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Search results

  1. Toru

    On Our Way With A Smile [Private RP]

    Tyche strolled the dark grey paved streets of Kalm showing a clear level of boredom. Kalm wasn't very amused by the dull appearance of the village as a whole, but catching a glimpse of one of Lance's signature jumps was amazing; Alistair could also agree with him. Watching a Dragoon almost take...
  2. Toru

    On Our Way With A Smile [Private RP]

    Tyche took a firm grip of one of the phones given to him by Hail, and quickly introducing himself to the Captain. "Thanks buddy. Name's Tyche, as I'm sure you've heard." Walking away with a playful grin, he tossed the sleek digital device from palm to palm before quickly stuffing it away in...
  3. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

    *Tun mrooooos all over toby <KidCasket> may I return to my bush? :3
  4. Toru

    The Vanished

    "Alright Beta Squad," Blake said with a large breath. "Gather round, because I'm only going to say this one once." As the other Vanished gathered round as Blake asked so, he took a moment to look up at the cozy grey blanket above, showering London with beautiful snowflakes. London. A name very...
  5. Toru

    The Vanished

    Violet blurs peppersprayed around the area, circling a tall stocky build man who backed up slowly. His head swivelled this way and that to keep track of whatever it was that was homing in on him, but it was too late. The small orbs swelled quickly in front of the man giving off a horribly high...
  6. Toru

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    So, I guess my GCSE results went okay: I'm very happy, can't wait for Sixth Form now! :D
  7. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

    eliseasaurus says c': you best be good at finding things if you want to stroke my wii EDIT: Tun: I'm pidermaaan. Toru: Tun: I come over the hooooouse Tun: Toru: we're best fruuuuuunds Teapot: Toru: Ew clean that up Tun: ..... LambentChicken sprays flames everywhere Toru: Oh god my...
  8. Toru

    Toru's 'Awesome' Notepad

    Well, isn't this a suprise! Toru? Making an actual thread for once!? Yes, that's right. If any of you remember, I tried to do a big writing project about Pokecharms once before. It was very, very bad and made me look like a self centered ass. I tried to do it again, and that wasn't very good...
  9. Toru

    Tun's Sprite Stuff! REQUESTS OPEN

    Re: Teh Shiny Sprites of Tun .:The Home of PokePlush™:. OH GOD SHE'S ALIVE DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN AND IT'S A PREVIEW DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN It's so good to see you posting again Tunnu: you just keep on getting better and better. The excessive amount of detail you've put into this is fantastic - I...
  10. Toru

    Hunters Inc.

    Name: Rick Merritt Title: The Rythmic Defender Theme: Twister -Kingdom Mix- Age: 23 Height: 5'11 Weight: 120 stone Hair: Dyed Crimson Red, wavy and shoulder length Eyes: Hazel Appearance: Quite a thin build, but muscular due to occupation. No matter what he's wearing on his top half...
  11. Toru

    Hunters Inc.

    Second to last? Count me in then, I'd be happy to take the last place, if you're alright with having me.
  12. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

    Tangrufa After blowing me off instead of saying no thanks >:O
  13. Toru

    Cactus Jack - An FFVIII RP

    The quickly spreading sound of an explosion echoed through the vast underground training room. Following the loud noise, the giblets of a bitebug's corpse flew out of the foliage and rolled lifelessly onto the dirt ground. Charles rolled out of the leaves and vines, letting a small amount of...
  14. Toru

    Project Alpha; The Re-Run

    Just a quick note: before DS left for the evening, we talked of the possibility of weapons, considering our characters will have had to be trained to fight without their abilities instead of relying on just their powers - it also gives us a lot more freedom. I'm going t be putting in a Weapon...
  15. Toru

    Project Alpha; The Re-Run

    This looks like it would be really fun. A bit of dedication and effort and this RP will really shine. I'm just a little curious as to wether it's possible to give our 'superyouths' powers other than kinesis. I was thinking of my character being a branch off of the project - the nanomachines were...
  16. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

    <Tangrelle> I hope he fixes it because in that case Fiona just got blown off so hard she never existed ;.;
  17. Toru

    The Official 'Charms Post Your Voice Thread~

    OH NO MY FRO (My voice totally makes an appearance too. Again.)
  18. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

    Teapot: But I'm strange and taste everything. ...Everything? :3
  19. Toru

    Cactus Jack - An FFVIII RP

    The ceiling in Charle's dormitory room was a mundane sight - something he'd gotten used to after spending a lot of his alone time here, lying on top of his comfy bed pondering many different things that had happened through his time in The Galbadia Garden. What he was pondering now, whilst his...
  20. Toru

