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Private/Closed The First Annual Solaurea City World Tournament! (RP)

As the two attacks clashed, Blaziken quickly jumped back. "Finally, he countered the attack, like a normal person would do."Riley thought to herself with a sigh. She analyzed the situation and remembered that there still was harsh sunlight and that the effects of Agility didn't stop yet. A smirk appeared on her face and called out to her Pokemon "Blaziken, use Overheat!" The Pokemon nodded and took a deep breath. She let out a blinding beam of fire which went straight for the opponent.


Previously m1h4jl0
As Blaziken used Overheat, Michael knew its not very effective on his Houndoom, so he done nothing. Houndoom took hit and then he was ready for his next attack.
"Houndoom, use Fire Fang, again!" Michael yelled and Houndoom started running towards Blaziken ready to hit him.
'I know how this people are watching me. Like I am total newbie. But they don't understand that I just don't want anyone to see my Pokémon in their best form.'Michael thought and smiled.
"Oi, what you smiling about?" Riley called out to Michael. "Blaziken, use Bulldoze!" Blaziken nodded. She began stomping around with all of her power, making the ground shake. "It should lower the Houndoom's speed. But I think this guy might have something up his stupid sleeve. Ugh, his smile creeps me out... No, I've got this. He lost two Pokemon and I lost none. But at any time this will turn around. I just don't know when..."


Previously PrincessPika~chan
Aoisuko was watching the fight avidly, through the doorway that lead out of the side room she was in into the arena, “That Blaziken looks tough... if I had to fight it Rainbow would be my best bet...” she mumbled and let out a huge sigh. Spark woke up as he had heard a lot of fighting; Aoisuko stared at the two Pokémon on the battlefield, “I know I can only fight one of them in the finals, but I still think it’s best for me to analyse their strategies anyways...” Aoisuko said, partially to her Mimikyu.
"Oh please, making me mad won't work. Try using it against someone who actually cares about winning!"Riley responded with a smirk. "Blaziken, you know what to do!" Her Blaziken nodded and grabbed the Houndoom with her other arm. She tightened her grip so the Pokemon would release her wrist and jumped into the air. When they were about 20 feet in the air, Blaziken used Flare Blitz straight down. As they hit the ground and smoke appeared, Blaziken jumped back to see what was left of the foe. She was hurt by recoil, but it didn't bother her too much.


Previously OtisRolePlays
This battle seemed to only be getting more intense. Otis watched wide-eyed as the Blaziken kept knocking out its’ opponents one by one. Then, the boy’s Houndoom suddenly bit the Blaziken with a nasty Fire Fang. This only made her think more, if she were to face either one of these guys, then she had to start planning a strategy now. “Hmm, seems like Joey could beat that Blaziken, while Clara could take down that Houndoom... but both of them seem powerful.”


Previously m1h4jl0
After great drop from the sky, big smoke cloud rose. Blaziken went out of it victorious, while Houndoom fainted.
"I have been screwing around for too long. I am gonna end your Blaziken now. Go Floatzel" Michael shouted and his all mighty Floatzel came out of Pokeball.
"Floatzel, use Water Pulse" Michael said and his Pokémon released great Water Pulse on his opponent.
Eventually Sparky returned to Finion who was now watching the battle with great interest. It was a strange battle to watch because he knew that Michael was holding back, that he was not making particularly good choices. Finion was trying to figure out why but couldn't understand the intent.
"Pachi? Pachi?" Finion turned to look at his Pachirisu with a frown. The squirrel Pokemon's voice had sounded a little bit muffled and he immediately spotted the reason why. A sandwich, one that belonged to someone else. "Sparky you can't- you can't just take food that's, that's not yours" He reached his hand to move the sandwich out of his Pachirisu's mouth but stopped when the electric squirrel sparked his cheeks a little bit. "A-Alright okay"
The trainer returned his attention back to the battle, interested to see a Floatzel now in play. It seemed that Michael was now taking this more seriously.
"Please, don't you know that there is the option to dodge? And I won't go down that easy!"Riley shouted. Blaziken moved swiftly to the side, due to her Ability, "Speed Boost" and avoided the attack. Her speed was constantly increasing and Riley wanted to take advantage of that. "If I get too close, the attacks will surely hit. So she needs to stay as far as she can." She thought to herself. She nodded to Blaziken, who nodded back. It began storing energy, ready to attack in any moment. " Just gotta hope she'll hurry up. The Sunny Day will give us some time, since it lowers Water Type attacks. I know Blaziken will faint in any second, but I need that Floatzel to have low health when I get out my second Pokemon."
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"Ugh, please Blaziken! You can take it! I know you can!" Riley thought to herself as the living jet of water approached her Pokemon. The attack hit Blaziken, sending her a few steps back. She was very weak now, but she took the hit. "This is it, one more hit and she's done! Well, time is to SHOOT!" Riley called out to her Pokemon. With her last strengths, Blaziken let out a Solar Beam which was heading straight for the Floatzel. "Please hit! I don't want Blaziken to go down without letting a single hit on the opponent!"


