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  1. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    @Killerbunny the god, I have nothing against it, I just dunno how will you pull it out.
  2. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    I just made my time skip post. I want to apologize to @EmoKitty21 and @Killerbunny the god, I know you are in middle of conversation, but I just couldn't wait.
  3. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (RolePlay)

    MONDAY, 2nd SEPTEMBER Michael got up somewhere around 6 AM, even tho his alarm was set at 7 AM. He felt pretty good. Instead of doing few exercises, or going to cafeteria and have breakfast like every normal human being, Michael sat on floor, in front of TV, turned on his Xbox One, and started...
  4. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    I thought you were describing Michael, cause that is basically him.
  5. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    You'll have time for that soon, cause there will be a time skip in few mins.
  6. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    @RenzFlintrock is right, it is real world and all that franchises exist
  7. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    I can't allow you to make another character, we already have 24 and it is pretty big number. I think we should keep it 24. Btw, about ships thing I don't really see why is that a problem. I mean, why does everyone even need to be in relationship?
  8. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    I like PrincessPika's and PlayfulFox's idea. You write in your native language, and then translate.
  9. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    Yes, classes are next day, I will make a post very soon.
  10. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    Well there are weekends, there are no classes then. Also there are winter holidays. And few other holidays.
  11. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (RolePlay)

    It passed a lot of time since Michael came and principal still hasn't held speech. Michael was getting bored, but he wasn't feeling like talking to anyone. Suddenly principal climbed on stage, took microphone and started his speech. "First I want to welcome all new students, I wish you have...
  12. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    It will be soon @Killerbunny the god, I am just a little bit lazy to write
  13. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    You are missing my character, :D
  14. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    We are , waiting for @Cryronn the Mudkip, @Killerbunny the god, @Slatzsly and @Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
  15. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    After everyone post introduction post, principal will hold speech and then there will be a short time skip to the first Monday
  16. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    A lot of you haven't replied so I was wondering why
  17. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    They have to arrive, they are not already there
  18. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Stardust High (High School Roleplay)

    https://pokecharms.com/threads/stardust-high-roleplay.21122/ RP is out. (Forgive me on my introduction post, I know its bad, I was writing it in 1 AM)