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  1. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    As soon as Nathan heard that he froze and stared into the Furret's eyes. Then Dylan's Pidgeotto slammed into it and Nathan made a break for it while Frost not to behind.
  2. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "Well I guess we can tell the others we got it and turn it into Sir Thompson. Wait why do the both of you look pale?" Nathan asked.
  3. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    Nathan turns his head and at that moment he saw the styler laying on the ground. "Hey guys I found the styler I think the Furret must have dropped it." After he said that the Furret loomed over him.
  4. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    No the others are gathering apples so we can lure the Furret out" Nathan said as he was rubbing his bruises. " I just hope that the Furret won't attack us" Nathan said quietly.
  5. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "Nice to meet you, my name is Nathan Schouest and this is my partner Frost." As he said that Frost punched Nathan with another wood hammer. "Ow, what was that for." Nathan asked as Frost was laughing.
  6. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "Oh, hello well a Furret stole one of Thompson's stylers and we are trying to get it back, but we also lost our partner Pokémon." As soon as he said that Frost and Basil ran toward them and ran over Nathan. "Ow, that hurt" Nathan said.
  7. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    As soon as he said that he asked "Ren where did Frost go, wasn't he tugging on your shirt and on top of that where is your Minccino? They were behind you weren't they?" Nathan started to look around for them and called Frost's name, but got no response.
  8. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "Yes surprising this isn't the first time it has happened" Nathan said. As he said that Frost ran into the forest without anyone noticing. As Nathan got up he started to wipe off the dirt on his face. "During our trip here he kept on punching me in the face in his sleep" Nathan explained. "Also...
  9. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "I'm fine with it so is Frost" Nathan said. As he was saying that he tried to separate Frost from Ren's shirt, but ended up getting punched with a wood hammer.
  10. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "None here, but question why the apple place of all places?" Nathan asked. As he said that Frost started to pull on Ren's shirt even harder almost pulling him down.
  11. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "Ok, but who should go with who?" Nathan asked. "Even if we do split up then we have to send people who are quiet to the forest and people who aren't to the apple place" Nathan suggested. As Nathan said that Frost ran over to Ren and started to pull on his shirt sleeve.
  12. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "I'm ready whenever you guys are" Nathan said to the point where no one could hear him. Frost started to jump up and down to signify that he was ready.
  13. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "I'm not sure , but Frost was trying to get my attention to look at it" Nathan said quietly. As he told them that he ran toward the forest. As soon as he did he shouted to the others to come here as he found some footprints.
  14. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "Yes Sir Thompson" Nathan exclaimed. He and Frost rushed towards the door to find the Furret. When they were outside Frost saw a large Pokémon with a shiny object. Immediately Frost began to shout at Nathan and pointing at the Pokémon, but as Frost did that the pokemon was scared away. As Nathan...
  15. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    "Yes sir I'm Ranger Schouest" Nathan said quietly. "This is my partner Frost the Snover" Nathan said. "Sir I found this while I was on my way here" Nathan said. He hand over the stlyer to Sir Thompson.
  16. silenttreecko

    Ask to Join Pokemon Rangers

    As Nathan got off the boat he pulled out the map with Frost looking over his shoulder. "Looks like we have to go left at Ranger Avenue," Nathan said to Frost. As they were nearing Ranger Avenue, Frost spotted something shining from the ground. "What is it Frost?" Nathan asked and went over to...