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Search results

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    DPPt/HGSS Plapti's Post for Trading

    Hey plapti, i can get you Slopoke, Misdreavus, Stantler, Pinser, Lapras, Tangela and Phione. Im Intrested in, Tm 15 (Hyper beam), Tm 25 (Thunder), Elekid w/ Electerizer, Flareon (if you have one), and i also need a few water and leaf stones! thanks
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    thanks, no problem! yeah just shout if you need anything else :)
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    sorry i missed you, but im in now and ill just leave it on so we can just trade when you get on! and yeah just mew will fine thanks
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    yeah sure, that would be cool. my friend code is on the left and im good to trade whenever so just tell me when you are! apart from my list i wouldn't mind any event pokes or random legendarys, if you have any?
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    nope i dont have any more electerizers i used mine up, and i dont have fire red or leafgreen to get any more sorry
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    yeah thanks again :) nope nothing yet he hasnt been online at all, but im sure when he does get back to me he'll start gettin those pokes for you
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    alright ill get elekid and spiritomb and ill head there now
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    woops sorry i aded the wrong one but i changed it now, sorry if im slow im on the phone aswell so its hard to type lol thanks a lot!
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    yeah sure larvitars good, im ready whenever just tell me when you wanna trade!
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    DPPt/HGSS SteelixFan3520's Trade Needs! Now More Reasonable!

    well if you wouldnt mind looking at my trade topic then i have list of most the things i need. oh and i need a dusk stone and water stone as well which arent on there.
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    DPPt/HGSS SteelixFan3520's Trade Needs! Now More Reasonable!

    hi, i have the kanto starters and lunatone. and if you dont mind waiting i can also get a seviper. thanks
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    ok im ready just tell me when your online and want to trade
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    nope thats ok, i just have to breed spiratomb then ill pm you when im done
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    hi again ink! yep you can breed spiratomb. pinsir and stantler for elekid would be great, ill start breeding him now while im waiting for plapti. edit - i actually have a spare elekid ready now, so just tell me when your ready :)
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    ok thats cool, and im ready whenever so as you said just pm me when you are!
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    nope the names are great as they are thanks, how about your pokes, do you want nicknames?
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    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    im intrested in houndour, houndoom, pinsir, stantler, sealeo and bastiodon. if you want to trade them? if you choose six starters it would mean we'd trade six for six? just post the ones you'd like and ill get them for you, if you want to trade for them that is? thanks well actually im only...