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Search results

  1. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Cooking School

    Nathan stopped as he noticed Kyle going back towards a room. He then followed him towards the classroom. Nathan then responded "It might be. Then again it may be a different class or just people hanging out in there. Then again I guess it wouldn't hurt if we go in and ask." Nathan then put his...
  2. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Cooking School

    Nathan heard someone right beside him, which startled him. "Oh hello my name is Nathan and this is my partner Audino. I guess you are confused as to where to go too huh?" Nathan said in an embarrassed tone. "Lets hope that we can find where we are and where we need to go." Nathan then started to...
  3. silenttreecko

    Private/Closed Pokemon Cooking School

    No I can respond now I wasn't sure who you were talking about. Sorry
  4. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Cooking School

    Nathan was reading a book about different sweets while his Audino was guiding him. He then looked up from the book and looked around. He asked his Audino "Um... so where are we?" As he said that he searched for a map to see where they were. He then stumbled upon a kitchen with people in it. At...
  5. silenttreecko

    Private/Closed Pokemon Cooking School

    Name: Corrie Age: 15 Gender: male Grade: Freshman Appearance: white hair with streaks of black in it and his hair covering one of his eyes and has a medical like mask covering his mouth and nose Likes: Savory and sour foods Dislikes: sweets Specialty: Desserts Partner Pokemon: Audino
  6. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join A Bright Future (Alolan Adventure with Fanmade Starters)

    "Oh thank you." Nathan said and picked up the Botunny. "I don't think I will name it. I kind of like just calling it Botunny." Nathan said trying to hide his excitement. He then heard someone ask his name. "Oh my name is Nathan it is nice to meet you." He then pat the Botunny on the head and...
  7. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join A Bright Future (Alolan Adventure with Fanmade Starters)

    Nathan went towards the professor and asked if he had any starter Pokémon that he could have. He then looked around and only saw Botunny. He then wondered if anyone picked it, but decided to wait for the professor's responds. If he did then he would gladly take the Botunny. If it was someone...
  8. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join A Bright Future (Alolan Adventure with Fanmade Starters)

    As Nathan watched them he noticed someone in a lab coat approaching them. He wondered who he was and decided to go towards him. He then thought "Is he the professor in this region? If so I wonder if that is where the starting Pokémon are." He then approached the man and the other two and asked...
  9. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join A Bright Future (Alolan Adventure with Fanmade Starters)

    As Nathan was looking around he noticed a boy with ash brown hair walk into someone with ginger hair. He walked up a bit to see what would happen. He then thought to himself "Those two aren't native to this region. Wonder where they are from?" As Nathan thought to himself he was about to take a...
  10. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join A Bright Future (Alolan Adventure with Fanmade Starters)

    Nathan looked towards the Alolan islands as his ship neared the dock of Melemele island. "So this is Alola, huh. Well it sure does look fun and might have a lot of exploring to do." Nathan said as he stepped onto the dock. He then stretched from the boat ride and started to walk towards a beach...
  11. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join A Bright Future (Alolan Adventure with Fanmade Starters) Discussion

    I guess as long as its not interfering with major parts of the story or big changes
  12. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join A Bright Future (Alolan Adventure with Fanmade Starters) Discussion

    Full name: Nathan Schouest Age: 14 Gender: male Appearance: white hair with green eyes and wears a long sleeve green shirt and black jeans with tennis shoes Personality: quiet, outgoing Backstory: Starter of choice: Botunny Region of birth: Kalos Likes: nature, outdoors, cold places, cooking...
  13. silenttreecko

    Open Bakugan: Restored

    As Nathan was floating in the water he said "Doesn't it feel nice Knight...?" As he said that his bakugan ,trying to stay afloat, said" I guess, it is a bit too cold though." He then got into Nathan a was trying to dry himself. Nathan then got out of the water soaked. "Well guess I should get...
  14. silenttreecko

    Open Bakugan: Restored

    Nathan started to walk along the beach shore and looked out towards the ocean. His bakugan riding on his scarf asked "Is something the matter." Nathan looked at his bakugan, but gave no response. He then started to walk again and then asked his bakugan "Wonder what is out in the world..." He...
  15. silenttreecko

    Open Bakugan: Restored

    Name:Nathan Age: 16 Personality: Quiet, a bit apathetic, caring Appearance: White shirt with khaki shorts and an ocean blue scarf has blue hair with strips of white normally barefoot Bakugan: Aquos knight, Aquos Siren, Aquos Surge Element: Aquos Backstory: Grew up near a beach and was secluded...
  16. silenttreecko

    Discussion: A travel through Hoenn

    Depends on what it is.
  17. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join A travel through Hoenn

    "Sure I don't mind traveling with you." Nathan said with a smile. "By the by what are you going to be doing when you leave here?" Nathan asked. As he said that Chikorita and Buizel both came out of their pokeball. When they came out they were both in some kind of costume. "Look at who decided to...
  18. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join A travel through Hoenn

    "Oh my name is Nathan." He said as the Growlithe was licking him. As he said that his Duskull came out of its pokeball. "Well looks like your Growlithe isn't the only one that is coming out. Any way I'm here to see what the professor is like and what he does. Plus I don't really need a pokedex."...