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  1. PeacefulPigeon

    Open The Wonderful Waters of Dextrio

    Leo bounded across the terrain of the forest bountifully. With each prance he lept, leaves scattered and rustled beneath him. The Luxio's tongue lolled out the side of his maw as he began to pant and his frame became sore. Although a growing weariness crept through him, he didn't halt himself...
  2. PeacefulPigeon

    Open The Wonderful Waters of Dextrio

    Forms: Name: Leo Occupation/species: Luxio Moveset: Bite, Tackle, and Discharge Appearance: (Old drawing below) Leo takes on the typical appearance of a Luxio. Silky blue and dark grey fur and amber optics. His structure is lean and flexible and his ears are usually perked. Personality: Leo...
  3. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    (Sorry I had been busy but I'm good now) Arya briskly shook away the growing nausea that jabbed at her upon teleporting to the town. Soon after she trotted after Adam who beckoned to follow, admiring the captivating scenery. She had never gone to the shopping district so the concept was quite...
  4. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    "Right!" Arya flashed Adam a determined glance as she bobbed her head to his statement. Although she considered her self to be a weak Pokemon, to prove her part on the "Team" the Electrike was adamant on doing her best. She tensed her lean structure and felt static ripple through her...
  5. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    (@Red Gallade 98, I believe @Sandshrew schooler is saying he sent his haunter into the temple, excuse me if I'm wrong cx ) As Arya faced her group, patiently awaiting the next action, she noticed movement out of the corner of her optics. She believed to sight a Sycther shield behind the bark of...
  6. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    As Arya turned to face and commute with her new companions she flashed the trainer a somewhat blank yet appreciative side-glance. They had displayed themselves to not be a careless Trainer which is something she couldn't say about most. Sore and drained, the Electrike had been pleased to hear...
  7. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    The unknown approaching human startled Arya. She bowed her head back and crept behind the Gallade, not eager to share an interaction with a human. The Elecktrike further pierced her fangs through the bag cloth as she clenched it. Her state settled as Adam denied the request as they were no...
  8. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya snickered teasingly to Socks who admitted he enjoyed the trip before facing back to the Gallade who held a somewhat leader-like position in the newly formed "Group" Noticing that everyone had packed and loaded their bags fully. Her eyes dragged with a mixture of developing weariness and...
  9. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya's attention turned to Adam who vibrantly glowed before transforming into a Gallade. Her tail stub swayed horizontally as she beamed at the newly Evolved Pokemon. She squinted her eyes shut as she spoke bountifully towards him, still bubbling in amazement at the event she had never...
  10. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    "Thanks!" she then clamped the bag between her maw and carried it to the other side of the chest where she lightly placed it down. Arya pressed her paws against the box and gaped at the awe-striking details of the items. Shaking her head from the trance she was caught in, her snout lowered to...
  11. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya carefully picked her way along the tiles, following the identical path to Adam. Upon arrival at the chest, a jocular feeling seeped from her to see the admirable, well-deserved trinkets. As she began to pick out her favourite treasure pieces with her optics, she noticed she had not packed...
  12. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya glanced to Socks, uncertain of what decision to make. Although a part of her wished to just take it and go to avoid the struggles and risks another part felt it weigh on her conscience and explorer ability to follow a cheaty route. She looked down to her paws before flashing her gaze back...
  13. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya slouched on her haunches in a sitting position, observing socks and Adam and ready to act on command. She wanted to be able to contribute instead of sitting off on the sidelines, no matter how fearful she was. She noticed the Froakie's deft movements as he bounded across the tiles, envying...
  14. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya remained mute, although her preference swayed to objecting to letting the Froakie join them after his ill-mannered scheme. However, she figured he did make a point in some of his statements. She felt conflicted but in the end, it was Adam's decision as he became a leader-like figure of a...
  15. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    "I don't think we need the treasure, I have a feeling we are not alone..." She turned to Socks who queried her yelp. Suddenly a cold feeling hurled at Arya's pelt. She whipped her cranium over her shoulder to investigate the projectile and noticed bubbles stuck to her pelt. Being an electric...
  16. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    (By the way @Sandshrewschooler, we are in a temple c: ) Arya tilted her view to glance over her shoulder and into the dark depths of the Temple hall warily. A worried expression dawned across her face when new troubles began to arise in her mind. Her ears pinned to the side of her head as she...
  17. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya skidded to an abrupt halt upon Adam's signal. She peered past him to gaze at the odd room with interest. The part of the Temple had an ominous aurora steaming off it that warned the Electrike to leave the area. She shifted her hazel gaze back to the Kirlia and murmured her agreeance...
  18. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya could notice Socks glances he flashed her, hopeful she didn't seem too untrustworthy. Even if so he wouldn't be to blame, the Electrike did present herself in a suspicious manner. She suppressed a sigh, hoping to brush the troubling thoughts away and concentrate on the mission she became a...
  19. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    "I suppose." Arya's fur flattened and smoothed out as they seemed to not pose as a threat. She glanced from Socks to Adam and with a slight grin spread across her maw as she answered warmly. "I'm Arya, Nice to meet you Adam and Socks... And er sorry for sneaking after you guys." her paws...
  20. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    (Sorry wifi died) Arya's fur bristled as the Kirlia called out to her. Not being one for confrontation, she stifled for a moment before slowly revealing herself, her head bowed in an embarrassed manner. The Elecktrike shifted her gaze to the ground to avoid eye contact and spoke in a murmured...