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  1. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    Mickey saw Shadow Ball coming to attack his Swampert. He waited for a bit only to give hope to Gardevoir that it will hit Swampert and then he said: "Swampert,use Protect" Swampert done Protect and Shadow Ball punched invisible barier and disapeared.
  2. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join The 2nd Great Pokémon War

    Mitch was speaking to his men before they head to Vermilion. "We done nice job here. We got new orders to attack Vermilion. We have two options to attack now or to wait for more soliders to come,but then we will lose element of suprise" said Major
  3. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "Maybe I can help you. Here is the deal. I will let your Vee to win against my Ziggy. Then it have to get stronger. Or if you want real fight I can send Dino too." said Luke
  4. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    "Ah a Psychic type. Lets see what you got. Swampert,use Surf."commanded Mickey after Gardevoir got out of its Pokeball
  5. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join The 2nd Great Pokémon War

    Mitch Connor and his soliders won battle in Cerulian and captured it. Misty was making troubles but she was forced to leave with all other Kantonians. In that moment Cerulian becams first won teritory.
  6. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "So Kiera (@KieraTheKirlia ),where are you from? I dont think nothing bad,I was just wondering because it seems you dont know this place much. And we are traveling alone so I dont have anyone to talk to except you." said Luke while Kiera and him were entering Viridian Forest
  7. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Star Wars: After Order

    After few minutes of preparation Mickey prepeared old Imperial cannon. He had only 3 missiles. He sat on gunner's place and started to shoot missiles one by one. Mickey knew where he gotta hit. He wanted to shake their destroy a bit. And he done it. All 3 missiles hit their target. 'I cant even...
  8. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Star Wars: After Order Discussion

    oh,ok well i will chage it now
  9. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Star Wars: After Order Discussion

    i replied go and check it out
  10. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Star Wars: After Order

    Mickey was on top of the tree looking at First Order Star Destroyer on sky above Endor. 'Why they just can leave this planet?'thought Mickey. "You know what. I am gonna teach them lesson they will never forgot. Dont mess with Ewoks"said Mickey mostly for himself and then laughed. Mickey get off...
  11. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    "So we are both from Hoenn that is funny. Well lets do a 1v1 battle. Your first Pokemon against my Swampert,okay?"asked Mickey
  12. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join The 2nd Great Pokémon War

    Mitch was shooting with his M249 like madman. After they defeated their enemies he saw Azreal and his team fighting famous Lt. Surge on other side. 'It seems like they dont need help. I will thank him later. It is more matter to get theritory on enemy land'thought Mitch "Boys,follow me lets take...
  13. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    Mickey saw trainer coming from his back. "Hello.I am Mickey,trainer from Slateport City in Hoenn." said Micjey when he turned around. Swampert done same move as his trainer because he wanted to be like him.
  14. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join The 2nd Great Pokémon War

    Mitch saw a brave group of soliders who went to help him. That gave him strenght to battle. "Attack from other side!!!"said Major. From outer side Cantonians were attacked by Azreal and his troops and from inner side they were attacked by Mitch and his soliders. Kantonians were lost. They...
  15. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Welcome to The Ultima League

    After Mickey went to feed Pokemons he went to train a nit. He saw a group of people. He hadnt time to talk to them. He went straight up to beach. There he released Swampert to train with him.
  16. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "I am not from Kanto but I understand in maps. Now follow me to Viridian forest and there we will find way for Pewter." said Luke. He was glad to see that she wanted to cheer up. That put smile on his face
  17. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join The 2nd Great Pokémon War

    After two hours of holding back enemies. They finaly made from three sides to suround them. Only north was free. "Major,we still can escape trought that forest. What are your orders?"said one of soliders. " I will not escape like chicken. I will fight and die if it is so. Now everyone with...
  18. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Star Wars: After Order Discussion

    @Shinx_Shades Is my bio ok