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  1. TheCopperHare

    That moment when you get scared that your best thread will be banned

    That moment when you get scared that your best thread will be banned
  2. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Well, I have.. No. accomdation yet.. Meaning I have little to no money..."
  3. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "We don't-Or alteast I don't, My names silver, I'm a Psychic type trainer, Arpi, Never do that again or I will just die of cringe"
  4. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    They look at Eric with that statement"He has most of them I'm pretty sure, His family we're eevee breeders.."
  5. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "I got it.. Espeon, Use Psychic, And get the books of arpi." Espeon used psychic to make Arpi stand, As well getting the books collected in a pile on a desk for galactic
  6. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Arpi wake up.." She poked him with her foot, Lookin down
  7. TheCopperHare

    Espeon, The psychic Bad @$$((Censor for those who are easily triggered))

    Espeon, The psychic Bad @$$((Censor for those who are easily triggered))
  8. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Bad Quartz!" She picked up quartz, Putting her back in her bag, "Ouch, Now I question the activists In this world." "I am. So sorry She's extremely protective of me." She'd zip the top of the bag up, Her bag had several small holes so her espeon could breath
  9. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Okay? " Her Espeon would of jumped out of her bag, Satchel thing, Tackling the Vaporeon in the side,
  10. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "The Seige if Goldonrod, Goldonrod got attacked on a mass scale by team rocket. Using several Gyarados and 3 charizards and several other varieties That's where alot of people and Pokemon died, Three of my own, People are still cleaning Goldenrod city a year later
  11. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Sorry, Memories came back, Alot of dark memories..You know I can feel for you wanting to destroy team plasma... I can feel the same way with team rocket.."
  12. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "So, Should we wake him up or leave him or what?" She looked at arpi
  13. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    She'd have gave up already, "I need to try in a different area" She seemed to be determined and disheartened, Returning Gardevoir to their pokeball
  14. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    She had been trying multiple times but the shell of it kept shattering, Silver couldn't tell if it was due to the relationship or confidence
  15. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "It's simple testing. I don't think I'm going to be able to pull it off." They took their ring off, Tapping it before the very carcass of a mega evolution shell formed. Before shattering due to the lack of confidence they had
  16. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Arpi then, Sorry.. Hey do you mind if I try something out? I'm going to need to enter a battle though.."
  17. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "What ambitious goals Apri, " Silver would have walked over to their Gardevoir who was Looking around, And given them a strange stone
  18. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "What's your guy's goals for after we finish here, Mines to make my way to the top of Johtos four kings!"
  19. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Well.. Goldenrod had some trouble.. Alot of people we're killed and the tower was bombed so my mother sent me over to here,"