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  1. O

    Good News/Things Happen

    A friend of mine is going to a mission trip in... Thailand I think. I wish I could go, but it's cool that he gets to. :) But I got to go to the movie theater last night for the second time this month, which is a lot more than I usually get to, so that's good for me. :D
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    Orangen's Sprite thread

    Yup. I had way too many sprites sitting around in my Photobucket account so I decided to put them to good use by posting them. XD OC Trainer Sprites: Game Characters: Mira & Steven Cosplayers: Bonsly & Mime Jr pair Marowak Anime Characters: Tracey, of course! He was actually...
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    In-game Quotes Thread

    Some from Advance Wars: DS: "Today shall be the greatest of days, unless tomorrow is even greater!" ~Javier "Allow me to slap the foe with extreme prejudice!" ~Javier "We have pretty good chemistry, eh, 'Stache?" ~Jess "Ah! She loves me..." ~Javier Actually almost anything Javier says. XD Oh...
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    Non-Gaming Usage of Your Gaming Systems

    I used to use my SP as a flashlight all the time... A while ago my freind and I talked to her sister using pictochat on our DS's because her sister had a question about the game she was playing--she (the sister) was just in the next room over though and was only too lazy to get up, lol.
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    The Glitch Topic

    The cloning glitch and the Pomeg Berry glitch from Emerald... And for some non-Pokémon ones: ~In Fire Emblem 7, you can hard or soft reset as an enemy steps on a mine and gain control of enemies for one turn ~Also in FE7, this isn't really a glitch so much as it is an editing error, but...
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    DPPt/HGSS My Pearl team...

    Hm... Leaf Blading Gallade sounds rather nice, I might go with that. What if I put Gardevoir over Vespiquen and changed Gallade's X-Scissor for Night Slash? Then I'd probably do something like this: Gallade Jolly Nature ~Swords Dance ~Leaf Blade ~Psycho Cut ~Night Slash Gardevoir Modest Nature...
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    Good News/Things Happen

    I have both a Jolly and an Adamant Ralts on my Emerald which is very nice for breeding if I want a new Gallade. :) And I beat a round of the Battle Tower last night on Pearl...
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    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    The only shiny I own is a pink Crobat on my Ruby Version that my friend traded to me. I once had a shiny Wurmple (that was Modest too) on my Emerald version until I accidentally deleted my file. >_< I was kicking myself for a few days and mourning over the awesome Beautifly I could've gotten...
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    DPPt/HGSS My Pearl team...

    I wanna mess around in Battle Tower but I suddenly realized... I have a bunch of shared weaknesses. :o Here's what I've got: Empoleon Timid Nature ~Surf ~Ice Beam ~Flash Cannon ~Toxic Vespiquen Bashful Nature ~Heal Order ~Defend Order ~Attack Order ~Toxic Lucario Timid Nature ~Dark Pulse...
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    DPPt/HGSS A 3rd gen Hypno set...

    Yeah, 3rd gen, so thanks Figs.
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    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    I like the gender exclusive evos introduced in this gen, maybe we could have more of those? Unlike Gardevoir they don't have to be for Pokémon that already look like one gender (hey, Glalie doesn't look particularly masculine, or feminine really). Maybe they could do that for Eevee since it had...
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    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    A Cubone pre-evo is a cute idea... Maybe we'd see it without its helmet. And... :o I
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    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    :o I think it would be kind of cute if you put spark plugs where the trainer would go...
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    DPPt/HGSS Battle tower Team

    On Lucario I'd go with Psychic over Flash Cannon. The only two things (Ice and Rock) that it hits are already covered by Aura Sphere which is better. Plus Psychic will Super Effective Fightings.
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    DPPt/HGSS A 3rd gen Hypno set...

    Note this is mostly in my ingame team but I may play around with it in Colosseum's Battle Mode a bit... Anyway, here's what I was thinking; Hypno@Leftovers Relaxed Nature ~Thunder Wave
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    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    ^Agreed. Some other dual-type attacks should be Blaze Kick (Fire/Fighting) and Shadow Ball (Dark/Ghost). Some new ideas for Pokémon dual types could be a dragon/fire (ridiculously broken but cool anyway, maybe it could have junk stats), dark/psychic, ghost/psychic, and electric/psychic (yes, I...
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    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    That Marowak Ghost was pretty awesome... !!! What if Marowak got a ghost/Ground evolution? Or just a ghost/ground Pokémon anyway?
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    Why is the Pokemon anime getting unpopular?

    :/ I think it's just that, as has been mentioned so many times, the anime has just been watered down so, SO much in the dubbing process. If only it was easier to get subtitled Japanese episodes... And even so it's just getting repetitive. Although... I liked May. Despite the fact that Misty is...