Previously m1h4jl0
Michael didn't expected Blaziken to survive.
'This Pokemon has a lot of potential. If she had different trainer, she could pass my Floatzel' Michael thought.
Solar Beam was heading right towards to Floatzel, but Michael knew what to do.
"Floatzel, use Protect and then Aqua Jet."Michael said.
Floatzel protected itself from Solar Beam, and then again aimed for Blaziken with his Aqua Jet
As the Aqua Jet was heading right for Blaziken, Riley knew she had nothing to do. She took in a deep breath and shielded her eyes, not wanting to see her Blaziken get hit. She slowly reopened them, only to see her Pokemon lying on the ground unconscious. She recalled her and spoke to her PokeBall "You did great out there! You deserve this rest."She got out another PokeBall and threw it in the arena, which revealed her Weavile. "It might have a Type disadvantage, but don't think she's gonna go down easy!" Riley called out to Michael. "Ugh, I don't like this guy. He seems like a person who only wants to win. And his smile creeps me out." She thought to herself. "Weavile, use Dark Pulse!" Weavile nodded and released an aura which contained her darkest thoughts.
"I couldn't care less that your Floatzel beat a Venusaur! It could've beaten a Dhelmise and I still won't care!"Riley said irritated. "Weavile, freeze that!" She called out to her Pokemon. Weavile used Icy Wind on the Water Pulse, freezing it solid. Then, it slashed it with her claws. "Nice! Now use Shadow Ball!" The Sharp Claw Pokemon created a dark orb, then shot it at her opponent.
"Wow, chill dude."Riley said as she rolled her eyes. As the Aqua Jet came towards her Pokemon, she said with disgust in her eyes. "Do you think I'll let my Pokemon get hit by that again? Weavile, drown this fella!"Weavile nodded and got a huge wave behind her. She jumped on it, the wave stopping the Aqua Jet. As the wave disappeared, Riley called out to her Weavile "Use Screech and then Shadow Claw!" She quickly covered her ears while Weavile let out a earsplitting screech. She then quickly ran towards her enemy with a shadowy claw, ready to hit it.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Loki was oddly idle from movement or reaction for a bit, as he was drawn to the trance of plotting a decisive strategy to beat both of them. Loki muttered to himself," What about Alice... and Finion? How can I beat them...?" His thoughts flooded him again, but he came back to earth when he realized he was standing up. Loki sat down, looking around at the crowd. He was too hyped for the tournament, and couldn't help standing up again.
It appeared that Loki didn't notice Shiori's question, but Shiori didn't mind. The battle taking place had made him long forget the conversation he had been having. Finally, the tournament had been getting started! The battle so far had been... an interesting one, to say the least. The first kid, Micheal, had already lost two Pokemon sending them out against one with type advantage. To Shiori, it almost looked like... well, he didn't know. Shiori wanted to assume that the kid had some sort of plan, but he wasn't sure. It almost looked like this kid was just throwing away some of his Pokemon, like he didn't care. But Shiori shook that thought from his head. The last thing he wanted to do was underestimate someone. It was probably just some sort of plan that Shiori couldn't see yet. Shiori leaned back in his seat, silently rooting for Micheal. What could he say? He always liked a good underdog.
After Weavile got hit, she quickly jumped back, to avoid getting hit once again. As Riley was thinking on what to do next, she saw out of the corner of her eye that more than half the audience was rooting for Michael. "Of course no one roots for me. Oh well, who needs moral support anyway?"She thought to herself, but quickly got rid of that feeling and called out to her Pokemon "Weavile, use Return !" Weavile nodded and dashed towards her opponent. "Weavile and I have a strong bond, since we've been together for 4 years now! I hope this works..."
"I can do the same, you know!" Riley called out to Michael. "Weavile, use Protect!" Her Pokemon nodded and blocked the attack. "Keep on using Protect, dude! The more you use it, the higher chance it has to fail! Weavile, use Hail!" Weavile smiled and summoned a hailstorm above the arena. "You can't dodge this one, can you?" Riley thought to herself.


