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  1. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    When Michael saw rocks incoming, he knew how to counter. "Steelix, use Dig" Michael said. Steelix dug in ground under arena. Ground started to shake. Steelix was looking for right moment to come out. "Now Steelix, dig under Gardevoir" Michael said quickly and his Steelix came out underneath...
  2. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael's Steelix was confused by opponents Gardevoir. "Ah, this never stops to be annoying." Michael said. "Well what can I do, Steelix use Rock Tomb" Michael commanded and his Steelix started dropping rocks on foes Gardevoir. 'He haven't hurt himself now, but next turn its probably gonna...
  3. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    "Floatzel, come here buddy, I'm going to use you later." Michael said and got Floatzel back in his Pokeball. "Steelix, come out" Michael yelled and giant iron snake came out of Ultra Ball. Steelix was looking ready for fight. He hasn't lost a single battle in last two years. "Steelix, use...
  4. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    "Of course, Floatzel take this hit and show her what are you made of." Michael said. Floatzel took full strength Blizzard and it didn't do too much damage to him. "Now let's finish of this Weavile, use Aqua Tail." Michael commanded. Before Floatzel attacked Hail did damage to him. Then he...
  5. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    "Yeah I know, but you can't dodge this one either." Michael said and smiled. "Floatzel, use Surf!" Michael yelled. Big wave appeared behind Floatzel and it was heading straight to the Weavile. This battle was starting to bore Michael. He was thinking about using actually good attacks so he can...
  6. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    "Return, huh, I think I am gonna block that. Floatzel, use Protect." Michael said. Floatzel protected itself from Weavile's attack. "Now Floatzel, use Aqua Jet once more." Michael commanded. His Floatzel created Aqua Jet and went straight to foes Weavile.
  7. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael saw what Riley was trying to do. "Aqua Tail, Floatzel." Michael shouted and Floatzel and Weavile hit each other in same time. Michael's Floatzel took some damage for first time in this match, but he wasn't even close to fainting.
  8. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    "Oh, so you want to play like that. Ok. Floatzel, use Aqua Jet." Michael commanded. Shadow Ball was coming towards Floatzel. He hit it with his Aqua Jet creating great smoke cloud. When smoke disappeared, Floatzel came out of it almost untouched. "Okay, now Floatzel use Aqua Jet once again."...
  9. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael was really happy he beaten that Blaziken. He was really though. "So Weavile. You know, my Floatzel beaten Venusaur once. Weavile will be no match for him" Michael said. Weavile was using Dark Pulse and Michael knew what to do. "Quick Floatzel, before it hits you, use Water Pulse!"...
  10. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael didn't expected Blaziken to survive. 'This Pokemon has a lot of potential. If she had different trainer, she could pass my Floatzel' Michael thought. Solar Beam was heading right towards to Floatzel, but Michael knew what to do. "Floatzel, use Protect and then Aqua Jet."Michael said...
  11. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael saw what Riley was planning and he was trying to outsmart her. She was trying to keep him on distance. "Floatzel, use Aqua Jet" Michael said and his Floatzel started running towards to very weak Blaziken. 'This is it Floatzel, dont fail me now' Michael said for himself.
  12. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    After great drop from the sky, big smoke cloud rose. Blaziken went out of it victorious, while Houndoom fainted. "I have been screwing around for too long. I am gonna end your Blaziken now. Go Floatzel" Michael shouted and his all mighty Floatzel came out of Pokeball. "Floatzel, use Water...
  13. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Bulldoze have lowered Houndoom speed, but that ain't problem for Houndoom. Houndoom ran as fast as he could and he bit Blaziken with his Fire Fang. "Are you ready to give up?" Michael asked Riley with a smile. He was trying to piss her off, cause he used that as advantage in Battle Frontier.
  14. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    As Blaziken used Overheat, Michael knew its not very effective on his Houndoom, so he done nothing. Houndoom took hit and then he was ready for his next attack. "Houndoom, use Fire Fang, again!" Michael yelled and Houndoom started running towards Blaziken ready to hit him. 'I know how this...
  15. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Blaziken was trying to attack Houndoom with Double Kick and Michael knew what to do now. "Houndoom, use Fire Fang" Michael ordered. Houndoom jumped and used attack on Blaziken, in same time Blaziken used Double Kick. Two Pokémon clashed and great smoke cloud rose above them.
  16. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    After smoke disappeared, Michael saw his Scizor laying on ground unable to fight anymore. "Scizor, come back." Michael said and Scizor got back in his Pokeball. "Go Houndoom!" Michael yelled and threw Great Ball. Houndoom came out looking pretty badass as always.
  17. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Michael saw Blaziken using Flamethrower. Only thing he could do is to take this hit and then attack again. "Scizor, use Iron Defense and then attack with Iron Head!" Michael yelled. Scizor took hit, and then ran straight forward to opponents Blaziken hoping to KO him, cause he could not take...
  18. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Will'O'Wisp worked and Scizor was burned. "So you wanna set my Pokémon on fire. That is fine." Michael said and smiled. "Scizor use Metal Claw" Michael yelled and his Scizor ran towards foes Blaziken.
  19. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tounament!

    @Tudor21G, you said Michael thought in first sentence. And it's Will'O'Wisp Well Michael is just screwing around with her. He isn't even using strongest attacks of his Pokémon
  20. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

    Even tho Feint Attack hit Blaziken, Amoonguss wasn't even close a strong as Blaziken. Michael saw Flamethrower coming from Blaziken and he knew that is end for Amoonguss. Amoonguss fell on ground fainted. "Amoonguss, good job." Michael said and Amoonguss got back in his Pokeball. "Let's see...