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Search results

  1. M

    Best/Worst Pokemon Quotes Anywhere...

    "What if my rod hooks a big one while i'm in the washroom?" -(R/S/E)Fisherman near Dewford "My power of suggestion failed to charm you." -(D/P)Rich Boy from Battle Tower Prof. Rowan-"Everytime I come here, I find myself standing up straighter than usual" Cynthia-"It's the natural reaction...
  2. M

    Current and Dream Teams

    Recenty completed, I have: Kamik/Torterra Michiko/Milotic Tomoyo/Gardevoir Damien/Houndoom Tsubasa/Salamence I also have a bunch of "pet projects" (random pokemon I felt like raising and did) as I call them.
  3. M

    How Long did it take you to get all 8 badges on diamond or pearl?

    The first time..close to 60 hours...(plus I quit playing for a while before I beat the 8th gym) The second time, 'bout 28 hours. The third time, it'll probably be about half that (I restart my games very often...)
  4. M

    DPPt/HGSS My Pearl Team

    Common sense, should've posted move changes the first time. :-[ I would teach them: Lucario: (I'd go for more attack based 'cause most of the others in this team have...bad Attack) (a)Close Combat/(b)Sky Uppercut/(b)Cross Chop (a for power, b for no stat reduction but less accuracy and less...
  5. M

    DPPt/HGSS My Pearl Team

    I would take: Lucario: Aura Sphere Earthquake Psychic Dragon Pulse Jolteon: Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Shadow Ball Dig Vaporeon: Surf Ice Beam Shadow Ball Dig Espeon: Psychic Morning Sun Shadow Ball Dig Roserade: Petal Dance/Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Toxic Stun Spore Flareon: Flamethrower...
  6. M

    Mod/admin Hurt and heal!

    Hypotenuse Man-47 HEAL Doctor Oak-23 Pixelchu-51 HURT Professor Cinders- 48
  7. M

    DPPt/HGSS Ideas for a Pearl team (in-game, 8th badge onwards)

    For Abomasnow I'd recommend Wood Hammer Ice Punch Earthquake Leech Seed(since you bred for it and it could help keep you alive if you use it) That way you can focus on its Attack.
  8. M

    Mod/admin Hurt and heal!

    Hypotenuse Man-49 HEAL Doctor Oak-27 Pixelchu-47 HURT Professor Cinders- 47
  9. M

    What is normally your registered item?

    I tend to register whatever I'm going to need most. (eg. Training in grass= Pokeradar, Training while surfing= A fishing rod, Hatching eggs= Bike, etc.) When I'm not doing anything specific I keep my bike on Y though.
  10. M

    Ask Teh Doc

    Are you supposed to see your legendary dragon (Dialga/Palkia) twice if you don't catch it? (I was training something and ended up at the Spear Pillar and Dialga was there again. I had killed it the first time I saw it.)
  11. M

    Trainer Gender

    It all depends on what pokemon I plan on getting (well, on preferred genders of pokemon I'm getting). Mostly male pokemon,female trainer. Female pokemon, male trainer. I guess I like to feel like a pimp to my pokemon.
  12. M

    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    A Fire/Dragon would be awesome! Yes, yes, technically Charizard is a Fire dragon..but its Fire/Flying, not actual Dragon type. Also, Electric/Psychic would be cool-ish.*pictures a Gardevoir with a lighting bolt going through it* Weird...
  13. M

    The Blue Avenger draws

    Awwww!!! X3 I like it! Makes me lonely...*sniffle*
  14. M

    Mod/admin Hurt and heal!

    Hypotenuse Man-47 HURT Share the hurt-er, love! Doctor Oak-27 HEAL Pixelchu-48 Proffessor Cinders-48
  15. M

    In which generation did you get into Pokemon?

    For me, it all started when I borrowed Alex's Crystal Version. *points at Alex* "I blame you! lol!" Playing that's what got me hooked. Then I bought Silver.
  16. M

    DPPt/HGSS D/P Battle Tower Team Dilemma

    I have tried twice now to make a decent battle tower team, but, alas, both times my team has had a serious weakness to at least one type. My former team was: **This team consisted of two (Torterra and Blaziken) pokemon from my partner's party. My partner and I are trying to come up with a team...
  17. M

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    As my name suggests, my fav pokemon is milotic! Closely followed by all 7 eeveelutions X3
  18. M

    The Hurt & Heal Game: Diamond/Pearl-style

    Beequeen - HP 109 HEAL Buoysel - HP 226 Lucario - HP 44 HURT
  19. M

    The Hurt & Heal Game: Diamond/Pearl-style

    Beequeen - HP 120 HEAL Buoysel - HP 225 Lucario - HP 34 HURT
  20. M

    The Hurt & Heal Game: Diamond/Pearl-style

    Beequeen - HP 118 HEAL Buoysel - HP 225 Lucario - HP 36 HURT