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Discussion: https://pokecharms.com/threads/the-night-hunters-discussion.23563/
It was a calm and peaceful night, the sky was clear and the moon was full, in a small and quiet village, many stores had closed for the night, however the local bar still had the occasional drunken songs while a...
Roleplay: https://pokecharms.com/threads/the-night-hunters-roleplay.23649/
This story takes place within the 1800s of England where everyone lives in fear of the terrifying and bloodthirsty creatures known as vampires. These creatures go around at night and prey on the innocent for many...
Good day to all of you people! I've had this idea in my head for quite some time and figured I'd finally let it see the light of day ('Cause Wynaut?) For those of you who know about and/or have Pokemon Masters, there are these special things in them known as "Sygna Suits" which some well known...
Discussion: https://pokecharms.com/threads/pokemon-crimes-in-the-kutarr-region-discussion.22267/
The sun slowly rose across the vast Dry Area of the Kutarr region and brought and end to yet another dark night, some people still roamed the streets of Ovyx Village to either have an early start to...
Roleplay: https://pokecharms.com/threads/pokemon-crimes-in-the-kutarr-region-roleplay.22415/
Welcome everyone to the Kutarr region, a region that mainly boasts dry rocky terrains and mountains as far as the eye can see, although don't let it's harsh appearance fool you as there are plenty of...
Discussion: https://pokecharms.com/threads/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-vast-riches-discussion.21862/
The sun rose across the horizon to give light to a brand new day, the gentle breeze made the few clouds drift slowly across the bright blue sky just as it caused the blades grass beneath to dance...
Hey there, glad you stopped to check this out. This RP I'm making is to celebrate getting 5000 likes before the end of the year and is based off of the first RP I ever made, so I hope this goes well.
Discussion: https://pokecharms.com/threads/a-second-chance-in-sinnoh-discussion.21515/
After the events that transpired within Oroburgh City which involved a pair of curious flying figures and Officer Jenny, Tony and his Zoroark while curious brushed the feeling aside and let the authorities...
The world of Pokemon is mysterious yet beautiful, creatures of many shapes and sizes share this world with humans and live in near perfect harmony with one another, whether it be simple tasks at home or assisting successful businesses. But one of the most well known things people do with their...
It was a bright and beautiful sunny day in Camphrier Town, the people went about their daily buisnesses, children laughed and played through the streets and Pokemon either helped out the people or minded their own...
RP: https://pokecharms.com/threads/a-princes-guide-to-pokemon-rp.21449/
The world of Pokemon is an exemplary place, home to all manner of creatures in many different shapes and sizes. Pokemon coexist alongside humans in perfect harmony, working alongside one another to further improve their...
As the dim light of the monster realm's near red sun began to creep over the horizon and give way to a...
It's been a long, long, LONG time ever since I made my last RP and I didn't make another because...
(First off, I should say that this is my FIRST TIME EVER doing something like this as I am new to Poke charms. I do hope everyone who chooses to join will get along.)
In this RP, you take the eyes of any Person or Pokémon you so choose (almost :p), your paths will be intertwined with others...
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