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  1. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    @TheGrimmRemix027 accepted @Lazy Millenial delete some of his powers @Eliiiscool species accepted, you can make a villain for the species and you can use him
  2. MihajloJedi

    My RP "The Defenders" needs more villains so, feel free to join

    My RP "The Defenders" needs more villains so, feel free to join
  3. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    Well if you won't use it then its fine. It still can appear in RP tho.
  4. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    @Lazy Millenial I was just reading ur powers, and you need to heavily NERF your character
  5. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    I mean, its up to you, I would prefer if villains appear equaly as heroes
  6. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    Well, I still dont know, all characters should be on Earth, but no idea how are they gonna meet, and I don't really get what you mean by
  7. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    Well I need to make my character, and I think we are waiting for few people too
  8. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    @Lazy Millenial accepted @Killerbunny the god I forgot to change the rules, just copied them from a old rp, it is changed now
  9. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    @EmoKitty21 yes your species is also accepted @Killerbunny the god, I said your OC is accepted, smh @Captain Cardboard accepted @JayBird Joe accepted, BTW you don't need to make a race if it already exist (like humans) @PlayfulFox47 accepted @Shadow_Pup accepted
  10. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    @EeviumZ accepted @EmoKitty21 accepted @Eliiiscool Your bio is fine it just feels kinda empty, try adding something more, accepted tho
  11. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    Oof, I forgot @Killerbunny the god, sorry >_<:x:
  12. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    @Captain Cardboard @Clite of Dragonbow @EeviumZ @Eliiiscool @EmoKitty21 @PlayfulFox47 @Red Gallade @Sentorus67 @Shadow_Pup @TheGrimmRemix027 All of your characters and races are still accepted and you don't need to repost them
  13. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Unnamed Superhero Roleplay

    @PlayfulFox47 every race accepted
  14. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The Defenders (Superhero RP)

    Plot From the creation of the Multiverse battle between good and evil started and it never ended. It's year 2020. Earth was in peace for quite some time. But new villain team was made very recently, and they were about to heat things up on our planet. But what not a single human didn't know, is...
  15. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Unnamed Superhero Roleplay

    @Clite of Dragonbow ye its good now @Killerbunny the god I am making a new thread
  16. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Unnamed Superhero Roleplay

    You have to ask Grimm that