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  1. J

    DPPt/HGSS Charizard moveset

    Here's a Move set I have for my Charizard the user is banned but maybe if anyone else is looking for a moveset. Charizard Nature-Modest Ability-Blaze Move set- Heat Wave Air Slash Focus Blast Dragon Pulse
  2. J

    DPPt/HGSS Gardevoir Master's Combat Theory Thread

    Geomon does have a point. It is a good strategy but it's a physical atk and Blissey's atk sucks. I think you might want to change the moveset. Here's a move set i saw a guy using. On the first move use T-wave then,after you use T-wave i guess use stealth rock since it can help you by taking away...
  3. J

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my (Brand New!!) Team!!!

    uhhh no thanks I'm sure there's a reason he chose Sassy. It raises sp.def and lowers speed. I alrdy have an adamant mudkip while i was trying to get sassy i got one. Besides i don't want to go through EV training it all over again. But thanks anyway! ;D
  4. J

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my (Brand New!!) Team!!!

    Swampert's move set is all physical :-X. Ya I made a mistake it's a duskull right now. Well i don't plan on changing the nature because it took me for ever to get a sassy natured mudkip, i don't know why sassy, he said it's a good nature for it so i just said ok. We're part of the same team so...
  5. J

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my (Brand New!!) Team!!!

    I battled on wi-fi with my other team and lost miserably so i decided to get some help from the person who kicked my ass XD. His pokemon were EV trained so i decided to also have an ev trained team. He told me what pokemon to ditch for what pokemon. So this is what he said and i want to see...
  6. J

    I drew! Come see! ^_^ NEW: MAMOSWINE VS. TYPHLOSION + NEWS

    It looks like your full in requests but, i have a request XD. I was thinking about Arcanine Vs. Raikou. Since they're the closest pokemon that look like tigers and tigers are my favorite animal.
  7. J

    DPPt/HGSS Burmy help

    I think that's the problem, I think Burmy is supposed to use a move in battle.That's how i got mine ground type. Sorry if i'm a little late.XD
  8. J

    DPPt/HGSS I just want a second opinion on my team...

    Instead of Cresselia you could put Gardevoir. Gardevoir-Modest ( I got this moveset from Carmen when she was helping me make my team Psychic Thunderbolt Reflect or light screen Shadow Ball or Safeguard
  9. J

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my team for free cupcakes*!

    On Staraptor instead of Fly you could put Steel Wing. Just in case you run into a rock type.
  10. J

    DPPt/HGSS rate my team and give suggestions,please!!!(mostly suggestions)

    I'm baaack!! My Empoleon's sp. atk is higher than it's attack. So I'm going with this- Torterra- Wood Hammer Leech Seed Crunch Earthquake I didn't put Giga Drain in because my Torterra's Sp.atk sucks. Empoleon I'm not sure to have drill peck or Flash cannon, drill peck...
  11. J

    DPPt/HGSS Latias and latios moveset?

    For Latias instead of having both Mist ball and Psychic together replace mist ball with maybe shadow ball or replace it with something your team is missing.(i.e-Surf/Thunderbolt/Energy Ball/)
  12. J

    DPPt/HGSS rate my team and give suggestions,please!!!(mostly suggestions)

    For Empoleon i was thinking something like this: Empoleon- Flash Cannon Surf Ice Beam Drill peck This good? :o And then for Torterra I'm going to replace razor leaf but, i don't know what to replace it with. Any ideas?
  13. J

    DPPt/HGSS Burmy help

    If it already evolved into Wormadam I don't think you can change it anymore but, if it's still a burmy battle on the beach to make it turn into a ground type. For steel i think you have to use it in a building. If the resteraunt's not working maybe try the Battle tower? Or you can try the T.v...
  14. J

    DPPt/HGSS I need the TM Dark Pulse, anyone have one?

    I can get you Treeko and Mudkip I'll trade them for Chikorita and Torchic. But, i'm going on vacation Today,tomorrow, and i think Sunday sooo is it ok if we trade on Monday around 5 pm eastern time?
  15. J

    DPPt/HGSS rate my team and give suggestions,please!!!(mostly suggestions)

    Carmen do you think you could make a move set for Staraptor? I'm lvling him up and i'm not sure what moves i should keep and which ones to get rid of.
  16. J

    DPPt/HGSS rate my team and give suggestions,please!!!(mostly suggestions)

    Just want to clear things up. When i send out Gardevoir on the first turn use Reflect? And then when ever it runs out use it again? ???
  17. J

    DPPt/HGSS rate my team and give suggestions,please!!!(mostly suggestions)

    I beat the Elite four already so do you think i should switch Dialga for Gardevoir? Gallade is pretty cool and has high attack but, i already have Infernape.
  18. J

    DPPt/HGSS rate my team and give suggestions,please!!!(mostly suggestions)

    Looks like a great move set for Luxray just one thing, where do I find TM thunder wave? Also my Floatzel and shinx don't like each other much does that mean they won't have an egg?
  19. J

    DPPt/HGSS rate my team and give suggestions,please!!!(mostly suggestions)

    My team suffers more from ground than ice and for Luxray i don't think i would put thunderbolt since it's attack is higher than it's sp. atk. Luxray can be good if you know how to use him. I found a good moveset for Luxray but i'm basically making a whole new team but the same pokemon with...
  20. J

    DPPt/HGSS rate my team and give suggestions,please!!!(mostly suggestions)

    Yes, i know having moves of the same type is bad ,that's why i have you. ;D Also i know having a legendary on your team is unfair but, i don't know what to replace Dialga with. This team has been good with me so far but, i want to have a more balanced team when i vs people on wi-fi in...