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  1. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Gyarados use Hurricane"shouted Mickey and Gyarados prepeared for attack 'He is soo strong. But I need to win. I need to prove that I am strong'
  2. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Ahhhh. Ok then. Gyarados stay on place and wait when he digs out."said Mickey. He and Gyarados waited and when Mickey guessed that he will dig out he said: "Gyarados use Hyper Beam now" (((I dont get is Scopulus Steelix or)))
  3. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Okay then Go Gyarados." said Mickey and released his Gyarados out of Pokeball. "Lets beat him G. Use Hydro Pump now." said Mickey and raised his hand. He was really sure that he can beat Validus.
  4. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "Nice to meet you too Kiera. I think race would be nice. I am pretty fast." said Luke and remembered something. "Hey Kiera,this is my Pokemon Ziggy" said Luke and showed his Zigzagoon. "Can you show me yours?" asked Luke
  5. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Good job Validus. Well we could do one on one. Steelix versus Gyarados. What you think?" asked Mickey hos friend. 'I know I could beat Validus but Steelix is pretty strong.'thought Mickey.
  6. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Yeah,Validus is right." confirmed Mickey As battle countinues,Mickey send message to Michael and Abbey inviting them on Cinnabar Island
  7. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "Hey Max,it is me Luke,guy who moved in house next to yours,remember?" said Luke when he came closer to Max. "So I wanted to ask you will you travell alone or no?" asked Luke (((@AnimeTail I am waiting for respon. But dont hurry)))
  8. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    Mickey was coming back from beach when he saw Gary batteling one familiar face. It was Christopher. "Hello Christopher. I will just watch,wint disturb you."said Mickey and sat on the ground to watch battle of his friend Gary and Christopher. While ha was watching he checked messages from Mom and...
  9. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    Luke got out of his house followed by Ziggy. They already packed their stuff ready for adventure. He was walking down the street when he saw Max calling Kiera in front of her house. "Hello,Max what's up?"asked Luke (imagine he has Russian acent)
  10. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Thank you very much. Now my team is full. Good luck at Gym battle I will wait for you on other side of island." said Mickey and left Pokecenter. While he was going to he saw Validus with Blaine. 'I wont disturb him. Lets just go.' thought Mickey . He finnaly made it to the beach and there he...
  11. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Of course. Go Poliwhirl. Catch this." said Mickey and gave his Pokemon King's Rock. "Who will you trade with" asked Mickey his friend and put back Poliwhirl in ball. Then he put him in trader. "Soooo..." (((Sorry for late respond. Wasnt home for some time)))
  12. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    Mickey came on Cinnabar only a bit after his friends. He came to Gary "Hey,I wanted to ask you something before you head to battle. So I think you know how Poliwhirl evolves. I need to trade with someone. I have King's Rock so what you think?" asked Mickey
  13. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land

    Name:Luke(On American) Age:16 Gender:Male Personality:Friendly,brave,kind,smart Nationality:Russian Physical Appearance:Normal height and weight,mix of blue and brown hair,blue eyes,0 shaped head Clothing:Always wears blue and black,mostly shirt and pants,sometimes jacket Pokemon:Zigzagoon...
  14. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land

    Is there place for me to join
  15. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Well lets go then”said Mickey "Uh,we are in Saffron so I got to walk to dock. See ya on Cinnabar my friends" said Mickey and left his friends
  16. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Well I want my Gym to be in Pallet Town,that is best and there is Sea and Beach too. And about going to Cinnabar,I wont go with you. I dont like Flying. I would rather Surf on Swampert." said Mickey to his friends. (((Tommorow I wont be able to write anything so I give you two permision to...
  17. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    One week later After Mickey and Validus fished in Cerulian City and Mickey caught a Shiny Huntail they met with Gary in Saffron City. There they rest few days and decided to countinue their adventures. (((This is what happened in that week))) "Hey Gary,we were together this whole week and I...