• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

Search results

  1. Doctor Oak

    IMPORTANT: Trainer Card Maker, News, Guides and PokéDex to go offline on 30th January

    As a result of one of our hosts ending support for the technology used by our Trainer Card Maker, News and Guides frontends on the 31st of January, we will be temporarily suspending all parts of the website other than these forums on Thursday the 30th of January for an indefinite amount of time...
  2. Doctor Oak

    The Creative Corner Is Returning!

    Happy (20th!) Pokécharms Day everyone! Make sure you check out all the posts for it on the homepage today - we've got announcements, heartwarming messages, fantastic fan art and plenty of nostalgia to boot - but I wanted to make sure no-one on the forums missed this particular piece of news...
  3. Doctor Oak

    Please join us in celebrating our 20th Birthday this Pokécharms Day!

    Hey everyone! This Pokécharms Day, the 17th of March, marks our official 20th Birthday, and we're busy prepping the celebrations for it right now. On the day, we're looking to do a big home page takeover with multiple posts showcasing stories, comments, photos, fanart - basically everything -...
  4. Doctor Oak

    Pokémon Scarlet & Violet have launched worldwide – and so has our new PokéDex and updated Trainer Card Maker!

    In case you've missed it from today's news on the home page - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet are out now! And even more than that, so is a huge update to the Trainer Card Maker AND a brand new PokéDex! Make sure to check out the full details...
  5. Doctor Oak

    Trainer Card Maker Update April 2022 Now Live!

    When we relaunched the Trainer Card Maker on Pokécharms Day last month we promised plenty of updates for our much more flexible modern style of cards – and good news – the very first of those is now live! While this is officially a content update, rather than a feature/functionality one, a lot...
  6. Doctor Oak

    The Creative Corner Archive is now finally live

    With massive apologies for the wait, we've finally been able to sort out everything we needed and brought back online the promised archive of the Creative Corner. Now available at the following link: https://archive.pokecharms.com/ (Creative Corner | Pokécharms) All existing Corner content...
  7. Doctor Oak

    Relaunch FAQs

    There have been a few questions and misunderstandings going around with regards to the relaunch this weekend, so this is just a quick attempt to try and answer all of them as much as possible: Q. Why has everything changed? A: We've gone into it a few times in news posts about the relaunch...
  8. Doctor Oak

    FYI: The forums will be closed to any new activity from 10pm UTC tonight

    We will be starting the upgrade process tonight for the relaunch tomorrow and unfortunately it takes a fair old while so the forums will be closed to any new activity from 10pm UK time this evening. Sorry for the inconvenience but we'll see you on the other side tomorrow!
  9. Doctor Oak

    Darkrai and Arceus events coming to Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

    Hot off the heels of the Shaymin event announced on Pokémon Day, the Pokémon Company has now announced a Mystery Gift event for Darkrai and a Pokémon Legends Arceus tie-in to be able to obtain Arceus in last year’s Diamond and Pearl remakes. As with Shaymin’s event, rather than distributing the...
  10. Doctor Oak

    Coming this Pokécharms Day: A whole new Pokécharms!

    It's been a long, long time coming - in fact it's almost an entire year since we first announced some of these updates last Pokécharms Day - but on the 17th March (next Thursday) we'll finally be launching the result of months and months of work over years with a brand new Pokécharms rebuilt...
  11. Doctor Oak

    Duraludon coming to Pokémon Unite on 14th March

    Originally announced on Pokémon Day’s Pokémon Presents stream, Duraludon is the latest character to be added to Pokémon Unite, with the Unite License being available after an update on the 14th March. The Generation 8 Steel/Dragon type will be a Ranged Attacker with moves such as Stealth Rock...
  12. Doctor Oak

    Pokémon Day 2022: Generation IX games Pokémon Scarlet & Violet announced for 2022 release

    Yep, that's right, the next Generation of Pokémon is already on its way! Game Freak announced today that Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet will be releasing this year on the Nintendo Switch. Set in what seems to be a Spanish-inspired region, Scarlet and Violet combine a lot of Sword and...
  13. Doctor Oak

    Pokémon Day 2022: Daybreak Update released for Pokémon Legends Arceus and new anime series announced

    Today's first big Pokémon Day announcement is that the first major update to Pokémon Legends Arceus is not only happening - but is out today! The free v1.1.0 'Daybreak' update brings with it a new investigation into new outbreaks of Pokémon, including powerful Alpha Pokémon, across the Hisui...
  14. Doctor Oak

    Pokémon Day Pokémon Presents announced for 2pm UTC on the 27th February

    With Pokémon Day just around the corner, a Pokémon Presents live stream has been announced to take place on the 27th February at 2pm UTC. Throughout this week, The Pokémon Company has announced smaller updates across games such as Pokémon Café Remix, Pokémon Masters and Pokémon Unite, as well...
  15. Doctor Oak

    Review: Pokémon Legends Arceus

    Imagine, if you can forgive me for imposing the thought onto your brains for a second, that nine months ago, a big blowout for all the best and brightest in the videogame multiverse is in full swing. Mario and Sonic are off in the corner comparing boot size, and Final Fantasy is drunkenly...
  16. Doctor Oak

    Getting Started: 10 Quick Tips for playing Pokémon Legends Arceus

    As it is now the 28th January here at Pokécharms Towers it's now also officially Pokémon Legends Arceus' launch day! We've had the good fortune to get a couple days head start on the game and can report already that it is an absolute stand-out adventure we'll all be talking about for years to...
  17. Doctor Oak

    Final official update for Pokémon Legends Arceus confirms Hisuian Typhlosion, Samurott and Decidueye

    The latest, and presumably final, official update ahead of this week's launch of Pokémon Legends Arceus has given us a brief glimpse at new, Hisuian forms of the three starter Pokémon's final evolutions. While we've yet to officially see more of these Pokémon, we can also confirm that as well...
  18. Doctor Oak

    Nintendo offers a new extended look at Pokémon Legends Arceus' gameplay

    Following on from Nintendo Japan's overview of Pokémon Legends Arceus, we now also have an English-language version with some brand new footage and even more details on elements such as missions, crafting and Pokémon battles. The full 13 minute video is below. There's now only just over 2...
  19. Doctor Oak

    Bidoof takes centre stage in new original animated short

    A new animated short produced by The Pokémon Company International and Taiko Studios has been released. Taking a very different style to other recent animated shorts, Bidoof's Big Stand tells the story of "a bumbling Bidoof with a tendency to bite off more than it can chew" and the journey it...
  20. Doctor Oak

    New Japanese Overview trailer gives us our best look yet at Pokémon Legends Arceus' gameplay

    With just three weeks left until the release of Pokémon Legends Arceus, a new overview trailer posted by Nintendo Japan overnight has given us our best look yet at how the game actually plays. While there are no new details, and the video is obviously entirely in Japanese, this 6-minute long...