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  1. J

    DPPt/HGSS Question about move boosting items

    So i guess plates are worth having your pokemon hold. Anyway, does anyone know where i could find the flame plate? Or does anyone have a flame plate for trade? Edit: nevermind i found it ;D
  2. J

    Weekly anime discussion - you bet your ass there's spoilers

    I think it was probably grass knot.
  3. J

    Your Favorite Game/Region!

    I chose sinnoh because I don't remember the johto region that much (my older brother had Gold and i always watched him play it ) I really got into pokemon when they released Sapphire and Ruby. And I also played leafgreen. Sooo out of Kanto,Hoenn, and Sinnoh I chose sinnoh.
  4. J

    DPPt/HGSS Question about move boosting items

    Does anyone have a list of where i could find all the plates? Since they boost the moves up by 20% i'm going to switch the regular items with the plates.
  5. J

    DPPt/HGSS Question about move boosting items

    Do move boosting items really help that much? (i.e:magnet,mystic water,miracle seed) If these items don't help that much what items do you suggest? Edit: Besides leftovers, thats the only other good item i know.
  6. J

    New Member Introduction Thread

    I joined probably at least 4 weeks ago and i'm not on the computer that often so you'll probably see me posting once in a while, like right now. I'm new here but i know the rules and stuff. I only got my first warning by accidentaly posting in the wrong forum.Anyways, nice to meet everybody!! ;D
  7. J

    Any good games for the Wii?

    Ya, I was thinking of getting Super smash Bros. Brawl when it comes out and yesterday i rented Super Paper Mario and it's pretty good. I saw a commercial for Mario Party 8 and it looks fun if a lot of people come over. I played Sonic at my freind's house and it sucks. :P Anyway, thanks...
  8. J

    Your Starter - Take 3

    I chose Chimchar. I always choose the starter pokemon that i think looks the coolest for me this time it was Chimchar. Chimchar is actually one of my favorite pokemon right now. :)
  9. J

    Any good games for the Wii?

    whoah it does look purty :o Thanks Linkachu! ;D
  10. J

    Pokemon Type Changes(but only in color)

    I like the red Dialga and the red Blastoise to me this looks awesome. I don't know how to do anything with the sprites so all this recoloring stuff looks cool.
  11. J

    Any good games for the Wii?

    Do you know anywhere i could see a preview of Pokemon Battle Revolution? Also, sorry about posting in the wrong discussion thing guess i wasn't paying attention or something.
  12. J

    Any good games for the Wii?

    I got the Wii a little while ago and I have Zelda: Twilight Princess, Wii Sports, and Wii Play. I was wondering if there was any other good Wii games that came out. ;D
  13. J

    Pokemon Type Changes(but only in color)

    The red Gallade looks pretty cool. I also like the blue Raichu. ;D
  14. J

    Origin of your screen name(s)?

    Well, my aunt always used to call me Johnny boy and ever since she passed my user names have always been Johnnyboy25 or if that's taken Johnnyboy2594. 25 Stands for the day of my birthday 2/25. 94 stands for the year i was born, 1994
  15. J

    Explain Your Trainer Card

    My trainer card shows my pokemon diamond team that i use in-game and when I vs. people on wi-fi. The other trainer card with bulbasaur in it shows some of my favorite pokemon. ;D Also, yes your Torterra is colored black :o