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Search results

  1. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    “It looks like we’re all decided,” Val stated excitedly. “Let’s get going.” Val followed the group out of the Pokémon center and through Petalburgh City. Val was quite interested in the city, Looking at the different buildings, architecture, and statues. She looked back ahead of her when Ernest...
  2. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val followed Ernest over to the monitor and looked over the map. There were quite a few good options that she had seen back in Alola. Towards the bottom of the list, Val noticed the name of her favorite restaurant. "How about Tidal Cafe?" Val asked. "It's my favorite ramen shop back in Alola...
  3. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    You can have him explore the city and interact with other people
  4. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val looked at Kai’s Shroomish and crouched down to get a better look at the Pokémon, assuming that was the one he was talking about. “Haven’t seen this guy before,” Val said. “But let’s see what the dex has to say.” She pulled out the red, handheld device, pointing the scanner at the Pokémon...
  5. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    Sorry for my late response. I really hope this doesn’t die. :(
  6. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val walked with the group into Petalburg City. It was a pretty nice place, but she did love Alola much more, especially Heahea City. When Ernest pointed out the gym, Val looked at it and gave it a once over. It looked pretty normal (pun intended) for a gym. For the moment, it seemed that the...
  7. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val smiled at Saiorse. “I’m sure you’ll do great,” she said to her. “We may even go up against each other.” When Russel mentioned that the first gym leader was rock type, she frowned. Her team, at the moment, was not equipped to battle rock type Pokémon. Eventually Drax would be part fighting...
  8. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    Before we get to Petalburg, I’m going to have my character catch a Lotad. I’m writing my post now.
  9. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val listened to the group and gave some thought to Kai’s question. She knew about the gyms and the various landmarks, but a part of her mind was telling her that she was forgetting something important. Her mind went back to her trip to the Hoenn on the boat. There were pamphlets on the boat with...
  10. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    I’ll post later tonight. Been busy with school and job searching. I’ll still try to post once a day from today on out.
  11. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val looked around and noticed the group had gotten together and was glad that they were staying together. Val returned Drax to his Pokéball, her Pokémon deserving a rest after that battle. Val forgot about the biker until he spoke up again. “Hey!” he yelled. “Don’t ignore me!” She looked at the...
  12. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    In the next hour, I will be busy for the next 3 hours playing Pokémon Go because today is Moltres day. I won’t be able to post at that time. Then, two hours later, I won’t be able to post because I will be working. Just letting you guys know.
  13. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    He’s still there threatening another battle.
  14. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    “Weezing, use Sludge Bomb!” The biker command his Pokémon. The Poison Pokémon belched out a glob of purple toxic waste towards Val’s Jangmo-o. “Drax, Protect!” Jangmo-o put up a protective dome around itself as the Sludge Bomb attack splattered against it. Small puddles of toxic sludge formed...
  15. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    You’ll be free to intervene after I finish my post. But we shouldn’t linger too much on the biker as we want to keep to moving. I only wanted to do this as a way to wait for the others while still posting and not having a lot of down time.
  16. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    @Pjnm13 Val is in a one on one between her and the biker. Can you please rewrite that section of your post?
  17. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val got her food and ate silently as her mind wandered about the Devon Corp and what that would mean for her research. She finished her food and stood up from the table, setting money for her food on the table. A lot people had already left the table and she wasn’t sure if any of them would...
  18. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val said her hellos and followed Ernest and the others into the restaurant. She sat down and perused the menu, as she waited for their server. With her head buried in the menu, she didn’t see the news channel that Ernest had. The server eventually came around and Val patiently waited her turn to...
  19. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val stretched her arms above her head and yawned as she sat up in her bed. She looked around the room and noticed that Kai had already left and Filip was still asleep. Grabbing her things, she went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. She took a quick shower and changed into her normal...
  20. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    Okay, bois, we did it. Day 1 is done.