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Search results

  1. E

    Jappio's Poke Splices, Fakemon, and Captace Region

    Can i have a fusion of Cacturne,Rayquaza,and Aerodactyl please?For the wiiiiings.
  2. E

    Sprites of Cubone! (I am now taking ALL requests)

    There.It looks alot better with shading.The shading does not suck though IMAO.
  3. E

    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    No,on another website,i've seen people who make signatures using a userbar as a credit tag,and i'll be back to spriting soon and it would be easier just to use that for a credit tag,y'know,with all the animated FB's going around. :p
  4. E

    Sprites of Cubone! (I am now taking ALL requests)

    Good indeed on the rabbit,could use some shading though,just as an FYI/heads-up.
  5. E

    aRX'S aRT Thread...

    Figs is amazing,as are the others RX.The usernames are,in order: Pixeity,Stel,DwaynaDragonfire,Snapdragon,Sem,Linkachu,Figs,Hypotenuse Man(I called it >=O),and good ol Doctor Oak.*holds up cookie shield*
  6. E

    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    Can i please have a fanbar of myself? Text:Kyle (TK) Fan Background:A silvery background,kinda like armor Sprites/Pics:This and this Please.
  7. E

    The Pokecharms Kangaroo Court

    ^He might just have left,KoL.Besides,IP ban the immature,hypocritical bastard >> His statements have been proved hypocritical,and immature,and he is acting like quite a troll to both the TC maker and the mods/admins/Plapti,and i believe that if he wishes to be a troll,why can't he just go back...
  8. E

    Who do YOU play as in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?*possible spoiler warning*

    They probably made him a mid-weight over a lightweight because he is a Steel type,n' stuffs.BTW,Lucas/Ness's final smashes are easy to dodge,and they just come in at random spots IMAO.
  9. E

    Doggy-ears Sprites *Requests closed for now*

    The logo on the hoodie is a skull and crosswrenches emblem.(Skull and crossbones with wrenchhes instead of bones.)He 'tis going to be an RP character sometime in the future,when i can be arsed to make a bio.
  10. E

    Doggy-ears Sprites *Requests closed for now*

    Sweet pixelart profiles(catchy title xD).Can i have a profile of my avatar please,it would be great if you could.Have a nice day ^^
  11. E

    Enchanted Pokemon Funtime Action Adventure Fiesta

    I have to wholesomly agree with baratron's idea,Newo.Cool name and glasses BTW.(Poor Newo :,(
  12. E

    Sakamoto's (Sam's) Sprites

    Edward looks good.The colors are quite good,as is the DP Red sprites.Kudos ^^
  13. E

    Enchanted Pokemon Funtime Action Adventure Fiesta

    I vote for the masquerade of t3h banditos.(Did i spell masquerade right?)
  14. E

    Maiha's Sprites

    Cool,cookie anyways xD Wouldn't of guessed the Wyrm Badge to be Dragon.And blinding color palettes kick total ass.
  15. E

    Maiha's Sprites

    The badges are easy to figure out.In Order: Marblebadge:Rock Wavebadge:Water Venombadge:Poison Infernobadge:Fire Spectrebadge:Ghost Duskbadge:Dark Alloybadge:Steel Wyrmbadge:Bug or Psychic,not sure with the weird spelling. Yuhakuoutei (what a mouthful xD) is a good starter,an original trio too.
  16. E

    Who do YOU play as in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?*possible spoiler warning*

    Regarding to the posts about Lucario: I have used him,he is an (overall) good character,with some flaws.For one,his final smash is short,and not too good.Another is his ^ + B move.I would have liked some damage for that matter.A HUGE thing with Lucario is that he plays alot like mewtwo.You...
  17. E

    The Nem Genenration- Ultimate Addition

    Best.Fakemon.EVAR.If this were an actual Pokemon game,i'd pick Parrat as the starter any day.... Ill be your master....master...masterette of puppets
  18. E

    Who do YOU play as in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?*possible spoiler warning*

    Sonic and Wolf are in there.Sonic is the 33rd down,and Wolf is the 12th one down. :/
  19. E

    Who do YOU play as in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?*possible spoiler warning*

    Since there is already a "Which character do you play as in Super Smash Bros Melee?" poll,i thought that since Brawl just came out,i thought this was an appropriate topic.I personally use Ike quite well,abusing his Up+B special.And,occasionally,i may use Game and Watch.
  20. E

    The Hurt & Heal Game: Smash Bros. Brawl Style

    #4 Pit - HP 33 Ike - HP 57 Pokemon Trainer - HP 33 Meta Knight - HP 58 HEAL Snake - HP 30 Lucas - HP 20 Sonic - HP 23 Link - HP 31 Kirby - HP 29 Pikachu - HP 47 Samus - HP 28 Zelda - HP 37 Bowser - HP 28 Yoshi - HP 4 HURT Sheik - HP 31 >:D xD Peach is Dead xD >:D