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#718 - Zygarde 50%

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member

#718 Zygarde - 50%


Japanese Name: Zygarde
Classification: Order Pokémon
Height: 16'05" / 5.0 m
Weight: 672.4 lbs. / 305.0 kg
Egg Group: None


Ability: Aura Break


Revealed: Zygarde was revealed upon the release of the games.


X: When the Kalos region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power.
Y: It's hypothesized that it's monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives.


Terminus Cave



Does not evolve


--- Glare
--- Bulldoze
--- Dragon Breath
--- Bite
--- Safeguard
--- Dig
--- Bind
--- Land's Wrath
--- Sandstorm
--- Haze
--- Crunch
--- Earthquake
--- Camouflage
--- Dragon Pulse
Lv. 72 - Dragon Dance
Lv. 80 - Coil
Lv. 88 - Extremespeed
Lv. 93 - Outrage



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Urrgh... another Dragon and Ground type Pokemon that looks... kinda bad. Worse than Garchomp.

Sure, Garchomp may look stupid, but the actual thing to find in a stupid-looking Pokemon is how usable it is. My friend, Garchomp wrecks everything. :)

Now onto Zygarde. It is worse than Garchomp design-wise. But, the stats on this Pokemon aren't very good. Though, Aura Break is an awesome ability that Zygarde kind of deserves for one reason; It needs some advantage over Xerneas AND Yveltal. Why not mess up their abilities which gives them more S.T.A.B. for all of their Fairy and Dark type moves! :?

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Excuse me, Zygarde's design is more awesome than you will ever be. The thing is alien as fuck and that makes it awesome - and quite frankly, I like its design a hell of a lot more than I like the land-shark.

Second, it's the third-version-legendary which suggests that when the inevitable third version comes along it will probably get some other forme or possibly a mega evolution that would probably transform it into destruction incarnate.

In any case. Move Zygarde for great justice.
It may look bad to you guys (I really like the design) but Maby he will have have a origin form like garitina! When z comes out.
you guys are forgetting garchomp has the ability to fly has legs and flys as fast a jet so these pokemon are reaaly different in a perspective
Zygarde looks like an alien snake type thing. I like it a lot (and not only because it is my favorite colors, but that is a bonus.) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but your reality is invalid. I ignore your reality and insert my own :\=|:


Formerly Luxray901
Though it looks cool, AND EXTREMELY ADORABLE, it doesn't have much of an advantage.
It's ability, Aura Break, only works against Yveltal and Xerneas, making it a little bit ineffective against others.
It's typing. Not only is it made better on Garchomp, it's Dragon typing does nothing to Xerneas, same with Ground to Yveltal.
Although it has some more disadvantages, I'll get to something else.
Look at it's X Pokedex entry:
When the Kalos region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power.
This could be suggesting that there can be a secret alternate form of Zygarde.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
If past trends are any indication, Zygarde is definitely getting an alternate forme or two. While the type disadvantages are not -quite- compensated for by Aura Break, we already know of two moves Zygarde is slated to get - Thousand Arrows (which can also hit Flying and Levitating Pokemon and knock them to the ground) and Thousand Waves (which prevents those hit by it from escaping the battle). Suggesting Zyg might be far more effective than we thought. We shall see.

Either way it's totally one of my favorite legendaries.
Hmmmm..... I think this Pokemon will be featured in the next Pokemon move or so.

Also this Pokemon is my Favorite Dragon type
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Zygarde is amazing :D Way better than some Shark-Dragon-Thing.
Yeah it looks a little weird, but in a really awesome way. I mean it looks like something straight out of a science fiction movie, like Alien. I love the colours on it and all the little hexagonal patterns on it's body as well. Defiantly my favourite Ground/Dragon type Pokemon, and probably my second favourite Kalos Legend after Volcanion.
Honesty Zygarde is the reason I'm so excited for the third version to be released. I can't wait to see what hidden badassery (made up word, I think) Zygarde has in store, whether it be a Mega or a new form. I can just imagine the looks on the faces of the haters when Zygarde releases his true power. Mwwaaahhahahahaha.. >:D
but im sick of ground dragons
Zygarde was the one Pokémon in x and y that didn't give me a problem according to tyranitar tube Zygarde is related to the snake in the Yggdrasil that chews on the souls of the dead and observes the state of the living (Greek mythology I believe). That's soo cool!


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Zygarde was the one Pokémon in x and y that didn't give me a problem according to tyranitar tube Zygarde is related to the snake in the Yggdrasil that chews on the souls of the dead and observes the state of the living (Greek mythology I believe). That's soo cool!
Not to be rude but it's in norse mythology not greek