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  1. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Michael laughed at Alan imitation of the year two. "Ya he was kinda being cliche. Do you think I can have an aquarium in our room?" Michael asks as they enter their dorm building. Larvitar had picked up some flowers in the field and was now giving them to Michael. "Thank you Larvitar. They are...
  2. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "Well it is getting dark so I think we should head inside." Michael suggests. He pats Feebas on the head and returns him to his pokeball. Abra hops onto Michael's shoulder and Larvitar dances around his feet. "Do you think that year two will come back again." Michael asks concerned.
  3. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "Thank you. And yes please Feebas did seem to enjoy those pokepuffs. And uhh the name is Michael." He says stuttering a bit. His hands start to fidget again. Michael's Larvitar gave Michael a small little hug and Abra rested his paw onto Michael's fidgeting hand, trying to calm him down. Michael...
  4. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "We are okay." Michael mutters, his words staggering. As the year two left Michael turned to Alan. "Umm thank you." He says weakly. He then turns his attention to his Feebas who he sees is eating a pokepuff from a trainer. Michael tenses up a bit but noticing Feebas' calm demeanor he relaxes...
  5. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Michael froze up. This was a situation he was all to familiar with. Feebas dived to the bottom of the lake trying to hide away from the trainer. Larvitar jumped in front of the trainer and started to yell at him. Larvitar was always protecting Michael and her other friends. Abra just sat next to...
  6. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Once the field was in sight Larvitar ran off to play with other pokemon. Abra started to wake up in Michael's arms. "Well good afternoon. I would like you to meet Alan and his pokemon. They are our roommates." Michael says to the stirring pokemon, he sets him on the ground. Abra looks at Alan...
  7. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "Okay." Michael says as he leaves their dorm, Larvitar staying close to his legs. Michael pulls out his map as he walks down the flight of stairs to the first floor. "So the classrooms are not far from the dorms. So I think we should head to that lake we can see from our window." Michael...
  8. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "Come on Larvitar lets go." Michael says as he gently picks up Abra. Michael rests Abra into his arms like a baby. "He should be awake soon so I don't want to put him back in his ball." Michael tells Alan trying to make his odd behaviour a little less weird. Larvitar jumps to the ground standing...
  9. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "Oh ya I forgot about that." Michael said lying. He knew Feebas had a worse time around people than he did. Michael wanted to hopefully find a body of water away from others but he himself was too shy to object. "Is there anything you would like to do?" Michael asked. "I don't want to make it...
  10. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Michael blushed a little at the compliment. "Thank you. You are a kind person as well." His words stuttered a bit. Michael looked over when Alan asked his question. "I was hoping to see where our classes would be and maybe find a lake or river for Feebas to come out."
  11. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Michael let out a nervous chuckle. "Ya I was not very social as a child. One day when I was walking through the forest looking for berries, for my parent's pokemon daycare, and I ran into a Abra. At first he kept teleporting away but eventually after enough berries he grew fond of me. After that...
  12. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Michael laughed a little. "She is pretty tough. She would love a battle." Larvitar jumped with enthusiasm onto Michaels bed, the springs creaking under her weight. "Careful Larvitar don't wake up Abra." Larvitar quickly composed herself and made sure to quietly walk across the bed towards...
  13. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "Ya I have a Feebas but he does not like to be out of water." Michael said lifting his third pokeball for Alan to see. "He had a hard time in the tournament but thanks to Larvitar here we got through it." Larvitar did a small jump with joy at Michael's praise.
  14. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    With a playful smile on his face Michael waved at the pokemon now in the room. "Nice to meet you Treeko, Charmander, and Vulpix." He pulled out two of his pokeballs. "Come on out Larvitar and Abra." Larvitar appeared on the floor of the room and lit up with joy at the sight of new pokemon. Abra...
  15. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Michael looked over the room he will be spending his next year living in. He liked it. It felt cozy and he knew Abra and Larvitar would enjoy it. All it needed was a fish tank for Feebas. They had a window in their room which over looked a small lake and field where Michael could see trainers...
  16. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "Ya I can see that." Michael said trying to calm down. He wanted to become friends with Alan and Stella but was afraid they would not like him or laugh at how weak his pokemon are. He sees their room up ahead and points. "That one is ours."
  17. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "I think it is down that way." Michael says pointing to one end of the corridor. "So why did you tryout for this school?" Michael said trying to be social. He voice was a little shaky.
  18. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "I hope so to." Michael says to the boy. He puts his number in after Alan and gives a small wave goodbye to Stella. "I am going to head to my room as well. See you later Stella."
  19. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "My name is Michael. I am a first year as well." he replied trying not to stutter. He always had a hard time talking to new people. His mom blamed it on the fact he spent too much time with his pokemon and not with other kids as a child. "Your name is Alan?" He said addressing the boy. "I think...
  20. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Michael had kept fidgeting with his hands as he made is way to the boy's dorms. He followed the map all the new students got when they arrived at the welcome ceremony. He kept fidgeting with the map looking up and back down continuously trying not to get lost. He did not want to make a fool of...