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  1. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael was getting annoyed by all these Excadrills especially after they used Metal Sound. "Okay, you want to play with clones, let's do it then, Floatzel, use Double Team." Michael said and Floatzel cloned himself multiple times. "Floatzel, use Rain Dance" Michael commanded and all the copies...
  2. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fiction Worlds Collide RP Discussion

    And it's everything probably truth.
  3. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Sandstorm was not best for Michael's Floatzel since he isn't Ground or Rock type. As Excadrill was using Dig, Michael could not do anything to stop him. "Just wait Floatzel" Michael said. His Floatzel wasn't very patient, but he decided to wait. 'Poison is gonna make damage to Floatzel soon, so...
  4. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fiction Worlds Collide RP Discussion

    Is it late for me to join? If not, can I claim characters from South Park?
  5. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael was happy to see Staraptor go down and Excadrill didn't scare him either. Excadrill used Earthquake and that logically finished off already weak Sableye. "Good fight Sableye."Michael said while he put Sableye back in his Pokeball. "So it's down to this, go Floatzel!" Michael yelled...
  6. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    "Sableye, use Detect" Michael commanded to his Pokémon. Sableye protected itself, but this was probably last time he could do that. "Sableye, use Dark Pulse."Michael said. Sableye used Dark Pulse and this was moment that is going to decide destiny of Sableye, and maybe destiny of this whole match.
  7. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    'So Staraptor, huh? No ghost attacks, that will be tricky.' Michael thought with smile on his face. Staraptor flew right on Sableye and hit him without any resistance. But that was just what he wanted. Sableye was very low on HP. "Sableye, now use Endeavor." Michael said to his Pokémon.
  8. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Sableye wasn't confused by Leafeon because of his eyes. He could see multiple angles at the same moment, so it wasn't hard to him to dodge Leaf Blade. Sableye had new chance while Leafeon was turned around. "Sableye, use Shadow Ball." Michael said and Sableye shot Shadow Ball at his opponent. 'I...
  9. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Energy Ball was heading straight to Sableye. "Sableye, use Shadow Ball." Michael said to his Pokémon and Sableye's Shadow Ball, clashed with Leafeon's Energy Ball. "Now Sableye, use Shadow Sneak, quick."Michael commanded. Sableye appeared in front of Leafeon, ready to hit him.
  10. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Sableye was hit with Solar Beam and took some serious damage. 'No no no, I don't want to lose now, but I don't want to use my best moves' Michael thought little woried. "Sableye, use Shadow Ball" Michael said to Sableye. Sableye nodded and made big Shadow Ball and aimed foes Leafeon.
  11. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael still wasn't able to see. He got up from the ground and saw Gardevoir fainted. 'Finally, that one was very annoying' Michael thought. Then Leafeon came out and started using Earth Power. Michael hasn't said anything, but Sableye jumped and dodged Leafeon's attack. "Great job Sableye. Now...
  12. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Flash caught Michael unprepared and he fell on the ground. Sableye however has eyes made of crystals, so flash done nothing to him but he got hit by Dazzling Gleam. This attack weakened Sableye a lot but this was his chance. "Quick Sableye, use Shadow Sneak" Michael said, still unable to see...
  13. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael was surprised how Gardevoir succeed to dodge his both attacks. "Sableye dodge and use Shadow Ball again" Michael said to his Pokémon. Sableye successfully dodged foes Thunderbolt and then he aimed Gardevoir with his Shadow Ball. 'If I hit now, Gardevoir is done.' Michael thought
  14. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    "Moonblast, pft, Sableye, use Detect" Michael commanded. Sableye made shield that protected him from Gardevoir's Moonblast. "Now Sableye, another combo, Confuse Ray and Shadow Ball." Michael said.
  15. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    "Sableye, use Shadow Ball" Michael said and Sableye nodded. Dazzling Gleam and Shadow Ball clashed on middle of arena and made cloud of smoke. "Sableye, again, use Confuse Ray and Shadow Ball" Michael said after smoke cleared. Sableye used Confuse Ray on Gardevoir and then sent Shadow Ball...
  16. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    After dust cloud passed, Michael saw giant iron snake laying on ground, unable to battle. "Ah, last time he did this was when he was still Onix." Michael said, little bit ashamed for his Pokémon. "Ok, let's see how will your Gardevoir survive this. Go Sableye!" Michael said and spooky Pokémon...
  17. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Steelix took lot of damage. That made him mad. He was angry at Gardevoir. "Steelix use Rock Tomb." Michael commanded, but Steelix didn't listen him. "Steelix, I said Rock Tomb" Michael commanded now louder, but there was still no response from Steelix. He was too mad to even listen to Michael...
  18. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Steelix barely felt anything from Gardevoir's attack. He used Harden, and overall he had best defense stats of every Pokémon. "It ain't cheap move" Michael said to Riley. "Now Steelix, crush it with your Rock Slide" Michael commanded to his Pokémon.