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  1. Z

    I need help resizing sprites.

    Oh, thanks you two. Also, i've just tried changing an option on the Image Size menu, and it works. Thanks again.
  2. Z

    Zak's Sprites

    I've seen a lot of talented spriters at this forum and I've been doing my own trainer card (my own background, my own trainer and my own Badges), so I thought it would be good that someone told me if the trainer and the Badges look good or not. It's my second or third time making sprites, and i...
  3. Z

    I need help resizing sprites.

    Oh... that's funny because... i've just realised that... uh... i don't have paint on this computer... holy crap, when did i erase it? It was there... long ago. Any other suggestion?
  4. Z

    I need help resizing sprites.

    oh, sorry, i've pasted the same link two times. Corrected.
  5. Z

    I need help resizing sprites.

    Hi, i'm here to ask for some help and i hope this post belongs here. I'm trying to resize a few pokemon sprites to make my own trainer card, but I'd like that when I resize a sprite like this one the result was something like this and absolutely NOT like this. Can anyone help me? I use...
  6. Z

    About EV's and Exp Share

    Thanks again. I think i have no more questions about this.
  7. Z

    About EV's and Exp Share

    Ok, thank you a lot. EDIT: Another question about EV's and leveling up: If you leave a pokemon at the daycare, when he levels up, is there any difference with leveling up by battling? They don't get EV's do they? And do stats get lowered or something like that?
  8. Z

    About EV's and Exp Share

    And defeating a kingler would give 2 atk Ev to the pokemon who defeated it and 2 atk ev to the pokemon wearing exp share? (I mean, the EVs do not divide among pokemon when there are more than 1 of each stat, do they?) I'm sorry, i didn't know where to post this exactly.
  9. Z

    About EV's and Exp Share

    I have a doubt right now, does the Exp Share item give any EV to the pokemon wearing it? I thought it didn't but i'm not really sure. And if it does, there's any way of leveling a pokemon so that it won't gain any EV? (aside of feeding rarecandies)
  10. Z

    Missingno Mysteries

    It can make your hall of fame kinda... "random", but it can't erase your game. Nothing can erase your game (except for problems in the game(the physical game, circuits and that)), the only way to access to the memory of the game is through the save feature on the pause menu. And that's why the...
  11. Z

    Interface problem

    Well, I think this topic goes here. There's a problem when you select "Spanish" language for interface: the "My Messages" tab dissapears and on its place there's only a blank space. Oh, it appears when submitting a new topic and at some other certain circumstances. There's not a big problem, i...
  12. Z

    Should Nintendo make a remake of Gold/Silver?

    I'd love to re-play Silver on my DS, it was maybe the best pokemon game i've ever played. Kanto and Johto together again. Anyway, I would like more a game where you could choose where you'd like to start and then go to another countries, THAT would be great and a cool innovation. Sinnoh is cool...
  13. Z

    DPPt/HGSS My Final team =D

    with a buneary who had learnt ice punch through egg move (his father should be a hitmonchan or a medichamp), i think that should work. I'm sorry but i don't know how to rate your team, i've got a lot to learn before i can see a team's weak spots, tactics, each pokemon's function etc. without...
  14. Z

    Trainer Gender

    I've always chosen male characters, (even in sapphire, with that horrible hair (female's hair wasn't much better either)), but in diamond i NEEDED to choose the female character, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MALE ONE? He's like... awfully horrendous! Oh, I CAN'T look at him without feeling stomach ache.
  15. Z

    DPPt/HGSS Pok

    I believed it carried stat changes, i was mistaken, then. Changing subject. I've been two weeks hatching snorunt eggs and I couldn't get a modest female snorunt, the nearest I got was a Mild and a quiet one. I was thinking on training the quiet one and reinforcing her x0'9 speed with EV's (not...
  16. Z

    DPPt/HGSS Pok

    Yeah, that helped, a lot. Wouldn't be more useful U-Turn and not Baton pass for Ninjask?
  17. Z

    DPPt/HGSS Pursuit on Skarmory?

    But if you use spikes, the opponent will try to not change until he/she really needs to (okay, it's not too damage, but i don't like to start a battle without full hp). Also, spikes damages the incoming pokemon and pursuit the pokemon that is being changed. I think that both pursuit or...
  18. Z

    DPPt/HGSS Pok

    I also think that, but i'm not completely sure. Thanks anyway. Another question: Which 2 of those pokemon would you add to the 4 I listed above? Aggron, Zangoose, Nidoking, a Fossile one (not Cranidos or Omastar), Tyranitar, Scyther/Scizor, Jolteon, Mismagius, Gliscor, Houndoom, Mightyena...
  19. Z

    DPPt/HGSS Pok

    I was thinking about removing Hail, but didn't know what else use instead, about Block, i have a personal reason to use it, however, i'll try it first and see how that results. What I don't know is why I had choosen Ominous Wind... Yeah, Night Slash is much better than Crunch on Drapion, but...
  20. Z

    Missingno Mysteries

    I've read that missingno was the "trial pok