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  1. Nim

    Sprites ~ by Nim

    Re: Sprites ~ by Nim ( Taking requests!) Here is my newest peice of work. It is a Golurk with Brock's head for those you somehow didn't realise. AnimeFan, you probably don't want this request now because of how long I have been inactive, but I would just like to apologise for not stating...
  2. Nim

    Red's GIMP Thread: Now Taking Requests

    Red, your signitures are amazing to say the least. I really like the Dusknoir, Drifblim and Buizel ones in your first post. :D Anyway I would really love it if you could try and do a request for me if possible. Subject/Stock: Golurk! Background: purple and/or brown? Theme: Something similar to...
  3. Nim

    Mini Tourney: Black & White In-Game Teams (March 26th)

    Re: Mini Tourney: Black & White In-Game Teams (Early game) - Discussion I'm from Queensland too and you will most likely find that you will have to either pull an all nighter or get up very early to be able to battle. We are approximately GMT +10 hours here so you will have be awake at around...
  4. Nim

    Sprites ~ by Nim

    Re: Sprites ~ by Nim ( Taking requests!) Well it was made with Regirock but I guess it is kinda steel because it has Steelix's upper jaw ;D
  5. Nim

    Seeing (Fire)Red

    These are awesome I will definitely be stalking this thread from now on! ;D
  6. Nim

    The Nuzlocke Challenge! Pokemon Hardmode!

    OK, just got my first badge this morning and my team is as follows: T-Shirt the lvl 14 Treecko, Socks the lvl 11 Dustox, Pants the lvl 13 Shroomish and the newest member, Hat the lvl 11 Whismur. I havnt suffered any casualties but at the moment I am very vulnerable to flying and fire types...
  7. Nim

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    That right there, is epic...
  8. Nim

    The Nuzlocke Challenge! Pokemon Hardmode!

    I'm thinking of starting another Nuzlocke run and actually finishing this time. Wish me luck.
  9. Nim

    What do you name yourself in-game?

    I have always called my character 'Nim' :)
  10. Nim

    Charmuraji -RX's almost-live picture show-

    Wow RX, the picture of Floatzel and Sneasle is amazing! So much deatail :D
  11. Nim


    I have never attempted or even considered sewing before. I don't really no many people who can do it where I live, apart from my Granny. :-\
  12. Nim

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    Its been almost 2 months since I ordered a Death Note box set and it still hasnt arrived :-[
  13. Nim

    Sprites ~ by Nim

    Re: Sprites ~ by Nim ( Taking requests!) Yeah, by the time I got Raticate attached I just coulnt find a way to make it look like it was part of Regirock. You can even see where I tried to fix it near the right shoulder xD Unfortunately that attempt failed. Thanks for the criticism, Weeds. ;D
  14. Nim

    Plants vs Zombies

    I usually put down a bunch of sun flowers at the back while placing some sort of attacking plant near the front lines whenever a zombie arrives. I continue until I have about two rows of sun flowers and then I start defending. As for a most hated zombie; it would have to be either the pole-vault...
  15. Nim

    Gia's World of Mysterious Creatures

    Ooooh, your fusions are pretty good Gia, especially the Zangoose/Ambipom one ;D I really love the detail you have put into the Zangoose features. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll have more amazing fusions in no time :)
  16. Nim

    OU Charizard?

    Awesome! I'll have to do that when the 3DS comes out as I have a WPA connection at the moment and only a DS Lite. Thanks for the help Red, KoL, Shocari and Linkachu. ;D
  17. Nim

    Sprites ~ by Nim

    Re: Sprites ~ by Nim ( Taking requests!) This is a Grass/Psychic type splice that has no name as of yet. This one kinda sucks but I thought I may as well put it up anyway in the hope that someone likes it.
  18. Nim

    OU Charizard?

    It has actually already been trained a bit but I have been collecting loads of EV reducing berries so I can just wipe everything, so if I wipe all HP and have a lvl 100 battle then will I be able to see what the IV is?
  19. Nim

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    Oh my goodness! I have almost that exact same dream about 5 years ago. I remember really clearly, but it was in a desert in like Egypt or something and they were chasing me and this little kid so we hid in a tree house. Thats kinda creepy how we had almost the same dream. :o
  20. Nim

    Sprites ~ by Nim

    Re: Sprites ~ by Nim ( Taking requests!) Here you go Electabuzz_65.