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  1. LongArmProd

    What are you listening to - Right Now

    Everybody Loves Somebody - Dean Martin
  2. LongArmProd

    Post Your Desktop!

    It rotates between all of the TF2 Mercs. Also I don't know how my icons got so big, they just were like that one day so I decided not to change it.
  3. LongArmProd


    The avrage decay rate of a ghoul is about 3-5 years and winter would not distroy a zombie but mearly make it more frail and I would just as dangerous the day it thawed as it was the day it froze. And even in a small outbreak humans will resort to conventional forms of combat against a zombie not...
  4. LongArmProd


    We here at the NTZU (North Texas Z Uint) would like to know if the public believes the the undead are real or not. We would also like to know why you do or don't. I you do not we suggest picking up a copy of Max Brooks "Zombvie Survival Guide" or listining to the audio book at -...
  5. LongArmProd

    For my Country

    If you had to be in the military what branch would you choose and why. I would be in the army more specifically calvery or aurmor because I like to stay on the gound alsoscince the Rangers are adopting the SCAR-H&L one of my favorite assult and battle rifles.
  6. LongArmProd

    Weapons in Videogames

    What are some of you favorite weapons in or items in videogames? Here's my favorites Energy Swoard Halo Series M1 Garand World At War SCAR-H Modern Warfare 2 Ray Gun Black Ops Portal Gun...
  7. LongArmProd

    Cool ideas for stuff in Minecraft

    It would be cool if they had a gun Like the gun would be made of Iron and the bullets were made with Irom and gun pouder it would shoot farther then a arrow and do more damage but it could jam ranodmly.
  8. LongArmProd


    What websites do you spend allot of time on? (This also includes online games) Well lets start with the obvious ones Facebook ,Youtube, and of course Pokecharms I also go on Memebase, Damn LoL, Serebii.net, and play Angry Birds on Chrome. (No Inappropriate sites or your reply will be removed.)
  9. LongArmProd

    Pokemon in Real Life

    If you could have one pokemon in real life what would it be and why. I would have a shinx because I could feed it dog food and because it evolves into a Luxray my favorite electric type. Or a cyndaquil because hes my favorite starter and is typhlosion my favorite fire type. (electric and fire...
  10. LongArmProd

    Music in Gaming

    What are some of your favorites songs from a game you've played. My favorite songs: Sympathy for the Devil CoD Black Ops Warthog Run and Never Forget AKA Unforgotten Halo 3 Prepare to Drop and Rain Halo 3 ODST National Park Pokemon...
  11. LongArmProd

    Favorite Zombie Map

    What is your favorite zombies map and why? My favorite is Ascension because of the lunar landers and the monkeys.(I did not include DOA because its not really a zombies map)
  12. LongArmProd

    Halo 4

    If you have been keeping up with E3 you know there is gonna be a Halo 4 game in 2012 what do you guys think is gonna happen? Do think there are gonna be new weapons and what do they do? Do you think they'll be new enemies or vehicles?Also what weapons of vehicles have you come up with? So far...
  13. LongArmProd

    80's Movies

    What are some of your favorite 80's movies? I was born in 98 but I can gladly say more than half of my top 10 moves are from the 80's, Including Back to the Future (my favorite movie of all time) Ghostbusters , Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Transformers The Movie (not to be confused with Michael...
  14. LongArmProd

    On which country do you live?

    I live in Texas. And no we don't ride horses to work, unless we have our ten gallon hats! jk were just like the rest of the U.S.
  15. LongArmProd


    What starters did you chose in each game (on your first time) For me it is Cyndaquil in Silver and SS,Bulbasuar in FR, Mudkip in Emerald,Piplup in Pearl and Platinum, and tepig in white.
  16. LongArmProd

    That game I never beat....

    Well I beat Halo 3 this afternoon so I am glad to get that out of the way ;D. now onto World at War
  17. LongArmProd

    That game I never beat....

    Has their been a game you started playing but never got around to beating? Sadly for me I never beat Bioshock and Halo 3. Halo 3 because my first copy broke and the one I have now is in spanish :o and Bioshock because I just never got around to it...
  18. LongArmProd

    Hopes for E3 2011?

    Three words : Modern Warfare Three
  19. LongArmProd

    Make a Perk

    if you could make a perk in call of duty what would it be called and what would it do? Mine is called Double Agent it shows your title as green instead of red.
  20. LongArmProd

    Official Shiny Pokemon Thread

    I have one shiny Empoleon in platinum I got it in a trade for an Aurticuno it was LvL 100! I used to have a swinub in silver but I restarted....