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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I'm getting sick and tired of this "let's bash JRPGs because they're not Western" bullshit. Hell, I'm getting tired of the whole Western vs Japanese video game arguments in general. People can be patriotic all they like, but keep it out of video games. Srsly. It just comes off as petty stereotypical, if not racist. All RPGs made in the West aren't amazing. Just as many of 'em bore people to tears as choice JRPGs. Then you have amazing JRPGs, just as you do amazing Western RPGs. Same goes for every game genre, really.

The fanboys are worse than ever, too, but I guess it's to be expected. Casual gamer numbers are growing, thus we have more morons playing video games. The word "hardcore" has long been tainted. Then we have the whole argument against certain franchises going on "too long" - a ridiculously stupid notion all things considered. Hating on Nintendo and Sega simply because they've been making games longer, thus have longer existing franchises, is pretty dense. People honestly think we won't still be seeing new Halo titles in 10+ years?

I miss the days when people could enjoy a game for what it was. The internet spread the console wars bullshit like fire, leaving us drowning in a sea of fanboyism and trolling. All this "if you don't like (insert-game-name-here) you're not a real gamer" crap... Blaaaaah. Just let me play the games I like, kthx. I don't give a damn who they're made by, where they're made, what franchise they're part of, or what consoles they're on. Fun is fun, and that's why I play. If that doesn't label someone as a "gamer" then even that word has become meaningless.

[me=Linkachu]thinks this should have be been posted in her blog. =o[/me]
Nowadays, I hear a lot of complaints about the newer generations of Pokemon. I'll admit to thinking that maybe the designers of those games could have worked a little harder on Gens IV and V. Looking back, however, I realize that Gens I and II had their share of uncreative and strange Pokemon.

For example, many Gen I evolutions were just multiples of the original forms. Magneton and Dugtrio are just three of their pre-evolutions staying together, Dodrio is just Doduo with an extra head, Weezing is basically two Koffing and a Koffing reject mashed together, and Starmie is just two Staryu standing back-to-back. Compared to those guys, the Pokemon of the newer generations are the most creative creatures in the bunch.

Another complaint I've heard about Gen V is that the starter's evolution families have uncreative typings. I admit that I am annoyed about the third fire/fighting starter family in a row, but again, look back to Gens I and II. All the starters and their evolutionsin Gen II have pure typings. Yet, for some reason, I've never heard anybody coplain about this. . .

I'm not trying to get people to complain about Gens I and II, I just wanted to point out that every generation has its quirks, and we'll just have to take the good with the bad
Man. Just one day back in school and they pile more crap on us. I've got a new history teacher, and she sucks. Seriously, she just sat there saying how hard life was back in the Great Deppression, as well as get on to two idiots in the back who had no business sitting together. Then she piles 3 times as much work as our previous idiot did! Yeesh. I've got to get back to work soon......

Also, I'm thinking of redesigning Oreck, but I'm not sure. Maybe I'll just recolor him. Any suggestions?
This guy in case you don't know.
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Angyah, I have two sprites to finish, for a Christmas present to my best friend. I should really start on those.

Mmm, sunflower seeds... Pure bliss~
School starts Thursday. :/ I'm pretty OK with it now because I don't have Digital Photography anymore and now have PE. I hated DP because we didn't do anything in that class. It was so slow, I spent most of my time surfing the internet.

I also am starting my late NaNoWriMo today. I already have a basic plot, so I'm not too worried.
Just got done playing Kirby's Epic yarn a second time. I can't get the music for Meta Melon Island out of my head (I love that song!).

I hope Kirby gets his normal copy-abilities back in the next game. I miss them!
I have just realized that my lovely Rampardos Descartes is not lost to the land of Platinum reset. He was just chillin' in my Pokewalker. Way to scare your trainer, Descartes~ XP
OMG, heart attack! I found out that exams are on next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The EXACT SAME DAYS I leave for Tampa! I wonder how that will work out...

OMG, another heart attack!(I should stop having these.... I shortened my life by ten seconds) but I turned off my HeartGold, thinking I had saved, but I had not! I thought I lost my best Luxray, but whoo... I saved before I entered the E4. So Ike is safe~
Tuncake said:
I like naming my PokeMon Japanese words. :>

Same here! ♥
I've named my whole FireRed team with Japanese names
E.g. Mankey-Kyoki-Means frenzy
Beedrill- Doku-ten- Mean Poison Sting
Rattata- Niburu- Means Nibble
Golbat- Tomodachi- means friend
Oame- Gyarados- Means Heavy Rain ://D

Kasumi xx


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Back at work now. It's not so bad, but I'm getting really hungry and there's still another half hour to lunch. Foooooood. :(
Linkachu said:
Back at work now. It's not so bad, but I'm getting really hungry and there's still another half hour to lunch. Foooooood. :(

That's better than me. I usually get hungry and have hours until lunch. XD
Blisk said:
Linkachu said:
Back at work now. It's not so bad, but I'm getting really hungry and there's still another half hour to lunch. Foooooood. :(

That's better than me. I usually get hungry and have hours until lunch. XD

These words are the reason I make mysefl hungry when my parents are away: so I wouldn't need to starve in school. And it actually pays off.
I've had an ironic thought. I hate reading. I always have, even picture books. Yet, I've had the strangest urge to write a book. Not about my life, that'd be too short 0~0 But a fantasy novel, one that involves a chain of islands, 4 magical swords, a few perverts, and a super slick hero. No, its not a fanfic either! I haven't started yet, but I have a good idea of how I want the story to go.

