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  1. X

    Xela's Sprites

    I finished it... It's not the best, because the color of the Shiny Sableye doesn't really change that much from the color of the skin, but I edited the clothing color a bit, too... So, yeah... I'll stop babbling... Here... -Xela Otoku
  2. X

    Xela's Sprites

    I haven't tried reposing yet, and I guess it is pretty easy... I do need to try reposing sometime... Oh, and I couldn't work on the sprite at all yesterday, because my mother made me run around and do a ton of chores. When I finally got to relax, I decided I'd rather level up my Pokemon for the...
  3. X

    Xela's Sprites

    They're not cosplaying, as I said in my intro post, but Pokemorphs, and yeah, I use paint. I've been doing this for about a year, and I still think I'm not really that good. XD But, hey, it's not my opinion that really matters in requests. It's the requestee. And I'm going to provide a challenge...
  4. X

    Xela's Sprites

    Alright. Since it's so late here, I'll put it up tomorrow, unless I can stay up late and make it, but I'm basically babysitting a pair of kids, who also spend time on the computer, so I probably won't get it up until tomorrow. *mutters* I can't wait until I get to be paid for babysitting... Of...
  5. X

    Xela's Sprites

    I'm sure I could. Do you want the skin colored? And I'm glad you like the Shiny Sneasel Pokemorph. ^^
  6. X

    Xela's Sprites

    Bwahahaha!!! I have finished teh sprites!!! I made one WITH colored skin, and one without. ^^ [With colored skin. First attempt at coloring Pokemorph skin!] [Without colored skin. A bit easier to do than the first one.]
  7. X

    Xela's Sprites

    It's fine with me. It likely won't get very busy at all. I'm not the best when it comes to spriting, but hey! Some people seem to like my art! Y'know, it's weird... No matter what type of art it is, if I think it's bad, I still get pretty positive feedback... Really weird... But whatever, I'm...
  8. X

    Xela's Sprites

    Alright. I'll try. I've never really changed the skin color before, but I'll try that. If I can't get it, then I'll leave the skin color be, and show you what I've got, K? ^^ Thanks for the request. I was getting bored. XD -Xela Otoku
  9. X

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    I'm not able to make transparent trainers, sadly, as I don't know how... But I was hoping you could put this one in for the trainer cards. ^^ I really wish I could make my sprites transparent... Eheh... ^^; -Xela Otoku
  10. X

    Xela's Sprites

    Ok, I'm not the best with sprite work, but I'm getting there. I can do a lot of different things, such as Pokemon fusions, Pokemorphs (Not Pokemon Cosplayers!), recolors, revamps and devamps, Custom Trainer Sprites (Sort of. Depends on the difficulty.), Trainer's Cards (Doesn't matter which...