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  1. R

    Official SSB Brawl Thread

    I pretty much like the new way to get trophies. This time you can at least do something, and it won't depend on luck. Although i think you will need more coins to get a trophy this time...
  2. R

    The Realm of Pixeity

    Wow... O.o It's just... Awesome! ^.^
  3. R

    Sprites by Smoochum

    Thanks, I love them, as all of your sprites ^.^
  4. R

    Sprites by Smoochum

    Wow, thanks so much, I love them! Could you maybe make overworld sprites (you don't have to, but I would certainly love it ^.^)?
  5. R

    Sprites by Smoochum

    Wow, these sprites are awesome! ^.^ Can I request some trainer sprites? Just do wichever sprites you like. Here's a reference. Click here!
  6. R

    I need help resizing sprites.

    First go to Image > Image mode > Indexed colour. Then Resize the sprite.
  7. R

    The Insane Asylum (Updated 12-29-08)

    Keep up the good work dude. =]
  8. R

    Official SSB Brawl Thread

    I believe (although I'm not sure) that if you become a trophy, it's the same as dieing (sp?). Would that make any sence?
  9. R


    New one =3
  10. R

    Official SSB Brawl Thread

    It seems like Waluigi will be an usefull asisst trophy. I'm glad they didn't make a character out of him.
  11. R


    Hello everyone, I have made a sprite comic called [i]Pok
  12. R

    The Zelda Series :3

    Of course you can say what you think, I can't choose your opinion after all. I just wanted to say that many people were like that, and they didn't really looked past the graphics. But as I just said, I can't choose your opinion.
  13. R

    Official SSB Brawl Thread

    I pretty much like this, on parties this will be used, I just know I will.
  14. R

    The Insane Asylum (Updated 12-29-08)

    Dude, these comics are AWE-SOME!
  15. R

    The Zelda Series :3

    I don't agree on this at all. Maybe it were different graphics, so what? I mean, the game worked very good. Most people just said it looked too childish and they didn't even try the game. The gameplay orks (pretty much) the same, maybe even better! It was a tad easy, but still fun. And that's...
  16. R

    In this thread RX's Sprites...{Now doing requests for a limited time only}

    Wow those sprites are all very good (except for the recolours, but let's not talk about them, 'kay?) I think you should make a hooded one fromOrganization XIII, that'd be cool! Well, good luck with all of your spritework. ^.~
  17. R

    Official SSB Brawl Thread

    I like Dedede's Final Smash. You just summon an army of Wadlle-Dee's (and other kirby enemies) and those just push/blast you of the stage!
  18. R

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2

    Well, I have played the first games (Red Rescue team), but I thought it was plain boring. SO I'll probably won't buy one of these.
  19. R

    Your Starter - Take 3

    I always, always take the fire starter. Just because there aren't any good fire pokemon in the games. So I took Chimchar. Second choice would be Piplup though.
  20. R

    Shaded's sprite stuff: requests open

    Wow dude, that's pretty awesome! I would love to see more of your stuff.