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  1. J

    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon training and fighting

    the other choices would be fire punch or blaze kick. I went for the flare blitz because its the highest damage. I guess blaze kick could be used... but the problem is I would have to be able to give 2 egg moves at the same time =/ same with fire punch. I made him to kill or be killed, so if...
  2. J

    DPPt/HGSS trades

    np, I gave you the orb for palkia since i have 4 of them anyway. hope you have fun with them =)
  3. J

    DPPt/HGSS trades

    ok, I am on, waiting for ya
  4. J

    DPPt/HGSS trades

    I can get on now if you can
  5. J

    DPPt/HGSS trades

    ok, you want to get on right now and trade?
  6. J

    DPPt/HGSS trades

    I have spare dialga, palkia, mespirit, uxie, azelf, heatran, girantia, and I could get rid of this entei I have... I got it off of someone in a trade.
  7. J

    DPPt/HGSS trades

    a torchick and mudkip can help me out, I have a few legendaries that I have doubles of. is there other things you need besides just legendaries? and tell me when you can get on, I will try to work out a time.
  8. J

    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon training and fighting

    Just a simple question, I will prolly have more as I go with making my final team. Question #1 is this a good ev, nature and move set for an infernape? Att 255, SPD, 255 (I didn't care to use the 1 point missed in the distribution) Adamant nature Thunder Punch Close Combat Shadow Claw Flare Blitz
  9. J

    DPPt/HGSS [Old] Standard Battle Rules - The Default for all battles on Pokecharms

    overall it sounds fair, but I myself can't blame people for using any strategy that can be used if it involves non legendary pokemon. I guess if I were to follow those guidelines, I would have to either cut dragonite or garchomp off of my team. oh well, I guess I will just ask for it to be ok...
  10. J

    DPPt/HGSS trades

    you are looking for any legendary? I could help you out for some starter pokemon that I need =)
  11. J

    DPPt/HGSS The legendary hunt

    here is the problem... I only have shiny palkia and dialga.... nut really looking to get rid of them, took many hours in the gts to land them. is there anything else you would maybe want besides shinies?
  12. J

    DPPt/HGSS The legendary hunt

    actually, I wouldn't mind getting legendaries that I do not have temporarily to add them to my pokedex then give them back or to trade for, either can work. I do not have Mew, Jirachi, Celebi, darkrai, arceus, regigigas, any of the regi's, kyogre, latias, latios... I think thats all of them. I...
  13. J

    DPPt/HGSS Please rate my team!

    they haven't O.o.... I better go see what he actually did then *sobs*
  14. J

    DPPt/HGSS Please rate my team!

    he could have the japanese game and gotten the event item to get Arceus. My friend was lucky enough to be able to do this.
  15. J

    DPPt/HGSS The legendary hunt

    I am looking into getting celebi, latias/os, arceus, kyogre, deoxys and mew. with those I could complete my legendary collection. I will be willing to trade legendaries or normal pokemon that I have available =)