Also, my friends keep treating me like I've lost my virginity (in a good way) just because I got XBOX Live. They are also calling me n00b. I dun liek being called a n00b :< I'm not a n00b. I have to gather intel for them. Therefore they are the n00bs.

Crap. Just noticed I have terrible puntuation usage. I will have to fix this if I want to become a good writer.
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Doubled said:
I've had an ironic thought. I hate reading. I always have, even picture books. Yet, I've had the strangest urge to write a book. Not about my life, that'd be too short 0~0 But a fantasy novel, one that involves a chain of islands, 4 magical swords, a few perverts, and a super slick hero. No, its not a fanfic either! I haven't started yet, but I have a good idea of how I want the story to go.

I have the same issue. Or well, I like reading and all that and I've always wanted to write a "book". I have some good ideas but I get bored so fast :(


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
SineCosineTangent said:
Just saw Tron Legacy :> It was amazing and so beautiful for a techland :3

Also, I think I inhaled some popcorn at the movies. Just maybe.

If you had posted this on Facebook, I would have "like"'d it. :)

Haters gonna hate, but Tron Legacy was pretty awesome. ^^
I cannot wait until Black/White comes out for Australia release D=

The good thing is that once it comes out in america, it shouldn't be too far behind. (Stupid games people releasing games to australia last *grumble grumble grumble*)

Also, if anyone can tell me how to shrink pictures I will love you forever.
Blazi said:
Also, if anyone can tell me how to shrink pictures I will love you forever.

If you've got GIMP, you can click Image >> Scale. You then choose one of the dimensions and hit Return and it should set the other one so that it's not distorted.

I am actually keeping up with my NaNo this time. I've got 2 days done with 3821 words. I'm ahead of where I should be by a couple hundred words. Of course, I haven't slept yet and it's 5:18 AM here, so it sort of is the 3rd day. I don't count though since on break my days aren't the actual day. That's change tonight with school tomorrow. :/

Good night, 'Charms!
I'm bored. SOOOO BORED.... Me and my friends agreed to go sleigh riding but all of them went to get a haircut before school (they are brothers and a sister). I hope that our spot wouldn't be occupied before they get back. Urrrgh... My head is blasting due to me playing Crush the Castle 2 for, like 2 hours? Owwww....
I had an odd dream last night. I dreamt I got Pokemon White, but all the characters said nothing but jibberish (or is it gibberish?) The other weird thing was that you could steal other trainers' Pokemon. It was the weirdest dream ever.
burnkirby2011 said:
I had an odd dream last night. I dreamt I got Pokemon White, but all the characters said nothing but jibberish (or is it gibberish?) The other weird thing was that you could steal other trainers' Pokemon. It was the weirdest dream ever.

I had a dream that I was being chased by medeival soldiers through my home town (after descending from a treehouse you understand) and that musci from Agent Cody Banks 2 was playing.
Please note I was running like Capt. Jack Sparrow from POTC :}

Kasumi xx
Well, I have decided to go ahead with my novel. There will be 5 magic swords. One controls fire, water, lightning, earth, and the final will be darkness. I'll upload a pic later to DA to show them, but I will be naming them in different languages.

The fire sword, which looks like a regular two handed sword with a golden guard that stretches around the handle, a bandaged hilt, and a black blade with an orange trim, along with the Japanese Kanji for Flame engraved and a red, slightly battle torn red ribbon flowing from the guard; will be known by the Japanese name, 火炎カラス, which is pronounced Kaen karasu. The literal translation is Flame Raven, given its black appearance.

As for the others, I'm still deciding names. But I will show them later. I will also recycle my Pokemon fan characters into this, slightly redesign them (even you, Diego :<), and make them seem a bit more realistic.
Leaving to get Shiny Raikou. What sucks is that I'm not far enough in Diamond and Pearl to get Mystery Gift. At least I have it in HGSS and Platinum so I can get three.
kasumi_slater said:
burnkirby2011 said:
I had an odd dream last night. I dreamt I got Pokemon White, but all the characters said nothing but jibberish (or is it gibberish?) The other weird thing was that you could steal other trainers' Pokemon. It was the weirdest dream ever.

I had a dream that I was being chased by medeival soldiers through my home town (after descending from a treehouse you understand) and that musci from Agent Cody Banks 2 was playing.
Please note I was running like Capt. Jack Sparrow from POTC :}

Kasumi xx

Oh my goodness! I have almost that exact same dream about 5 years ago. I remember really clearly, but it was in a desert in like Egypt or something and they were chasing me and this little kid so we hid in a tree house. Thats kinda creepy how we had almost the same dream. :o
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Wow, I'm drained. I was going to type at least a chapter in my book, but now I'm just not interested, I also feel like I'm starting out all wrong. but I did learn a ton of new words from different languages today, such as how Aquila d'oro means Gold Eagle.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I'd prefer not going to bed at 10 PM again, so some TV watching is in order. The question is, what to watch? Having so many choices isn't all its cracked up to be when you're an indecisive person. :X