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  1. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    The third Pokémon appears soon after the second and was the shortest there it is a bipedal Pokémon resembling a chimpanzee. Its fur is primarily a shade of orange, though its face, outer ears, underbelly, hands, and feet are light yellow. This Pokémon was standing just over 2ft, it had small...
  2. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    The second Pokémon materialised beside the first it was humanoid too, with a lean, blue body and rocky skin. It's height was the same as the Throh but while it was greatly muscled it was lean rather than bulky and is 2ft bigger than its species. It had an ornate sideways z-shaped black feature...
  3. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    After waiting a moment Ajax released his three Pokémon who slowly materialised in front of him, first was a humanoid Pokémon with a bulky, red body and rocky skin, its height reached 6'5 and it was heavily muscled, which was a whole 2ft bigger than its species. It had a T-shaped black feature...
  4. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    After taking of his shirt, Ajax started to go through a multitude of stretches unbefitting of his size, and one warmed up took a sip of water and wiped his forehead with the towel, he went back to the space before and reached behind his back and pulled out three regular pokeballs.
  5. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    He looked around and noticed it was still rather early in the morning, 'Perfect' he thought, after walking into an empty clearing nearby Ajax placed his towel on the ground and the water bottle on top, he then gripped the bottom of the shirt and pulled it over his head and chucked it on the pile.
  6. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    Ajax awoke to the chirping of birds and buzzing of crickets, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, he grabbed a water bottle and towel before climbing out the tent and stretched his arms and back before looking up at the early morning sky.
  7. Calzyreedz

    Thanks I am trying my best.

    Thanks I am trying my best.
  8. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    Ajax reaches his tent and puts his bag inside and exits with a bottle of water in hand, he quickly does some basic exercise before getting in his tent and slides into his sleeping bag. As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out cold.
  9. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    After taking the puffs from Fiona, Ajax ate the rest of his food and left the money on the table and nodded goodbye, he went outside where he assembled a big tent, large enough to contain his behemoth figure and quickly went back to the restaurant to grab his bag. As he walked out he glanced to...
  10. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    (sure thing, hope you come back soon) Ajax shook his head " I am alright for accommodations, I like the outdoors, those poke-puffs on the other hand, I shall accept them gratefully, my Pokémon are gluttens and eat anything" he replies, Ajax held out his hand, to accept them.
  11. Calzyreedz

    Open Kanto RP

    When Ajax finishes his food he left the money on the table, picked up his bag and walked outside and he noticed it was getting late so he walked to a park next to route 22, pitched up his tent and went to sleep after feeding his pokemon.
  12. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    Ajax watches the sylveon wrap her ribbons around Fiona's arm and listened to her explain about the sylveon with interest. When Fiona asked where he was sleeping Ajax pointed towards the small forest outside the window. " I am camping in the small woods over there, too nice of a night to stay...
  13. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    Ajax nods slowly and raised tree fingers "I have three Pokémon right now, but I am unsure what kind of adventure I am looking for, perhaps something fun" he said shrugging softly. Ajax quickly finishes off the first pizza and fries and starts the second, he stops for a brief moment before...
  14. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    Ajax saw Fiona look him over but saw no fear in her eyes, only slight curiosity, but when she reached her arm out and comfort her Pokémon, he realised that pepper? Was tense and on guard. Thinking if he should answer truthfully or not, he decided to tell her. "I am in unova... To forget my...
  15. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    Ajax looked up from his food when he heard someone speak to him, it was the women from a moment ago, he wiped his mouth and sat up straight. When that happened he realised how small she is compared to him, sighing he answers "Ajax, from Kalos, nice to meet you" (ooc:Sorry for the delay I was...
  16. Calzyreedz

    Open Kanto RP

    After waiting for ten minutes the waitress comes back with his food and places the plates on to the table and quickly scuttled off, after watching her leave Ajax started to tuck in to the first burger, relishing it's taste and he quickly ate the first before eating the second at a much slower pace.
  17. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    Ten minutes later the waiter returned with half of the order and went back for the other, while he was doing this Ajax started to eat the first slice pizza. While munching on his food Ajax swept his eyes across the first floor of the inn and noticed it was pretty empty apart from a women on the...
  18. Calzyreedz

    Open Unova Adventures.

    Ajax reached the doors and pushed them open, he ducked under the door frame and walked towards the empty table in the corner, he slid the bag off his shoulder and pushed it under the table, he then sat down and picked up the menu. After flagging down a waiter, who was clearly scared, Ajax took...
  19. Calzyreedz

    Open Kanto RP

    After a couple of minutes waiting, a young lady walks over to Ajax and asked what he wanted, as Ajax looked up he noticed she stood still and was slightly shaking, her eyes glowed with scared emotions. Ajax's arm slowly raised and made its way towards her, as his arm loomed it's way towards her...
  20. Calzyreedz

    Open Kanto RP

    Ajax watched as a person ran past him and into the Pokémon center, he was a few years younger than him but couldn't get a detailed look as it looked like he was rushing. Ajax walked past the center and Into the bustling restaurant beside it, as he ducked his head beneath the door frame the once...