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  1. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya, who still crept after the explorers using the temple's corners and walls as coverage, couldn't help but snicker silently at the Glameow's reaction to the door's opening. She scrambled to hush herself as she noticed the noise she suppressed and hoped the two hadn't noticed. When the coast...
  2. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon In The Wild

    "Shuro." He spoke simply with a small grin spread across his maw. He turned his cranium to face the clear sky and check the sun's position. A little pass being mid sky. That signaled the evening was approaching soson, then night. He got off his haunches from the sitting position and announced...
  3. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon In The Wild

    Shuro pressed forward with his head bowed as he inspected the wound with keen eyes. The Quilava raised his cranium and searched the clearing for something that could be of aid to the Fennekin. His optics were caught on the sight of a round, blue berry. An Oran berry, its supposed to be good with...
  4. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya had made up her mind. The Elecktrike was too enticed to simply ignore the Glameow and Kirlia's discussion. She would sneak after them and observe the mission. Driven by her eagerness, she bounded after them. Though she lagged behind Arya figured she'd soon catch up. The Electrike tried to...
  5. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon In The Wild

    Shuro pinned his ears against the sudden rustling of the undergrowth ahead. The Quilava tensed his frame and revealed the burning flames around his neck and tail as he crept forward to inspect the unknown noise. As he arrived at the hedges his optics caught the sight of a Fennekin limping away...
  6. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon In The Wild

    Shuro padded through the forest vigilantly, his dour gaze set on the ground ahead of him. As the Quilava entered a more lush part of the forest he simmered down the firey mane that rippled on the nape of his neck and tail to prevent an uncontrolled fire. His amber gaze glanced about warily as...
  7. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya now revealed herself by scrambling into the clearing and watching the Glameow and Kirlia prance away. That was a turn of events... Why did they scream? The Electrike shrugged her shoulder, dismissing the thought and continued her stroll through the lush terrain. Although she insisted she...
  8. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon In The Wild

    Shuro sat on a bare patch of ground. At his paws sprouted a small frond of bracken. His state was tranquil as he tried to focus his power to surge through and cleanly burn the bracken solely. With a heave of his breath, he seared the undergrowth to a crisp before deftly bounding to his paws and...
  9. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya's fur bristled with bewilderment as a screech pierced through the quiet nature of the forest. She pinned her ears towards the noise and pawed at the ground nervously. Should I go investigate it? What if someone needs help! But I could get hurt... She heaved in a constricted breath. The...
  10. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Arya took light pads through a forest, enjoying the tranquillity of the scenery. Pokemon softly stirred in the undergrowth as she parted her way through the terrain. Although the Elecktrike would much rather prefer slouching back against the twisted roots of a tree and observing her surroundings...
  11. PeacefulPigeon

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Hello! Name: Arya Gender: Female Species: Electrike Personality: Arya has a quiet and warm nature. She's not very well adjusted with interacting with other Pokemon and tends to fall into awkward situations. However, once she familiarizes herself with other Pokemon she can be bubbly around them...
  12. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon In The Wild (Discussion)

    Hello! Sorry I'm late. Character Format: Name: Shuro Species: Quilava Gender: Male Appearance: (Did an old picture of them below :b) Shuro takes on the casual appearance of a normal Quilava. Greenish-blue fur with a cream underbelly. His optics carry an amber hue to them and his pelt has silky...
  13. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    "Well, If its the Pikachu they probably need help!... But if it's otherwise we are signing ourselves up for trouble." She glared thoughtfully at the earth trying to sum up a solution. Her fur bristled at the thought of getting into a tussle with a brawny foe in the unfamiliar land but at the...
  14. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Arya paused in her tracks and gazed the Pokemon who have shared their objections against Adam's idea. At that point, she rested her trust in the new companions and followed their judgement. Besides, she wouldn't mind finding somewhere to safely settle down and blink away her concerns. The...
  15. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Arya heaved an exasperated sigh at Adam's proposition. She wasn't quite eager to move onwards but it was the sensible action to take. She hauled her frame from pressing against the flattened grass fronds below and stood with a wobbly gait. The Electrike found herself in a mixture of being...
  16. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Arya flashed Adam and thankful glance as she settled the fur flat along the nape of her neck. Before bounding off into the clearing all the Pokemon had gathered in, she presented her name to them with an awkward beam. "I'm Arya." She spoke quietly yet in a friendly manner. The Electrike then...
  17. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Arya felt a surge of panic rush through her as more unfamiliar Pokemon approached her. They seemed to bear no ill intentions so she gradually shut her bared fangs and turned her snout towards the ground, embarrassed. Her optics flickered from one Pokemon to another anxiously. A Roggenrola...
  18. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Arya pinned her ears to the side of her cranium with an expression of dread dawned across her face as she gazed up at the Lycanroc. Her maw gaped with a feeble spark sprinting off her tongue in a defensive manner. The Electrike reared up from the new Pokemon with her fur bristling. She was...
  19. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Arya stifled in her place as she noticed the Roggenrola of the group turn its regard to her direction. Her fur bristled in alarm as she deftly tucked her self further behind the undergrowth. Maybe it saw something in my direction. Right? The Electrike rolled onto her haunches with her back...
  20. PeacefulPigeon

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Arya strode through the dew-laden grass at a balanced pace, the cool water droplets rubbing off on her legs. The Electrike was unsure where to head but knew she needed to see other Pokemon. Her nose perked into the wind that wafted through the forest to pick up the faint concentrated scent of a...