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Search results

  1. Naturematthe

    Move set needed!

    Okay, that's right, but then he only could raise the EVs to 100 each while using Carbon and the other ones.
  2. Naturematthe

    Move set needed!

    @Shocari: You should not forget that he already has his Salamence, so learning Dragon Dance will not work... @Charizard101: If you want to use Salamence in Competetive (I'm never sure how to spell this word...) Play, you should breed a new one, using a male Gyarados knowing Dragon Dance and a...
  3. Naturematthe

    An Inside Job (Warning: May contain excessive Violence)

    Did I really choose the right way leaving everything behind me? Running from a colony where I always only had been a discard, a taunted cripple? Trying to find someone new while traveling through this huge country? Sturdy tried to get forward, but his tiny yellow legs were hardly able to move...
  4. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    "Oh, so here you are!" Dunsparce opened his bag and took out a liitle blue berry. "Here, eat this Oran Berry, then you'll feel better." Dunsparce handed out the berry and turned ahead Cody and Eevee. "That's strange... When I were under earth, I should have noticed that someone else is here, but...
  5. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    "Psst! Be quiet! Don't disturb me!" Dunsparce kept staring at Tyranitar. After a while, Tyranitar tried to move, but his moves were slow... "That's it! Now you don't have to be afraid anymore. He is paralyzed by my Glare attack!"
  6. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    "Hey, what's this noise up here?", Dunsparce asked when he extended his head from his hole. But when he heard Tyranitar, he had got his answer. "Oh, my... Did you attack him? I told you not to do that!" Dunsparce turned around and stared at Tyranitar's face..
  7. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    Dunsparce shaked his head. "Inside a dark cave, the pokémon living there normally don't like any kind of light. But maybe you should try this -" He rummaged around in his bag. "Hm... I could swear that I had a Radar Orb with me. With this orb, we would have been able to see if someone is near...
  8. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    "Hey, Eevee, watch out! Maybe whoever he is, he doesn't want anything from us. So don't make him angry!" Dunsparce used his tail to dig a liitle hole into the rocky ground. "I'll have a look what's going on. I will be back in a few minutes."
  9. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    Dunsparce slided down a wet rock and congealed immediately. He turned his head around and stared into the darkness inside the cave. "There's something inside here", he whispered. "And it's not Kangashkan's baby..." Again, he turned around his head. "We are living inside dark caves, so I can feel...
  10. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    "Hey, Cody, don't eat all our stuff! We also want to get something!", Dunsparce laughed before speaking normally again. "Our search will start near the entrance of Pillar Cave. Maybe Kangashkan's baby tried to hide there during the thunderstorm of last night..." Instead of crossing the hills on...
  11. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    The next morning, Chatod summoned the three new Rescue Team members for a briefing. "As you surely can imagine, you're not just here to relax and eat our food. Of course we also have things for you to do." Chatod unfolded a map showing the region around. "See? We're here. About three miles...
  12. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    Dunsparce turned onto his belly and tried to catch the Escape Orb Eevee was playing with. But because he was neither able to jump high enough nor he had arms or hands, he failed using his much too short tail. When he distinguished that it was pointless trying on, he sat down again. "So, what was...
  13. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    After dinner, Eevee, Cody and Dunsparce were given a room inside the Rescue Team's headquarter. During their first hours here, they had met many different pokémon - but they all seemed to be experienced exploreres... "Wow, I still didn't realize it yet... I'm a member of a Rescue Team. And all...
  14. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    "We'll do it, I'm sure! And besides," - Dunsparce dug into the sand and returned holding a little bag - "I've got several things I always wanted to test. Now I'll do it!" He took three different scarfes. "Here, Eevee, try this Defense Scarf. I'm sure you'll like it! This one is for you...
  15. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    "Hey, of course I'll help you! I also have been training to become a Rescue Team member. Don't worry!" Dunsparce turned to Chikorita. "Does anyone have an idea where they could have gone?"
  16. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    "Wait, I'll help you", Dunsparce said before he saw that the pokémon they were helping looked sad - but not because it just had triped. "What's the matter, Eevee? You seem to be sad..."
  17. Naturematthe

    What was your biggest pokemon fail?

    The biggest fail I ever had was the idea to use Spiritomb as a Curser - like Snorlax or Registeel... Another one was losing against an offensive Shuckle (!) in the Duel Tower (I had full HP, and I didn't use Shedinja...)
  18. Naturematthe

    The Suicide Game!

    I try to eat it, but I choke on it. The lolli slides into my air tube, and I'm drowning on it... I drop a scarf
  19. Naturematthe

    Pokemon ABCs Game

    Also German names? Meganie (else Meganium, the same in English^^)
  20. Naturematthe

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

    OOC: If I have to do anything before posting here, please tell me... BIC Such a nice day... Dunsparce relaxed, enjoying the gorgeous weather of this day. It was the best weather he could imagine, but he also didn't just want to waste it with relaxing. Dunsparce and his parents lived inside a...