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  1. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Johto: The New Gym Leaders (Signups/Discussion)

    nothing much only some of us won against two first gyms and that is all,it wont be too hard to catch up
  2. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    'I know he knows what will I do but what I can. Plus I dont have much PP left for it.'thought Mickey. "Ok Swampert use Protect" said Mickey and his Pokemon once more made barrier around himself. 'I have to get ready for next attack'thought Mickey again
  3. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Star Wars: After Order

    "I think it is out of your buisnes. Except you are part of Alliance. But when I see how you look I think you are scavenger ot bounty hunter. More likely scavenger. Why did you thought it is smart to come from back to man with powerfull weapon as this is?" asked him Mickey without showing any mercy
  4. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Star Wars: After Order Discussion

    @Captain Cardboard still waiting for respond
  5. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    "Swampert use Hammer Arm and colapse with that blast"said Mickey when he made an unexpected move. 'He probably thought I will protect. This was more safe way'thought Mickey
  6. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Johto: The New Gym Leaders

    Kyle walked in Gym and saw a trainer who just lost against Bugsy coming out. 'I will beat him and take my second badge.'Kyle thought. "Bugsy,I am Kyle,bug type trainer from Slateport City. Prepeare to lose" said Kyle to gym leader "Ok,this will be interesting. Go Scyter" "Ok,Go Scyter too" said...
  7. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    Swampert got hit by Gardevoirs Shadow Ball. He lost a lot of HP which was making Mickey woried. He didnt knew what attack to do next. He had only one more left to show. And he decided to do it. "Swampert,use Mud-Bomb now" said Mickey and his Swampert done powerfull ground attack on foe's Gardevoir
  8. MihajloJedi

    Open Welcome to The Ultima League

    I know rules @StormingCobra55 . I had to write because he ignored my post about Surf. And also it is hard to make one paragraph when you can do only one attack you know
  9. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    "Swampert,fast,use Hammer Arm" Mickey said and his Pokemon attacked before Gardevoir charged Psychic,and Swampert knocked Gardevoir on ground. 'Maybe this is my chanse'thought Mickey when Gardevoir fell on ground in front of his Swampert
  10. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    Swampert done Surf with a lot of his strength. He thought that Gardevoir cant and teleport defend forever. 'C'mon Swampert,you won even harder matches'thought Mickey. Even he didnt heared him,Swampert knew what Mickey wanted to say.
  11. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Star Wars: After Order

    Mickey saw man coming closer to him. He didnt heared him so he didnt knew is he on First Oreder side or on side of Resistance. He pulled out his white lightsaber. "Stand right there. If you do anything you are dead for few seconds" said Mickey to man that talked to him. (((@Captain Cardboard...
  12. MihajloJedi

    Hey why are you so "offline"?

    Hey why are you so "offline"?
  13. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join The 2nd Great Pokémon War

    Mitch's Fearow was back after quick looking at Vermilion. It seemed like there werent much soliders. Most of them were in Pewter where was biggest battle. "Ok. They are not ready. They maybe dont know we are here. Now lets attack."said Mitch and lead his army in fight (((Why is no one joining...
  14. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "Well,do you want to catch Pokemon than. Someone that is atcualy able to fight?"asked Mickey while they were walking throught Viridian forest "It is kinda cold here"said Mickey and looked up where it wasnt able to see sky
  15. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Johto: The New Gym Leaders

    Kyle woke up in his tent. First he ate something for breakfast. Then he went into bushes to find some berries to feed Scyter because he was out of his food. When he went into bushes he found a Wurmple there. "Finnaly,after so long. Pokeball go." said Kyle and threw Pokeball. After few swingings...
  16. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join The 2nd Great Pokémon War

    "I atcualy grown up here,I was only born in Sinnoh. But we dont have time for chating. Lets go and battle" said Mitch to his soliders and thenraised his M249 (minigun) in the air
  17. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    "Swampert use Surf to stop that Psychic" said Mickey and behind him appeared giant wave that was ready to attack Gardevoir. 'I cant keep it going. Tournament is starting soon. Swampert cant be tired'thought Mickey. He was trying to decide between stoping match or keeping fighting.
  18. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join The 2nd Great Pokémon War

    "I like how you think solider. Wha rank do you have?" asked Mitch solider because he saw his batteling skils and he thought he could good commander or at leasr captain.
  19. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    Mickey saw Gardevoir teleporting and getting ready for Shadow Ball. "Swampert protect" said Mickey again and Swampert again made invisible barrier around himself. Gardevoir done Shadow Ball and it started to go to protected Swampert who was getting ready for his next attack
  20. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    "Swampert,use Hammer Arm" said Mickey before Gardevoir's Moon blast came to Swampert,he started tu run and his Hammer Arm crushed with Moonblast making giant explosion. 'I dont see nothing from smoke'said Mickey for himself