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  1. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed Ace Academy - Trainer School Discussion

    Heatproof doesn't make Bronzor immune to Fire; it reduces damage. Which would still be great for the first round if Litwick didn't have Astonish lol For this pair, Ground is the most glaring weakness, but Dark and Ghost are also going to put them in big trouble. Edit: I'm pretty sure that...
  2. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed Ace Academy - Trainer School Discussion

    Okay, so it's Hana & Monty vs. Noah & Leila? Looking at the pairs side by side, Noah and Leila have a huge advantage if they use either or both of their ghosts. It would be a bad idea to send Skrelp out against a Bronzor, and the same goes for Ralts, so it's in their best interests to use...
  3. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed Ace Academy - Pokemon Trainer School RP

    This is in no way a test or exam of some kind. How wrong could someone be? No matter how Mr. Redwood intended it, the results of this tournament were going to show that Hana and Pocchi didn't come anywhere near making the grade, and if-- by some miracle-- she passed the first round? Who was...
  4. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed Ace Academy - Pokemon Trainer School RP

    Whoa. Whoa, whoa whoa whoa, wait a cud-chewing minute here! Hana might have pulled an all-nighter to study type advantages and weaknesses, but that was under the impression she'd be doing simple, single-battles that would reflect her relative (lack of) strength as a battler! She couldn't bring...
  5. Von Pumpkin

    Connection issues, until I don't know when.

    Connection issues, until I don't know when.
  6. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed The Rise of Rainbow Evolution

    Uli's story time for the kids, the kittens and the puppies drew Brimstone to listen quietly alongside the others. Though she half-slept through the tale, thanks to Uli's calming and soft voice, she was fairly sure she'd heard all of it. What kind of Pokémon was the first one in the story? Who...
  7. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    Allie's Eevee can evolve. But, like Mango said, it would lose the ability to use the Partner moves that don't fit its evolution. So, evolution would be a sort of tradeoff; gaining strength while losing a lot of type coverage.
  8. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    The special thing is that this Eevee can learn the partner moves, yes. No other Eevee is going to be capable of them, which makes Allie's very rare. Hana feels personally responsible for sending this rare Eevee instead of... just... a normal one with Anticipation, but her dad tends to overdo...
  9. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    "Right! I'll call you immediately!" Hana exclaimed, beaming from ear to ear. It was fine. Everything was fine. She wasn't the direct cause of the Eevee trainer's immediate danger, or anything, except she was exactly that and the Elite Four was going to kill her later. "Also, I don't think...
  10. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    Bebe can have Symbiosis. Lizzie's Pokémon (the ones she has at her time of creation) should be considered incredibly strong and should be given a "level" limit close to, though not yet reaching, their very last few level-up moves. Pokémon she decides to capture later on, I think you have...
  11. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Hana had to laugh to herself. Yeah, if only they were petty thieves. A new Team Rocket would have been so much easier to deal with. Rya's line of questioning told her that the Elites hadn't yet heard about the theft last night, which, she supposed was fine. She'd told the other gym leaders...
  12. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    It hasn't been asked! If your Pokémon has its hidden ability, I will require that information to be disclosed. Otherwise, if your Pokémon has a normal ability that you can find in the wild, I won't require that. But disclosure would be nice anyway.
  13. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Viridian Forest Hana tucked both Pokéballs away in her bag, perking right up as she turned toward the voice that called her name. Her dark eyes flashed in shocked recognition. Was that-- It was! Elite Four Rya! Unfortunately, she couldn't have been there to simply enjoy Hana's Pewter City...
  14. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    I think Lizzie should do that, so I don't have to have Luna stick with the trainers; she can see that the 8th is playing the role of a traveling companion and go back to keep her gym safe instead of playing babysitter. Lizzie will be able to catch some friends along the way, too.
  15. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    Because your gym is the 8th, and won't be seen for a long time, I don't mind if you change out your Pokémon team in reasonable ways. It's only going to be a problem if you change your entire roster right before they get to Cinnabar.
  16. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    They may be a typo away from each other, but if it comes up that people are getting confused, I'll use her real name. Which Luna isn't.
  17. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    Yep. Everything those characters did didn't happen. It's early enough along to simply replace. For my side, everything Dub did is sorta-kinda what Luna will have done instead. Though Luna is likely to skip out on protection a lot faster... Because, when you beat her gym, she'll think you're...
  18. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    There's canon precedent for an E4 member and Gym Leader using the same type, but they were also father and daughter... I'll allow it.
  19. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    Sorry, your suggestion works better than mine.
  20. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    I suggested something similar earlier. That works better and flows a little more nicely.