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Search results

  1. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP discussion/sign ups)

    I'm on an iPad and I know that the lines are shorter on the iPad then on the computer. Are my post one liners? On my screen they are three or four lines long.
  2. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusive walked around pondering what he should do. He bumped into Sino. He stuttered" S-s-sorry I was just thinking to myself." He then looked at Sino's face. He started blushing enough so that you could see it through his fur. He then completely froze with a panicked look on his face. After...
  3. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusive was walking around the village. He said to himself"I want to be a father, but I can never make a move to tell someone that I have feelings for them. I probably will never have a wife. I wonder if I can adopt a child. Is there an orphanage here?" He looked and sighed. He said" I don't...
  4. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP discussion/sign ups)

    Can I join? Name : Illusive Gender: male Species: Zoroark Gender interest : prefers female Crush: none Appearance: Has thicker fur then most zoroarks Personality: He is very timid when it comes to meeting love interest. If someone was interested they would have to make the first move...
  5. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Mike crawled in his bed and fell asleep. He slept silently. Illusive was having a nightmare. In it Kestrel had lead an army of Pokemon to the base. Anubis was slowly bleeding out, and his new home was destroyed. He then was put in a cage. He was then brought back to his old family. He started to...
  6. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Mike hypnotized the two children. Anubis and Illusive quickly fell asleep. Mike said" Yes master I will understand. You are always right." He then began to massage Venen. He said" Anything else I can do for you master? I love serving you. It makes me happy. I love being your slave. I'm addicted...
  7. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Anubis Said" I'm too restless to sleep. Can Mike hypnotize me to sleep? Illusive asked" Can he do that for me too?" Mike said" If master is ok with it I will. He said" I'm starting to warm up to the idea of violence. Mainly your pheromones give me more satisfaction then keeping to my morals. I...
  8. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Anubis finished Mike's costume and gave it to him. Mike tried it on. He asked" How do I look master? Do I look normal. And yes scavenger is what I say if I get it." Anubis said" Ok scavenger. By the way do you want me to make the Giratina costume tomorrow, so you can terrorize cities with just...
  9. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon village: The rebellion

    Elise grabbed the rose. She said" Can you hold me please? I will feel safe in your arms. I desperately want to be loved. I will do anything to be loved anything. Just love me please." She kissed Calico lovingly. She said" I want to know what love feels like."
  10. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Anubis said" I just finished yours mommy. I'm going to start Mike's now." He handed Venen the finished costume. He then started on Mike's costume. Mike asked" What happened to the birdie?" He began to massage Venen. Illusive said" Maybe he will get himself killed."
  11. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Illusive waited to see what would happen. He hoped that Kestrel would get hurt. Anubis continued to work on the costume. Mike waited patiently for Venen to return. Anubis said" Well he is in big trouble. If he gave away our location I want him to be hurt. I don't know if he did though." Illusive...
  12. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Anubis asked" Do you want me to make the Giratina costume after this so you can terrorize cities with just you and Mike. "Mike said" I would help you be a deadly terrifying Giratina if it would make you happy master." Illusive said" I don't trust you. You probably gave a away our location. Now a...
  13. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Anubis said" Ok mommy. I just figured since you liked hurting Pokemon that would be fun for you. He then began to work on the Alolan Salazzle costume. Mike said" Considering I'm a freak and neither a normal or Alolan Ninetales a normal ninetales costume will work for me." Anubis said" I will...
  14. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Anubis said" Do you want to blend in or be something that everyone is absolutely terrified of. If you want to terrify them I could turn you and Mike together into Giratina. Mike could telekinetically control most of the costume while you let loose powerful dragon attacks from the mouth. Or we...
  15. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Anubis said" Well I guess they weren't a friend at all. They left me. They don't want to help us. Next time I see that bird I'm going to be very angry. Mike said" Want me to carry you around to find a victim. I'm fine with causing someone to get hurt. I just don't want to be the one to do it."...
  16. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon village: The rebellion

    Elise said" You aren't going to hurt me?" Elise gave Calico a kiss on the cheek. She said" I can not lose you. You are the only one that has been nice to me in my real form." She clinged to Calico as if he could disappear at any moment, and the only thing that could prevent it was her touch. She...
  17. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon village: The rebellion

    Elise got bored of waiting on the audino to reply to her, so she ran in the village destroyed village. She looked around her, and she started to cry. She was devastated that anyone could do this type of damage to an innocent village. Her illusion failed as she continued to cry. She sobbed" Why...
  18. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Mike asked" Are you ok master? You seem very upset. Is there anything I can do for you?" He started to massage Venen's back with some of his tails. He said" You have no idea how much pleasure I get from serving you because of your pheromones. It is the greatest sensation I have ever felt. I live...
  19. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Anubis waited for Kestrel. He said" I wonder if he is going to be able to pull it off." Mike wondered if any of the Pokemon knew about the secret entrance to the place you battle the gym leader. He was hoping to make himself look good in front of Venen by opening the entrance. However that would...