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  1. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "I thought about that bt now I will not"said Mickey and made a really big smile
  2. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Then it is Lavander town"said Mickey "Yes"said Gary "Okay watch up ghosts here we come"said Mickey "DDid you said ghosts?"said Gary "Nop.Lets go"said Mickey
  3. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Gary,I got better idea" "Hm,what is on your mind?" "We can go to Lavander Town first I heared about some weird things there"
  4. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Yes but if I evolve Magikarp he could learn some dark moves that are effective against Psychic" "But..." "All I know that it is worth to try"
  5. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "No,I think lets go through Route 6 and hope that ours Pokemons will be near that level to beat Alakazam"said Mickey "Maybe I will evolve my Magikarp who knows?"
  6. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    Mickey waited for Gary to finish and when he saw him coming he went and congradulate him "Nice,you got badge too ha" "Yep" "Did your Heracross beaten Raichu or he got baken?"Mickey asked throught joke
  7. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "I think that I would like to have Gym in Palet Town,there is reason but I cant tell you. Now go and win that Thunder Badge" said Mickey and put thumb up
  8. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "No really Poliwag was so good that Raichu barelly touched him"said Mickey while Gary and him were walking down the street to Gym
  9. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "My Poliwag litealry crushed Raichu,no jokes" said Mickey "I am not sure about your Heracross,maybe Hitmonchan would be better"asked Mickey
  10. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Good morning Gary,you slept really long I see"said Mickey and laughed "Yes,a bit"said Gary and started to laugh too "I alredy went into Gym and beaten Leader,I think it is your time now.Let's go"
  11. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    Mickey entered hotel and huried up stairs to show Gary his badge Mickey knocked on doors number 10 No response "Did he woke up?" thought Mickey and knocked again (((OOC This is map if anyone want to see it)))
  12. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    Before Gary even showed up Mickey dresed and went into Gym to beat Gym Leader Lt. Surge "Kid are you sure you'll challenge me,you might get shocked"said Surge and laughed Mickey prepared his pokeball and"Go,Marshtomp" "Ah,you use water type" "Yes and I will crush your Electrics"said Mickey with...
  13. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    After really long day Mickey fell asleap on his bed in Vermilion City while he was thinking about tommorow battle
  14. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    In his room Mickey laid in his bed and relaxedIt wasnt still night so he couldnt sleep but he felt really tired "Wow what a day"
  15. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "I will pay rooms for both of us lets just go to hotel"said Mickey when he and his frend head to hotel "Two rooms for me and my friend" said Mickey to receptionist "Here are your keys,your room is 10 and your 14" "Thank you very much"said Mickey and than he and Gary went to their rooms
  16. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Yes,Yes, let's go to hotel night is falling"said Mickey
  17. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "I'll fish now join my if you want" Than Mickey sat near water grabed his old rod and tried to catch some Pokemons "Here I havent found no Pokemons"said Mickey when he wanted to go but suddenly caught something on his old rod. It was Magikarp. Mickey didn't batteled it.He just threw ball and...
  18. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "I think I will just beat this two bug catchers and that would be enough" "Maybe we could go and fish after so i can find some water Pokemons"said Mickey and started to battle Bug Catchers He easily beaten their two weedles,one caterpie and one butterfree "My Poliwag is so strong that he could...
  19. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "I dont know you chose first"said Mickey "But I am good with this two I dont need more of them"
  20. MihajloJedi

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Maybe someone will join us cause I heard a lot of trainers are now in Kanto trying to become Gym Leaders"said Mikey "Maybe who will know"answered Gary and they kept going to Vermilion City