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    DPPt/HGSS Alpha's Team! Rate if u will!

    Plapti, Gengar has the Big Root because he has Giga Drain and it doesn't have STAB so why not help it do better. Yes I realize I could do the same to dark pulse which would be more effective -_-
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    DPPt/HGSS ShadoPikachu's Trading Post (Take 3)

    I'd like a Houndour/Houndoom preferrably female but any shinies are accepted of course :o
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    DPPt/HGSS Alpha's Team! Rate if u will!

    Do you think it's worthwhile to switch out Rhyperior for Dragonite?
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    Who do YOU play as in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?*possible spoiler warning*

    I love using Meta Knight in regular brawls since he has a lot of quick damage dealing attacks. However I don't use him much in subspace boss battles since they are huge, and he is tiny. Snake is one of my favourites because he isn't huge and slow but his attacks act like it.
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    SSBB: Preferred Control Method

    I also prefer the Gamecube Controller but I'm getting more used to Wiimote=Nunchuk. The buttons make sense to me and its not difficult to use. The wiimote itself is just...weird.
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    Favorite Brawl Arenas?

    I like the larger stages more. I'd have to my favourite though is Spear Pillar. Unless Cresselia appears. That thing is gd annoying in allstar mode...
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    DPPt/HGSS Alpha's Team! Rate if u will!

    Why is every pokemon with a berry though. I figured Gengar's big root helps with giga drain and energy ball just...doesnt make sense to me. but I'm thinking of switching out Rhyperior with Dragonite- Haban Berry Calm Nature Ice Beam Earthquake Outrage Aerial Ace Does that seem like a better idea?
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    DPPt/HGSS ShadoPikachu's Trading Post (Take 3)

    I have a female blastoise, charizard and infernape if that helps.
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    DPPt/HGSS Alpha's Trading post

    any what? Do you mean what am I looking for or what other pokemon i have?
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    Jeyjey's Request Topic!

    No no it's great. It must be just the fact that I think blaziken's original body is the ultimate. And would it be too much to ask to see a demonic Crobat?
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    DPPt/HGSS Alpha's Team! Rate if u will!

    Okay thanks here they are in the way you wanted Blaziken- Coba Berry Careful nature -Blaze Kick -Brick Break -Blast Burn -Shadow Claw Lucario- Enigma Berry Naughty Nature -Aura Sphere -Dragon Pulse -Flash Cannon -Psychic Yanmega- Lansat Berry Hasty Nature -Giga Drain -Air Slash -Night Slash...
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    Jeyjey's Request Topic!

    Okay thanks! I think the giratina wings look a littled crammed though :P
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    Slink's Sprites Chao, Splices, and Recolors; Now Available!

    You make Trainer sprites right? could u make a blaziken cosplayer if you do?
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    Jeyjey's Request Topic!

    [color=maroon]That Rayquaza in your first post looks really cool. Do you mind if I use it in my sig? And could I see a Demonic Blaziken?
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    DPPt/HGSS Looking For A Trade?

    I have a couple Jolteons level 49 and 52 or a llevel 50-something Flareon, and a few low level other eveelutions. I don't really mind what you give me, These guys are jsut taking up space anyway :P
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    DPPt/HGSS Alpha's Team! Rate if u will!

    I'm kind of new to competitive battling but I was wondering if my team holds any value whatsoever :P Blaziken- Blaze Kick, Blast Burn, Brick Break, Shadow Claw Empoleon- Surf, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Pluck Gengar- Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb Lucario- Aura Sphere, Flash...
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    DPPt/HGSS Alpha's Trading post

    Okay I have a lot to offer ;D And a lot to ask for First off, I have a lot of legendaries to trade such as: Darkrai Shaymin(X2) Phione(X2) one with pokerus Groudon and Kyogre Rayquaza And plenty other regular pokemon I'm mostly looking for Suicune and Raikou and various other pokemon since...