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  1. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

    [22:26:56] Shiny: YESH [22:26:59] Shiny: KEEP DOING IT
  2. Toru

    Roll To Dodge Adventures - The Grail

    Oh wow! Fancy Pants! I put on my brand new Fancy Groin Protecting Pants on over my rugged cloth ones, and pose heroically - wait what no. WHAT NO THIS IS NOT PROVISIONS THIS IS PANTS. I realise that once again, I've been dragged in by fancy bargains. Looks like I'm going to have to ask at...
  3. Toru

    The Rotting Flesh in the Big Apple.

    With a hum and a whistle, the curly brown haired man, just hit 20, strutted down the wide streets of New York City, abandoned cars scattered across the road. He adjusted the straps on his rucksack - it was pretty heavy, and full of supplies. He had chose to don a stripey blue t shirt, each...
  4. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

  5. Toru

    Roll To Dodge Adventures - The Grail

    With the power of Roga - FORESHARN by my side, I head out of the blacksmith's, with a note by the side of the man - "INB4 ZACKY" What on earth could that mean? I snigger as I exit the blacksmith's - my preparations for the journey towards the grail are almost, almost complete! To finish, I...
  6. Toru

    Roll To Dodge Adventures - The Grail

    With my 5 gold, I decide to head to the market's local blacksmith, and see if he can forge me a decent, long lasting broadsword, so I can actually start a real adventure, and get out of the shoddy state I'm currently in - at least it's a little better than before.
  7. Toru

    Fairy Tail RP?

    Zacky had plans for a Fairy Tail RP - It never happened (typical Klink right there) D: But yeah, I'd very much be interested in this!
  8. Toru

    Roll To Dodge Adventures - The Grail

    Oh, chance! I thank the man, donning my newly acquired armour and exit the barracks; luckily enough, I see a thief in the street, trying to make off with an old lady's purse. Sprinting in a flash, I try to intercept the man.
  9. Toru

    Roll To Dodge Adventures - The Grail

    I strip off my wooden armour, leaving my ragged material clothes (keeping the sword though - shit took ages to craft) and decide to check the barracks for any supplementary armour and weapons I can scavenge.
  10. Toru

    The Chatlog Topic!

    -->| Blazi (Mibbit@SystemNet-F4ADE364.bri.connect.net.au) has joined #pokecharms -->| Demonheracross (Mibbit@SystemNet-1F93E73E.static.stls.mo.charter.com) has joined #pokecharms Demonheracross hey pplz Toru Hey, Heracross, Blazi. |<-- Blazi has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit...
  11. Toru

    Charizard C-Gear Skin Comes to Europe

    That's pretty darn nifty - I can safely say they'll be a Blastoise skin coming soon due to the arrival of 2 of the Kanto starters - but for now, that 'Zard's getting on my C - Gear.
  12. Toru

    Roll To Dodge Adventures - The Grail

    Joining and stalking this - gonna be good. I'll be an 18 year old Human Warrior, with a broadsword as my weapon of preference (Does a 6 score me Foresharn? :3).
  13. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

    What? No! xD You edited that yourself! Anyways... Tun has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit: GAME OVER. Please insert bananas ♥)
  14. Toru

    Error 404; Dawn Of The Devils / The Angels' Journey!

    "My, my. That sure took its time. This is quite a lot of items." Will, with his usual slow but smooth pace of a walk, exited the item shop, his communicator still registering the items. He'd made sure that everyone had been given a healthy amount of stock. He considered that all the other Net...
  15. Toru

    (Charms?) RP: Eternally Joyous, Eternally Bitter

    I'm very much interested in this idea Tan. Count me in, bro >:D
  16. Toru

    Moon's Order: Ramen, Blue Thunder, Kiki, ES

    Taking in a deep breath, the electrokinetic replied, to Kiki "It's fine. As long as the team's complete, I'm satisfied," Blue Thunder paced around the deserted area some more, taking careful steps so that he would not clumsily trip over a stray stone. "Anyways, I agree with your statement. We do...
  17. Toru

    Rebellious Suns: Odette, Tobias, Ryder, Tailon

    Tobias turned around after his deft side swipe, and watched Tailon's barrage stop the worm from continuing it's assault on Tobias, who was still recovering. These last few attacks would most definitely take the beast down. From his first sword attack, he saw the problem - the group's attacks...
  18. Toru

    3DS/2DS Friend Codes

    Oh gods! I didn't know this thread existed! 4940-5684-4523 I'll be looking forward to playing with you - hope you have SSFIV, 'cause that's all I've got xD
  19. Toru

    Moon's Order: Ramen, Blue Thunder, Kiki, ES

    "Very well then," Blue Thunder walked out of the alley, still in speaking distance of the other two warriors. "We have all introduced ourselves, but we still have a problem. There are three of us. I was informed before we could start looking for The Rebellious suns we were to wait until everyone...
  20. Toru

    The Chatlog Topic!

    Mafia musings quickly sprout into terribly awesome Horatio jokes. Yoshimitsu and dead people are invited to post in the graveyard DatSoul ...Nice timing |D Yoshimitsu it was intentional ;3 DatSoul ...Alright DatSoul I'm quitting my attempts at getting a piece for the Post Your Voice thread...