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  1. Yaspen

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Alola High! (Sign Ups are Open), (Reboot of Reboot)

    It's a possibility, my character's aunt lives in Mahogany Town.
  2. Yaspen

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Alola High! (Sign Ups are Open), (Reboot of Reboot)

    Bold of you to assume I had a strategy XD Pokemon have been edited in, as well as a backstory.
  3. Yaspen

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Alola High! (Sign Ups are Open), (Reboot of Reboot)

    Crap, I forgot to add Pokemon. I'll edit those in.
  4. Yaspen

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Alola High! (Sign Ups are Open), (Reboot of Reboot)

    Name: Aspen Sage Age: 14 Gender: F Sexuality: Asexual(panromantic) Personality: Aspen is kind and won't hesitate to jump in and help her friends. If she sees an argument, she'll either side with someone she agrees with or try to break it up. Appearance: Aspen is tall for her age, with her hair...
  5. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    I agree. Since Timeman is the analytical type, it'd make sense for him to see that it's a pointless fight and he'd be better off living to fight another day, probably with stronger allies.
  6. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    Logan: "I don't need some f*cking little girl trying to tell me how to act." Hughes:
  7. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Convergence Omniversal Heroes

    Name: Maes Hughes Location: Labyzinth Hughes fixed the man with a look. "Then let me try: watch it," he said, his usual joking manner gone. "Picking fights when you're outnumbered and don't know your enemy isn't exactly smart." Hughes wasn't too happy with this guy's general attitude, and he...
  8. Yaspen

    Ask to Join Mystery Dungeon Online (Pokemon x SAO)

    Lucy got herself a room at the inn as well. She sighed and heaved herself up onto the bed, again cursing her short limbs. It was definitely something she'd need to get used to. Lucy pulled the blanket up and snuggled into the bedding. Maybe this'll all turn out to be a bad dream and I'll wake up...
  9. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    Do what you need to do! :)
  10. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Convergence Omniversal Heroes

    Name: Ashley, Ed Location: Marseille Ashley waved to the group, touching down lightly. She laughed when Midoriya landed on top of Uraraka. Ed snickered as well. "Are they a couple or something?" he asked, half to poke fun at the situation. Ashley seemed to ignore Bakugou. "So, what are we...
  11. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    ...Sorry, but how would the whole "showing them how things could go in their worlds if they're not careful" work? Sorry if that sounded passive-aggressive or something, it wasn't intended to, I just needed to ask.
  12. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    ...Tbh I don't even know anything about God of War, so I didn't even know who Kratos was... Keep in mind that this is a massive crossover thing, and we might have to explain some stuff. Heck, canons might not even align with what we're familiar with(as has already been established with the FMA...
  13. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    Aaagh, forgot to clarify. 2003.
  14. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    I'll probably take a stronger character eventually. Ngl, thought about taking a Homunculus, but first of all that'd make half of my cast FMA characters and I think that might be too much, and secondly I think they'd be crossing the threshold into "too OP". I mean, they literally cannot die...
  15. Yaspen

    ;-; Hope you feel better!

    ;-; Hope you feel better!
  16. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Convergence Omniversal Heroes

    Name: Lance Location: Marseilles Lance gritted his teeth when the mecha-thing jumped and landed, causing dust to fly everywhere and preventing him from seeing. He tried to see if he could do something to see through it with his visor. That moment was all that it took for him to be hit by the...
  17. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    Black Lion crew just left to regroup and form a strategy, chances are they'll be attacking again.
  18. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    On a debatably more important matter, should I just have Lance be knocked out by the wave? Obviously he won't be dead, but should he be unconscious or just incapacitated in a different way?
  19. Yaspen

    Private/Closed Fiction Crossover

    SNAAAAAKE!!!f I see what you did there~