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Search results

  1. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "Well, that's great how about you and I battle? a little 1v1? My Rirolu might only be level 2 but it does know 3 egg moves- Blaze Kick, Crunch, and Bullet Punch, as well as a level one move- Endure. So how 'bout it?"
  2. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "Wow that Eevee must really like you a lot, I wonder what my next Pokemon will be, after all, you already have 2 and we haven't even started our journey," James said with a chuckle of laughter "I hope that there won't be too much trouble on our adventures" James scanned the room for a little...
  3. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "There sure are a lot of people, I can't believe it got this full so fast," James said still holding his new best friend that he decided to call Zenn "and yea I'm here for my Pokedex too. I'm ready to start my journey and get all the badges! I know I can do it!" Just as James said that a person...
  4. GlitchLugia

    Open Sandolyn: Three Islands of new Pokemon (now with Fakemon)

    Is it too late to join in? if not here is my application (I'll be up-to-date as often as I can) Name: Red Jr. Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Average height, Brown flowing hair with brown eyes, wears a red cap and jacket most of the time. Personality: Calm but quick to help and makes puns at...
  5. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "I don't know all that there is of where he is or what happened to him, there are rumours that he died in a battle with a deadly Pokemon created by an organization in Johto, somewhere called Mt. Silver" "Now, of course, I do still believe my father is still alive and once I'm strong enough I'm...
  6. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    "yea this isn't the most interesting place in the region" James replied "Anyways my name is James and my middle name is Freeman so that's what people call me but I'm fine with both, my dad was Red champion of Kanto who disappeared not long ago, many people said he died but I refuse to believe...
  7. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    Freeman arrived at the lab just as 2 others showed up to and 2 others were already in talking about how they got here, favourite Pokemon, and other things along those lines. When he entered the lab Zen looked over and Andromeda didn't notice since she was busy with Zens Turtwig, Kame. "Is that a...
  8. GlitchLugia

    Open A Sinnoh Journey

    Name: James Freeman Nickname: Freeman Age: 18 Appearance: 6'2'' tall with an average build, wavy brown hair (Because it hardly stays in place) and beautiful brown eyes, constantly wearing casual clothes no matter where he is. Personality: Kind hearted and doesn't hold grudges, won't pick a fight...