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  1. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "HEY, GUYS WAIT UP!" James shouts from behind "Why'd you leave me behind at the hotel? You could've woke me instead of leaving!" Still a little bit ahead he runs up and asks the two "What'cha got there?" "Ra ralts!" Ralts asked too, just mimicking its trainer. "And also, isn't this place...
  2. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "What! Just a couple TG2 grunts! What did they do!" James yelled a little too loud and looked embarrassed. He even forgot that he still had the Ralts in his arms, "I'm gonna take care of this" James said motioning to the Ralts _____________________________________ "James! Your Ralts is all...
  3. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    James wasn't there while the battle went down since he was looking for Pokemon of his own, wow he thought this is great and ventured on further into the tall grass where he spotted an injured Pokemon, as he approached it he discovered an injured Ralts that appeared abanded. "Oh my, what...
  4. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    (ok noted thanks :) ) The Onix quickly dodged Buizel's Mud Slap and it ended up hitting Eon causing him to miss as well. Onix coils up around Buizel and uses wrap leaving it unable to attack under Onix's grip "Eon use Bullet Punch and make sure to not hit Buizel!" Eon dove towards the Onix...
  5. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "Go Buizel! Go Riolu! Quick use mud slap Buiazel and Eon use Bullet Punch!"
  6. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    James was walking back and sees Josuke, after Josuke asks him James replies "Yea that's a great idea it's like or own TG2 group" James said jokingly, "Anyways," He started "It, unfortunately, wasn't a shiny just a weird Pokemon I'd never seen before but it got away before I could get a closer...
  7. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "Yea sure but first do you wanna see what Pokemon are here before we head off? I'd like to at least have 4 Pokemon." With that, they walked out of the lab and headed off. ______________________________ "I think I see a shiny!" James exclaimed running off leaving Zen behind.
  8. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    James walks up to Rowan and thanks him for this opportunity and grabs his Pokedex and goes to where Zem is waiting for him as he's walking to Zen he scans the room to see that Blue already left, probably to beat the first gym and boast about it when James gets there.
  9. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "I wonder what that's about, but I don't know about you but I plan on fighting them and I don't care how dangerous they are! Anyways let's get our Dex's" James said eagerly
  10. GlitchLugia

    Open The Trainers Championship!

    (Hope it's not too late to join) Name: Red Jr. Age: 16 Pokemon: 1.) Gyarados (Gyro) 2.) Volcarona (Alpha) 3.) Gardevoir (Garma) 4.) Gengar (Shadow) 5.) Garchomp (Goldy) 6.) Lucario (Luca) Home: Hoenn Appearance: Brown hair that is parted up and to the right, has brown eyes and wears shades most...
  11. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "Looks like the Professor is ready let's see what that's about" James nodded towards Rowan's direction.
  12. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    (xD no prob lol I was setting you up to at least faint my Buizel lol) "That fight cut Buizel real thin," James told Zen once the fight ended "you really know what you're doing! I'm glad to be partnered with you on this journey!" James said this with a smile on his face and he meant every word...
  13. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    At this point, Buizel's accuracy was practically non-existent so even though she was at point-blank range the mud slap that James commanded ended up missing. "Come on Buizel! Ok, come on Eon use Crunch on the Eevee and Buizel try and use Sonic Boom again!" Commanded James hoping it would have...
  14. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    (Did the Blaze Kick hit Eevee? Just wonderin' c; ) "Riolu run in front of the Turtwig and use Blaze Kick! Buizel, use growl after every helping hand and attack both of them with a SonicBoom! If the Eevee tries to gid its way out quickly use mud slap!"
  15. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    Riolu dodges the Eevee's tackle, being faster, and charges up a downward Blaze kick so it can't dig its way out" Ok now Buizel quickly go up behind the Eevee and use mud slap, remember only target the enemy's!" James said since he'd had issues in the past when in school where his Pokemon would...
  16. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    Buizel attempts to dodge but gets hit by the sand attack while Riolu has learned to blaze kick it, "Quick use Mud Slap on the Turtwig and make sure to hit fire one after another, just because your accuracy was lowered doesn't mean they'll all miss if they're on target, do this while it's in the...
  17. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "Riolu, use blaze kick on the sand!" As he did that tiny glass-like shards fell to the ground "Run around all over the place! Use your speed to your advantage! Ok, NOW! Use Bullet Punch on the Eevee when it pops up again and keep running to build momentum!" "Buizel quick attack and run around...
  18. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    Buizel was hit by one of the tackles but being a quick Pokemon she used Mud-Slap half a second after her trainer commanded her and used it just as Kame was about to use another tackle. Eon was having trouble figuring out where the Eevee was going to pop out of next because it kept flying out...
  19. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "Quick Buizel Sonic boom on the Turtwig! Eon quick use Bullet Punch on the Eevee! Keep using Bullet Punch and try and avoid whatever comes your way, remember you and Buizel are a team!" James commanded
  20. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "OK...hmmm... now then I'll have to borrow one of the other trainers Pokemon for a 2v2 so if you're down for just a 1v1 that'll be better" James froze for a second "Wait I might be able to access my families personal PC and use a lower level Pokemon perhaps a Buizel with quick attack, Mud Slap...