. Stark

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    Except this one, right? Maybe make more of an effort and you won't be so invisible elsewhere. Interact with people. If they aren't interested, then guess what? They aren't interested. Find somewhere new!
  19. Stark

    The Birthday Thread

    I think he ditched us, but anyway! Happy birthday, enjoy your day Ethan!
  20. Stark

    Hurt & Heal: Pokémon Types!

    Team Ferne time! 1 Electric - 21HP HEAL Ice - 10HP HURT