Previously m1h4jl0
"Yeah I know, but you can't dodge this one either." Michael said and smiled.
"Floatzel, use Surf!" Michael yelled.
Big wave appeared behind Floatzel and it was heading straight to the Weavile. This battle was starting to bore Michael. He was thinking about using actually good attacks so he can finish this girl.
"Weavile, hold your ground!" Riley called out to her Pokemon. Weavile braced herself for the incoming attack, so when it hit her, she didn't get washed too far away. "Ugh, this guy sucks! Well, at least Hail will get him. Wait, if Weavile gets knocked out, the Hail will hurt my Pokemon! Ugh, than I need to stay in with Weavile until the Hail ends!" Riley thought to herself as the opposing Floatzel was buffeted by Hail. "Now Weavile, use Blizzard!" Weavile let out a storm of Ice which was heading straight for Floatzel. "Blizzard never misses in Hail! Let see you now!"


Previously m1h4jl0
"Of course, Floatzel take this hit and show her what are you made of." Michael said.
Floatzel took full strength Blizzard and it didn't do too much damage to him.
"Now let's finish of this Weavile, use Aqua Tail." Michael commanded.
Before Floatzel attacked Hail did damage to him. Then he started running towards Weavile and trying to hit him with his tail.
'This should be it, this Weavile is really low right now' Michael thought
"If I want to prevent my Pokemon getting hurt, I need to use Sunny Day. Ugh, but he's gonna ridicule me for it! It doesn't matter, I need to look out for MY Pokemon."Riley thought to herself. "Weavile, use Sunny Day!" Her Weavile looked at her confused, but Riley gave her a reassuring nod. Weavile sighed and made sunlight appear. As the Floatzel closed in on her, Riley shouted "TOXIC!" As the foe hit her, Weavile used Toxic on the Floatzel. Weavile got send flying to the other side of the arena. Riley called her back and spoke to the PokeBall "You did great. Now rest." She got another PokeBall and threw it in the arena, revealing her Gardevoir. It floated gracefully, giving the Floatzel a death stare.
Riley raised her eyebrow. "Harden, really? Pfft, that won't help you! You bring a Pokemon that muscle is its best quality! It ain't a Fighting Type and it may be a Steel Type, but my Gardevoir will beat it!" Riley thought to herself. "Gardevoir, use Confusion!" Gardevoir looked even angrier than before and let out a weak telekinetic force to hurt and possibly confuse the opponent.
Riley's smile became even bigger than before when she saw that the opposing Steelix used Rock Tomb. "Yes! This is my chance to use his attack to my advantage!" She thought to herself happy. She called to her Pokemon"Gardevoir, you know what to do in this situation!" Gardevoir gave an approving nod and caught the rocks with Psychic. Then, she looked angry at the Steelix and sent the rocks flying towards it.
As the ground started shaking, Riley thought "Cheap as ever, huh Michael Port?"She chuckled and called out to Gardevoir "Dodge it and use Magical Leaf!" Gardevoir looked at the ground intensely and when she saw a little bit of the Steelix's head popping out, she teleported away and when the Steelix was fully out of the ground she scattered a bunch of leaves that started chasing the opponent.
"How did he hear my thoughts? Did I say it out loud?"Riley thought, a little creeped out. "You won't be crushing nothing! Gardevoir, let it hit you and then heal yourself!" Gardevoir nodded and spread her arms as the rocks hit her. After that she used Double Team and the copies used Heal Pulse. Then, all of them disappeared and left the real one looking mad at the Steelix. Then, she let out a powerful Focus Blast. And even though the Steelix used Harden, the two times effective move was bound to do some damage.


Previously m1h4jl0
Steelix took lot of damage. That made him mad. He was angry at Gardevoir.
"Steelix use Rock Tomb." Michael commanded, but Steelix didn't listen him.
"Steelix, I said Rock Tomb" Michael commanded now louder, but there was still no response from Steelix.
He was too mad to even listen to Michael anymore. He was full of rage and he was 'bout to end it all.
"Steelix, no, don't do that" Michael yelled at his Pokémon, but he didn't wanted to listen, instead he used Explosion. Steelix exploded and dust cowered whole arena, reaching even viewers on stadium.
Riley raised an eyebrow at Michael, who appeared really distressed right now that his Pokemon won't listen to him. "Welp, that's good for me. Better end it right now!" She was about to call out to her Pokemon when she realized what the Steelix was going to do. "Gardevoir, look out!"She yelled worried. Gardevoir used Protect and shielded herself from the massive explosion. When the smoke cleared, Riley sighed with relief that her Gardevoir is okay.