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  1. TheWanderer

    I ask, of course, because of Aizawa's recent badassery

    I ask, of course, because of Aizawa's recent badassery
  2. TheWanderer

    So, out of curiosity, do you keep up on the MHA manga, or do you exclusively watch the anime?

    So, out of curiosity, do you keep up on the MHA manga, or do you exclusively watch the anime?
  3. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    I'd probably be down for a reboot of this too. I know I haven't been that active lately, but I'm coming back around
  4. TheWanderer

    If The Starter Pokemon From The Core Series' Games Were In A Battle Royale, Who Would Win?

    I don't have any particular input on the overall winner here, but I feel that Charizard would probably have complete aerial supremacy, considering its... significant advantage over Decidueye, which might ultimately give it a slight upper hand. In addition, most rock or water type attacks seem to...
  5. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    As Edward made his way to breakfast on his first full day at the Battle Spire, he absentmindedly scrawled a few things in his notebook about the previous night's battle - Conclusion: In addition to the need to maintain offensive pressure (See above), it appears that I also have to make sure...
  6. TheWanderer

    Huh. I've been here for a full year now. It honestly feels like a lot longer - I'm certainly in...

    Huh. I've been here for a full year now. It honestly feels like a lot longer - I'm certainly in a different place than I was a year ago.
  7. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    "Hold on a moment!" called out Edward to his opponent, who was walking away, "That was a good -" But she was already gone. Sighing, he called back Morgan and headed over to the terminal. The words "Congratulations Edward Thistle!" were displayed in big letters on the screen, and checking...
  8. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    I don't know what they're planning, but we have the edge in a waiting game - right? "Morgan!" Edward called out, "Focus, predict, and strike!" He was originally hoping to have the Dusknoir attack Glaceon's shelter, but when the Glaceon started popping up out of holes, the plan still remained...
  9. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Distracted by the Umbreon's defeat, neither Edward nor Dino saw the Glaceon's attack coming. Finally, a breakthrough, thought the trainer, We might actually be able to pull this off! From behind the Haxorus, a wave of ice covered the ground, trapping his feet for long enough that the Glaceon...
  10. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join My Hero Academia: The Next Generation Of Heroes

    Hearing the other boy enter the room, Gosa turned around. "Hi! My name is Gosa Kousoku! It's nice to meet you, Manuel!" He glanced aside and finished smoothing out the sheets. What else was there to say to his new roommate? Oh! Gosa had caught sight of the Chargebolt poster that Manuel was...
  11. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

    @Manu456Alola Sorry! I got caught up in a whole bunch of stuff and forgot about this RP. I'll make another post when I have some time.
  12. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Umbreon's Iron Tail managed to stop Dino in his tracks, preventing him from progressing much further, but given that the Haxorus was somewhere in the ballpark of four times heavier - and with a low center of mass - it was unable to fully trip him. With the Umbreon right beneath him, Dino's head...
  13. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    @Merciless Medic With a challenging roar, Dino let out a blast of sound and darkness (Snarl) that enveloped the weaker attacks and mitigated their effects to some degree. However, he staggered back as the Confuse Ray took effect, making him dizzy. Barely fighting through the confusion, Dino...
  14. TheWanderer

    [CLOSED] Possible Gen I Game-Based Story (16+)

    @Merciless Medic Thanks! I'm sorry I haven't been active all that much recently - I'm kind of drowning in classwork and exams right now, so I haven't had much time, but I should have some more time to finish the Pokemon bios soon, assuming nothing new crops up.
  15. TheWanderer

    [CLOSED] Possible Gen I Game-Based Story (16+)

    That certainly sounds like it would lead to some interesting interactions - I'd love to see where it goes! Also, with regards to the Articuno thing, what you said makes sense, so I'll put in the Persian as a member of his team for the majority of his journey, at least until whatever happens with...
  16. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Twin balls of light charged up at the tip of each of Dino's tusks, erupting into brilliant purple Dragon Pulses. Each one shot out, intercepting the Umbreon's projectiles, and exploded into yet another light show of colorful energy. Charging through the smoke and flashy lights, Haxorus lunged...
  17. TheWanderer

    [CLOSED] Possible Gen I Game-Based Story (16+)

    I'm always down to create a character for something! Name: Alexander Redwood Gender: Male Age (10-16): 15 Sexuality: Asexual Hometown: Celadon City Appearance (Eye Color/Hair Color and Style/Skin Color/Other Noticeable Markings or Piercings/Body Build/Height and Weight/Clothes): Alexander...
  18. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Dino disappeared under the downpour of ice and snow. He stood up and shook it off, only to be struck by the explosion from Umbreon's Dark Pulse. The Haxorus was now breathing heavily and getting worn down, but Rayquaza be damned if he was going down just yet. He stomped into the ground, roaring...
  19. TheWanderer

    Would You Rather....(Anime Version)

    Battle Ash and Pikachu because, you know, I would really prefer not to get burned alive. Also, Ash is an idiot, so I'm fairly confidant I could beat him. If I actually have a Pokemon to battle with, that is. Because there's no way I'm fighting that lightning rat in hand-to-hand combat. Would...
  20. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Gusts of freezing air whipped around the battlefield as Dino was battered by the whirling Blizzard. Roaring again, this time in pain and anger, the Haxorus raised his head to the sky and shot a ball of blazing light into the air. As the ball reached the peak of its flight, it broke into several...