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  1. PiplupPochama

    Am I the only one who thinks that there should be a Mega Empoleon?

    Am I the only one who thinks that there should be a Mega Empoleon?
  2. PiplupPochama

    #718 - Zygarde 50%

    I much prefer Palkia... :)
  3. PiplupPochama

    To whoever gave me a Palkia for my Phione, thank you so much. Palkia is my first and favorite...

    To whoever gave me a Palkia for my Phione, thank you so much. Palkia is my first and favorite legendary! You are too kind!
  4. PiplupPochama

    OR/AS Mega Camerupt

    XD I finally found a use for my shiny in White 2!
  5. PiplupPochama

    Mega Kangaskhan

    I can't get this one... It is like my game doesn't have the mega stones for Alakazam and Kangaskhan! :(